SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

Turn the game back on for G and Sagat and end up playing Falke all evening.

I’m sure this won’t work at higher ranks but where I’m at right now (low Platinum) she’s a low-effort easy win character. Press buttons on the ground until they jump, then press two buttons simultaneously and watch them kill themselves. I suppose she sucks against zoners because zoners tend to not jump at you but everyone else is a walk in the park right now.

Not buying the swimsuit though, we’re not quite there yet in our relationship.

Unfortunately the servers always seem to shit the bed after big update and Monday’s was probably the biggest single SFV update outside of AE.

That makes sense. As it is now I genuinely have no idea how the fuck people can play this game online.

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When’s Rose?


A question I would certainly like to know.

Fuck, you just adequately described why I like playing Falke.

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Hey! My scrubness is much bigger then theirs! [puts it out] Here, look!
But I probably must cut a lady some slack? So I’m confused what my rank is.

Got some some good matches today. Gold Sagat wannabes can be so adorable trying to raw guard crush (aka to scare a hedgehog with a bare ass). Found out the reason my Otoshi is wiffing after AAxxV.skill. It’s not they are walking/dashing. It’s me pressing the button to early.

Messed up some matches trying to figure out my execution problems. Those mid-combo/should-be-dash jumps are pissing me off.
I can do all the needed stuff almost 10/10 in training, Periodically I drop diagonals in FB motion, but I’ll deal with it later.
It so happens that In a match my thumb slides into south-east position so I’m getting a diagonal instead of left and god knows how right.
I was so happy to finally find moves screwing up my grip. It was back-dashing and crouch blocking on the right side. The damned thumb doesn’t touch the ball during them and never returns back to proper position after.
It felt soooo good to feel a bit of reliability in my combos once i started to control this shit.
Platinum scrubs (they exist, right?), I’m coming for you!


Speaking of Falke’s ease of use, she’s definitely the total opposite of G. That guy falls apart when he gets knocked down. Pres Level -1, no defensive options whatsoever so he can be disrespected all day and his AA game is awful too.

I’m going to use him in lounges from time to time because he’s fun but definitely not going to play him against randoms. I don’t expect to see him in tournaments anytime soon either, gimmick characters like this don’t work in SFV when you have an entire Season 1 and Season 2 built mostly around easymode characters with strong stuff right off the bat.


Current list of discovered Sagat AA’s

  • s.LP (everyone needs one of these, not bad vs regular/EX cammy dives from distance, empty jumps, early jumps etc)

  • s.HP (no real need to use over s.HK, but not bad far distance either way)

  • High tiger shot (good for preemptively stuffing dives or certain regular jumps, shoots a line across the air as usual.

  • Regular/EX tiger uppercuts (very very good AAs. like IV take up so much screen space that Cammy pretty much cant dive without eating them, just remember to use LP if they are nearing that sweep jump distance)

  • f+HK kara LP upper (particularly strong as it covers a lot of bases, moves your LP TU forward a bit to hit farther AAs it would normally whiff, if you screw it up still get f+HK)

  • s.HK (RIDICULOUS AA. 7 frame start up, 90 damage (108 on CC), 4 ACTIVE, 150 STUN! even more on counter, good vs neutral jumpers USE THIS)

  • f+HK (more situational than s.HK, much slower start than s.HK, but causes 1juggle state even on regular hit so good if you want guaranteed damage, also good vs neutral jumps, best use to combo into super for HUGE damage)

  • LK/MK tiger knee (slow but really good vs preemptive jumps from distance. knocks back pretty far on hit and pretty good hit box, works well vs anything frontal other than really high dives, even if trades can mash tech and take advantage of spacing, can add kara vs slow/shallow jump characters for extra range)

  • EX knee (CRAZY corner push, use similarly early on jumps, makes it good for starting offense pushing people into corner to trap with shot game and knees)

  • j.MP (5 frame start, very long hit box, 2 hits but can space to hit once, juggles, very good vs Akuma/Falke air fireballs best options vs them)

  • Super (1+6 F start up, pretty much going to catch any front jump pretty free, BIG damage. Can also work after f+HK juggle or s.HK CC. s.HK CC super does 380 damage.


Lol 90 damage.

FFS Capcom, make anti airs deal damage.


It’s 108 on CC and you will be getting that CC. Which adds v build and if you have angry charge more v build. With 150 stun (180 on CC) its perfect where it is (nice change for a heavy AA).

If you get the CC and are anywhere near them at all its basically way more than 108. If super get supered.

It’s so refreshing to fight against Sagat. It makes me remember my footsie game.

All thay screams wack. Make normals deal more damage on single hits. I need to see people die without landing a combo.


who do you main?

They’d have to give normals with 200 Damage to incentivize that in this game. Too much reward otherwise.

ST days not coming back. Gotta confirm and CAWMBO

People are saying VT2 can account for something defensively, but even then sounds like big read. Overall though he makes Alex and Vega look alright on close defense and that’s hard to do.

Probably not gonna see much G in ranked. Pres level stuff plus only v skill or super as noteworthy defensive options outside of VT2 is the stuff that will scare CFN warriors away. Some people have been hyping him up, but he’s one of the rare characters that I’m not really feeling. I think this is a bad game to level up your ability to be strong in and with his defensive options being about entirely preemptive that’s not a good look in the long run. If you feed him and he gets hot he can get pretty stupid and has supposedly the longest ranged command grab in the game. Just it seems like you can also go cold with him and the cold seems really bad.

Falke needs some more cheap stuff, but more sturdy neutrally and defensively than him. Pretty much get a character that can command neutral vs a lot of others and gets some solid damage dump with a bit of meter.

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Make a bunch of characters that slow down the game and force people to play more thoughtfully, game betters better.

But hey, it wasn’t like the people saying the neutral was ass and needed to fixed were right or anything.


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One day the shotos and Vega will be able be played thoughtfully again.


Vega has only been thoughtfully played in one game, let’s be real.

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