SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

Reminder to not listen to any American players about SF since we didn’t win EVO again. Only EU and Japan advice wlll be taken.


At this point he should get GH since the current trend of zoning characters can deal with Gief. But instead we will get 100+ buffs to the trash counter.


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Ah. Thanks.

@Phantom_Miria yes, G’s command grab has probably the biggest range for a throw in the entire game. Which compensates the fact it’s also insanely slower .


Kara grab without the kara

I have yet to have a match today where the opponent doesn’t teleport constantly.
What’s up with this damn netcode. D:

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You on PC or PS4? Playing ranked or casual/lounge?

I usually play on PC now since that doesn’t have the variable offline lag stuff and if make sure to select ask for fight requests for ranked/casual so I can see the bar strength before the match starts. Usually helps out. Sometimes I’ll request PC search only as well. Less chance you’ll run into wifi warrior if you get a PC player.

In general though I’ve been pretty lucky on PS4 and especially now on PC. Rare laggy match, but other than that pretty stable. Played Frost for a long set PC to PC no problems across Atlantic Ocean.


The netcode is pretty bad but I don’t really experience these constant rollbacks (and I remember it was surprisingly bad when I played you). You opened up all the required ports on your router, right?

Jin never winning a Major.

Always play in the tournament set ups. Learn the variable input lag. Make it a part of your bloodstream. Develop an irregular heartbeat. Make sure you have a jazzy rhythm to your offense that’ll unsettle the straight laced traditionalists that won’t DP when they forcibly put themselves in a negative position.


To my knowledge, yeah, though I might have to double-check that.

And to others: I’m on PC. Most of my sets today was against people living within a three hour drive from here. Went on ranked now, it’s mostly unchanged.

But then how am I supposed to use my Felicia mod

So… just a quick sagat question whats F.Mk use outside of kara cancels? I just noticed even in sf4 I only used it for that as well. Many thanks.

LOL. Luckily I’ve played on PS4 way more than PC where it wouldn’t be too hard to adjust.

I mean, look at this nonsense. People gonna get baited all day and it’s great. Hell, I got baited to hell and back and it was nice.


Counterhit f.MK gives a combo. You can link it into st.LK xx TU, or cr.LP xx TU. Also it’s worth throwing out in neutral once in a while to catch them off guard as has above average range and hits low. Wouldn’t rely on it much though.

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Cool beans, I kinda thought as much!