SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

Yoooo Vega just teleported out of the corner?! WTF shit is cheap.

Not sure what’s going on in the other video, but doesn’t seem as good.



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I’m glad Capcom is doing a weekly show again. And I’m glad it’s nothing like Capcom Pro Talk. I enjoyed Capcom Pro Talk for what it was, but never liked it as the official show of the Capcom Pro Tour. It was just Mike and friends dicking around for an hour. I hope this new show will do more serious analysis and breakdowns of the CPT.

The fun stuff will still be there so it’s not going to be professional all the time so I look forward to see how the show is going to be like.


They do random buffs to the system somtimes with every update. Small quality of life changes that usually go under the rug by Capcom.

Maybe with the Dojo update tomorrow we might get something along those lines. Not expecting much tho…

Some new info on Street Fighter League

-Japan only
-Starts in Spring 2019
-Will have 6 teams with a mix of pro’s and amateurs

I’m disappointed that it’ll only be 6 teams. That means only a total of 18 players. Throw in unlicensed players and that means a lot of pro’s won’t be involved in this. But it’s just the 1st year of this so hopefully it’ll grow in the future so more players can get involved.

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Those SFIV tracks were apparently out from the Sound Box collection, which was released in 2014.

I used to remember SBO had their own tracks used for advertisement purposes from the same composer… perhaps they are in this set too/derived from the trailers.

Memory lane edit: Just found out that I wasn’t mistaking things and that there was a Vanilla SFIV pachislot. The interesting thing was that in it looked like in-game model stages based off of story mode… or otherwise based solely for the pachislot field. Example being Rufus’s opening with the desert station, that stage was in there.

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Wait, what happens if you’re fighting against a character that has a command grab for example Laura and your character doesn’t have an invincible wake up? Wouldn’t Laura just be able to keep on command grabbing you after the first command grab?

Kinda works that way yeah. Your only way out if they can meaty the next command grab is backdash out, super or guess jump out. All options with little reward for you and lots of reward for them if they guess right.

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You just have to work out which characters can loop you and which can’t, then you can just jab wake up to stop it. I made video of the loops and there was a list floating about as well. The video is on my channel ( look up total-sagat , the video is called don’t grab me)

Basically only zangief can meterless command grab you with HP SPD. I think everyone else needs meter or a set up ( like a normal throw). Trying to think now. . Alex - No, Laura - Meter only, Mika - I think throw , Birdie - with meter , G - No, Cody … Not even sure. Vega - with meter?

It’s not a big list. For your original point Laura cant just loop you, it’s not a true loop.

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If Honda looked like this ingame I’d gladly let him turtle me for 99 seconds every round.


Wait, a jump beats out a meaty command grab?

Ah ok so not every character with a command grab can loop you then? Are you saying that without meter a wake up jab will beat it?

Basically yeah. Jins options are also viable - back dash and jump. A very good one is also forward jump, against Abigail for example, almost all of his options lose if you jump forward.

You can also not tech wake up - so in Zangiefs loop you can stay down ( don’t quick rise) and the loop will miss. However some characters then have frame kills to cover that. It’s still good to mix wake ups against grapplers.

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It’s also worth looking into properly timed meaty block → jump. If they successfully meaty, you block. If they cmd grab, you should be able to jump in time if you’re precision is on point. This is good for those that plays by the book by either telling themselves “time to go do RPS of A: well-timed SPD; B: meaty Cr.Jab or CC fun.”

Speaking of which, another habit pattern I’m seeing lately that’s kind of been a thing even since Season 1 but gets by more often due to pushback patch changes as of late (especially since throw nerfs, noticing this using Ken). It is the same thought process as above but after a knockdown: meaty crouch block ~ crouch Jab → instant walkback → instant crouch block. This answers 3 things in 1:

  • Meaty attacks being blocked successfully
  • Someone attempting to throw off of a tick normal (you walk back and make it whiff, therefore leaves an opporunity to whiff punish the throw)
  • Blocking 2nd hit CH follow-ups.

The only true lose situations from this patterns are delayed attacks on wake-up (loses to mashed Lights from the opponent however) and quick/low blockstun such as Lights into a quick Low attack (such as a Low Forward) into special confirms. Throws too, but being point-blank for a throw on opponent’s wake-up is very rare in this game.


Yeah , that’s why Cammy and Karin are so good, they can check that with Low medium confirm into special.

Thats why I don’t like shitty cr.mk that don’t connect into specials at max range. Youre left with one poke. It’s also why shit bag ibuki is good because she can cr.mk xx trigger if you try to walk out the retarded st.mk pressure.


This is what I’ve been complaining about since season 1. You can fuzzy/OS timing select and get out of a lot of offenses. I know because I use it, and I p,ay aga8nst people that also use it, it’s very intuitive even if people don’t know that they are doing it. You get hit for trying to jab? Stop jabbing. Then you get thrown for not jabbing, start to tech, then you get shimmied for teching… the easiest answer here is to walk backwards for 2-5 frames, then block low, then jab after you’ve blocked low for 2 or more frames.

Game is dumb as shit. AA’s should be better and throws should own you if you let someone get close.


Leaked image of Cammy’s S4 form after she gets buffed. She also gets 2 assists as new vtrigger.


Really good mod, I liked that costume in SFIV.

The problem with throws is you get nothing after it. I think the threat of a jump in or walk up throw should be greater. It’s one of the things in the game that feels unnatural because they’ve manufactured it that when you throw someone there’s either too much distance or not enough time. It doesnt feel right. It feels like the games been chipped into rainbow edition.

I was thinking about this the other day for another reason why some characters are better than others. When you get thrown from Rashid or Bison they throw you right across the screen. I’'d actually rather have that than what Sagat has now, where I get a “sort of shit” bit of pressure.

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There are lots of metrics they can use to make throws better without giving you corner push or strong wakeup oki.

One is simply… damage. Make throws do 200 with no corner push or oki and all of a sudden they are kinda relevant again, because w of them do like half life, and 3 do 2/3rds

Another thing they can do is make them have massive range or make them have a VERY small break window.

Another thing they can do is make them do small amounts of damage but big amounts of stun.

Throws in sf5 are super weak, and like DJ has been saying for years, it might be because grey damage is in the game… but I think it’s actually the other way around. Grey damage is in the game because throws are weak.

As it is right now there is nothing cheap or abusive about throws and that makes the entire game suspect becaus it makes blocking stronger than what it should be. Blocking has always been something you use to beat ranged offense and shit in neutral. Once your opponent gets really close, blocking has always been pretty bad traditionally in most games. This makes sense because in order to get close you have to beat the opponent at neutral which is usually the most skilled part of the game, and now you enjoy a very strong position. This makes the entire strategy very cohesive.

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