SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

Smash Ultimate shaping up to be the best fighting game ever

We even got Simon Belmont now

Smash is not afraid of good buttons unlike a certain other game :eyes:

Too bad smash scene afraid of items and fun stages.

That’s fucking hype though. Do have enough friends to enjoy the shit out of it, don’t have a Switch to do so with though. :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

Nah i dont like it. Only if the King gets in will i give it a shot.

You have King K. Rool now, close enough


Capgod doing it right.

Trade knee AA is back. Gief and Abi gotta go back to the beginning of the stage.

Works very well as a clean AA, but still get the spacing advantage if you trade.


Vt1 might be the key

I didn’t get to test this but anyone know how much if any gauge does doing his v skill give him?

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Not enough for how niche it is. It’s like 25% of a bar.

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I feel like Falke does REALLY well vs Sagat. When i played the MU, it felt good to me.


Yeah she can really throw off his AA game and proning under shots forces him to play closer to you. If when he gets within f+MK range that he is more of a problem for you, but you can bait with air fireballs and fake dive for AA. His s.HK AA is really good for neutral jumps and if you go airborne too much j.MP AA juggle is ready for you.

I would say overall slight advantage for Falke because he has to move in and play out of his gameplan to start the round plus she also has the AA to deal with him needing to jump in to take back leads. Her j.MP can force him to throw bad AA’s and give you punish.

The LordW is Back :coffee:

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That Richter reveal though.



If there’s one match that hasn’t changed in this game for Sagat from SF4, it’s the mirror. Peeps still haven’t figured out how the Tiger Shot exchange works in the match and just throw them out without any kind of forethought or cadence.

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I still remember learning that match. Using high tiger shots to beat the recovery of low shots as they rise back up.

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Embracing those S3.5 Gief buffs fully.
By sending him to the side lines for the next two months.


Good to know.
Falke has always struggled against other zoners, so I was afraid that Sagat would have been another bad matchup.

Pretty much one of the biggest keys a lot of players can’t seem to wrap their head round man.

I dont have a problem with any of the zoners other than Menat and even that’s not terrible.

Angry Charge AA CC s.HK, HP TU. 236 damage, 324 stun, builds 80 percent of a v bar.

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Finally, you understand my child.

It is only for two months. I will switching around Falke and Sakura during that time.
Then Gief will come back to the spot light.
There is no way I am dropping him forever. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh you say that now, but after you’ve had your cleansing period you’ll truly understand that you’re far better off without him.