SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

Surprised they had the time in between Chun-Li costumes.

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I never play Gief, but I feel obligated to get this costume. I always had a thing for Mech Gief. Whenever I played him in SF4, that was my go to choice. It always reminded me of Colossus from the X-Men.


Falke’s V-Skill in the neutral is mad useless. It got long startup, bad hitboxes and hurtboxes so you can get hit if you try to absorb fireballs, it has long recovery even if you manage to absorb one (and you can only absorb 1 hit fireballs), and why would you ever want to absorb fireballs anyway since it doesn’t give you any V-Meter.

It becomes good in V-Trigger, both of them, and that’s only because it becomes cancelable. Otherwise it’s just a combo ender, and as a combo ender it’s one you want to use only if you’re desperate to build V-Meter.

According to a Super/Ultra Diamond Falke player I know if you space it just right you can make it hard to punish on block, even if it’s -10, and that’s nice for V-Meter building, but I’ve never used it that way.

Nice to see you on the Falke bandwagon though.

Damn! That’s the best looking Mecha Zangief yet. And Capcom is giving it away for free? those little fools

Nobody plays Zangief but everyone faps to Cammy and Chun

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You can play around with that if the opponent doesn’t know what’s going on or if they’re about to die as they get nervous. If they have a quick EX move or a fast super ready don’t bother as you’ll definitely get hit.

The gimmick is almost worth it if you’re about to get trigger vs characters that have a harder time punishing it, but there’s no reason to just like do it at the start of the round. The tiny v gauge you get is not worth being minus 10 defensively vs the opponent.




Abigail is the closest you’re going to get to no fireball defensive wall/offensive grab character. Enjoy him and see Honda in SF6.

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I hope Honda never makes it, he is so lame.


Troll Hawk is cooler


source please im not trollin

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Says it’s from Martin Wong. Probably knows Justin.

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Was on the front page of a certain site we do not name. Just right click and search Google for image if desperate…

Who knows, honestly i love watching Blanka in this game, he is very hype to watch IMO so maybe since they did the impossible and made me not despise Blanka, maybe the can do the same with Honda.


all of his other pictures are baka, shame


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Only hope is for SNK Heroines Honda gender bend. No waifu no chance.

How is Honda lame? I thought E. Honda was a rushdown character, would fit right into SFV :slight_smile: