SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

I’ll make considerations for fixing tomorrow. Tonight just let the world burn.

I made to gold with S3.5 Gief. What do you have there to top that, eh?


I’m well below average though so it doesn’t fit me

I don’t like cringing whenever I hear my own tag called at tourneys

Akhos is way better

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Akhos sounds like you are dyslexic and messed spelling Shoka.


Bunch of Virgin Kings in here. We need more presidentiality


What’s the consensus on G right now? Is his VT robbery enough for him to not have any defensive options whatsoever? Are his buttons good enough to keep people out and fish for a confirm into charge that his lack of defense isn’t an issue?

Akhos is me stop being so mean

“Wrong about frame data? I can’t let that stand”

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I hear ProblemX is doing work with him. He has really good buttons, just he starts out as kinda gimmicky due to having nothing for defensive options other than V Skill and has to bank on getting his presidentiality up make his special moves stronger.

You’ll probably get different opinions from different pepole for a while. He’s like if Dan had better buttons and could be powered up to be Dark Dan and rob people if he gets going. Very hard to evaluate especially on week one, but would be a big gamble to put in tournaments right now IMO.

so use Akhos at tournies only

Some of the local guys were complaining about his normals. Didnt really get a chance to try him out against people yet.

They dont feel bad though.


I don’t like using the name here either tho

That’s part of the issue. G’s Normals aren’t “bad” persay, but nowhere near good enough to coincide with the gameplan he wants to be doing. Those normals would be fine if he had to way to fend off maulers, or could impose his will far more (hence why they suddenly become scary under VT1). In a vacuum though, they’re fine normals.

G is good if you got them presidential aspirations.


i just realized f. MK has to be blocked low, so that’s actually pretty good. maybe for when your opponent has barely any life left, this could get the kill but you will lose your turn after if it was blocked since it’s -2

Just do the special. EX DP

I really like watching Nemo’s G. Dude makes him look super viable, Plus his VT1 seems really gross since it doesn’t run out nearly as fast as you think it would. He can take you from one end of the screen to the other like Balrog but he still has like 35% gauge left and has a fireball. I love it.

The Monster Hunter costumes are not available on the in-game shop for real money. :unamused:
You can only buy them in a bundle.
I have negative interest in Ken’s costume, so forget about this.

Ey boss I need that trailer music from the G reveal.


how could you have figured out his entire matchup spread on day 3