SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

I get what you’re saying, but it feels especially helpless in SFV. She has too many ways to get round your fireball game, and beats you roundly when she gets close.

In SF4 she still had to respect your zoning game to a large degree, and had to take calculated risks to get in. In CVS2 she had to respect the space control of st.HP and cr.HP. In this game she just doesn’t give a shit about anything you’ve got going on. Once she’s in, she’s in unless you do some off-hand shit like DPing her through her plus frames. That won’t stop her because now you’re out of meter and she has you right where she wants you.

He must be strong. It is the responsibility of the king.

Messing around with VT1 also. This Cammy stayed almost as grounded as Cammys usually do vs my Falke. Good sign.

Actually it already has invincibility even when it’s not in VT1. It’s fully invincible frames 3-6 so the common frame traps (ones that only beat 3 framers due to priority) Bison gets out of for a bar.

In VT1 it just turns into a reversal because it’s fully invincible frames 1-25.


So much for limited reversal options. With that and sitting on the longest 3 frame and a solid v reversal he’ll get out eventually. That’s why command grabbers slow him down because they can blow up his block before he can start mashing.

Just got done watching the video. While Bonchan’s space control is great as is expected, the Cammy also showed him way too much respect. Also had a few execution hiccups. I dunno man, the match still looks bjorked to me.

There’s usually a reason why people respect. So main way for Cammy to disrespect is to go to the air vs ranged characters. Problem is that one, Sagat has OD AA that hurts so Cammy player knows this and isn’t going to go up there. He has anti airs that can consistently shut down dives so it’s not worth it. Two, even low shots are hard to jump over consistently (kinda have to do it on read) so you’ll see those times where he starts going into low shot patterns knowing Cammy can’t do anything about it jump wise without getting AA’d.

Cammy player could play more crazy, but what she can do solidly or consistently to get in on Sagat is very limited. Especially with his AA’s and the low shot frame data. Then once she is sitting still he starts throwing the s.MK’s, c.MK’s and s.LK’s to check her further. This is similar to the Falke match where once you learn your angles and things to control her she can’t do anything without you being able to do something in retaliation. Other than praying you choke up they have to let you dictate the range of the match.

If anything it’ll be more characters like Rog that give Sagat problems. Rog can raggo through fireball neutral without having to go up in the air. Cammy has to go up to tear through neutral and Sagat not gonna let her go up other than a few times where he falls asleep or just doesn’t have the reaction. Those list of anti airs I put up is a literal nightmare for a Cammy player in this game. He has enough anti airs (and damaging ones) for a refugee camp.

The match is not unwinnable. It’s just in her favour… By a lot, in my opinion. Though that may just be more down to my unfamiliarity with this game as a whole. I only started playing it again properly because I will play any game Sagat is in. I’ll play the match more and see how it develops but right now my knee-jerk response is she is a problem.

@Highlandfireball help me improve my fireball game I’m not an OG I’ve never used plasma like Sagat does


Ok so I’m a noob to fgc’s in general, I played awhile back but not too much so I’m back at fighters now, I have a question, I read somewhere on Twitter a guy said that according to Evo day 1 and day 2 data, if sfv had its top 8 at 9pm just like dbz instead of 2am then sfv would have peaked at around 280-290K viewers since both days when both sfv and dbz were on sfv had double the viewers. And that sfv still has the record for most watched finals anyways since it had 2.1M viewers one time it was on espn or something like that. No offense to anyone but it’s common sense to believe it would have had more viewers at Evo than dbz based on the numbers both had when they were streamed at the same time, but I’m not sure about the 2.1M viewers, can anyone say if I read right?

Enough people ive seen have already said that SFV clearly would have got even larger numbers if Evo staff didn’t pull that 30 minute intermission. Sunday night even in summer can only hold so many people up.

Yea I watched the finals and it was 2 in the morning I believe, but for 3/4ths of the USA alone it was too late, way too late, the guy mentions that every game broke their own viewer record, games like tekken and even GG? So it’s silly not to think sfv would have smashed its own record. 4am in Europe I believe.

I fucking love G

The style, animations… THE STYLE. Like every little mannerism with his walking animation or his finishing animations, the goofy as fuck presidential speech move that does nothing


Throwing fireballs effectively is just hard. Its probably one of the hardest things to do in SF as a whole.

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The speech builds meter.


Speaking of G, if you already have level 3 presidentiality remember to cancel into his speech instead of G Charge (any instance you can cancel into G Charge, you can cancel into the speech instead)

They both have the exact same frame count except the speech gives you a nice chunk of meter even if you don’t hold the buttons down, instead of doing G Charge at level 3 and getting nothing


Casual night with Falke was a massive disgrace with tens of losses and maybe 6 or so wins.
Can’t wait to do that again tomorrow.
Maybe I should start a new CFN to play with her, but for now I will stick to losing to gold and ultra silver people with her.

I need to lab her buttons and her fireballs. Fireball game in SFV is so difficult to understand.

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You didn’t do too bad. Her shots aren’t terribly hard to start with since they dont require motion any way. You’ll just have to get her button placement and conversion game down. Luckily you’re keeping charge often which is very important to playing her in most matchups. There’s some situations where you should let it go (if you’re holding MP) to use j.MP (and sometimes c.MP) but other than that, good start at least.

Yeah you’ll want to put your AA’s together because I’m sure you’re getting jumped on when you dont need to be. She could EX spiral through a fireball but that requires her being at the right range and its minus on block any ways so she doesn’t wanna go for that too much. When she pops V trigger you’ll have to calm the shots down a bit, but you still got buttons and AA.

I would say the match is likely go in Sagat’s favor. Even at worst. Not being able to jump over shots on reaction with Sagat’s damaging AA is a big problem for her gameplan.

I promise you whenever you fight a decent Rog you’re going to for sure have more problems than you ever could vs Cammy.

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Looks like some Hammy players I’ve fought before. The most Hammy Cammy I fought was named Mr.IDGAF. He basically played exactly how his name described.


You press butt tons. You win.

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