SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

This is nice and dandy…
But why a new KOF and not a new Garou?

Ve never really gone for the “this top player doesn’t use this” argument. Some people don’t use things because they aren’t comfortable with them, others because they have a strategy and that move isn’t a part of the strategy.

Idk, I’ve become somewhat of an expert using the move because um, it’s like, really easy to use… here’s how to use it. Notice that these things are matchup and player specific, like you use AA’s against people that jump. You don’t use AA’s against people that DONT jump… pretty self explanatory:

Why use st.hp over cr.hp?

St.hp confirms on normal hit, doesn’t need CH to confirm.
St.hp is slightly faster.
St.hp is just as easy to wiff punish mostly but in some cases slightly harder to wiff punish.
St.hp can be canceled into itself on block and is an easy blocked white chip setup into v trigger.

Why use cr.hp over st.hp?

CH confirm is more damaging.
Hit and hurtbox on cr.hp lends it to having better priority versus certain outstretched moves
Is not -5 and punishable on block like st.hp, also doesnt give up turn on block. On regular hit if close enough, gives full combo, this makes it an excellent blockstring move because it’s good on block, hit and counterhit.
Is slow enough to perfectly hit delay tech attempts.

Matchup specific uses:

Versus slow standing normals, like chuns st.hp, gats st.mk and st.hk, most other characters CC moves.
Giefs that like to spam cr.lp
Sagats that are afraid of sticking out normals because they don’t want their shit to get CC’d so they start to throw fireballs instead… if akuma reads this he can walk in and CC the fireballs on startup, just have to watch for the jump.

Player specific uses:

Versus players that like to pre emptively stick shit out to keep akuma from either walking in or dashing in.

Who NOT to use it on:

Players that jump a lot.
Players that are obviously trying to bait it to wiff
Players and characters that have fast startup standing or crouching normals with big range (Cammy st.mk and cr.mk, Karin st.mk, Chun fmp etc)
Players that use gief and only know how to use v skill and charged hp.

It’s not a move I would use against akuma or Cammy without some sort of read. Against akuma I’d have to read the akuma player being more ground based and aggressive with his forward walks into buttons. With Cammy I’d have to read her leaning on on her heavies… which she would never do unless she’s looking for an activation… so I’d basically on,y use it when I’m thinking she’s trying to activate.


Bla bla bla overly obvious streetfighter stuff.

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At 8:50 in this video, you basically see exactly how the move is used. Fuudo gets scared and starts to just press buttons randomly trying to keep tokido away. Tokido says fuck that and CC’s fuudo with a cr.hp that would have massively whiffed had fuudos Mika not been extending a hurtbox.

It’s footsies 101.

I’d argue that players not using the move has more to do with what they are playing against, not that the move in and of itself is bad. IMHO this is DJ putting the cart before the horse and mixing up causality. Like the guy that drives uber and has chicks hitting on him all the time and thinking that it’s him and not the fact that the chicks are drunk, alone, horny and willing to jump on the first thing that approaches a non creep.

I’d also argue that cr.hp is the more “pro” button. It has less range than st.hp and slower startup… it trades those ease of use things for higher damage output on success than st.hp.


I’m kinda suprized Nemo didn’t pull out his G… The match with Fuudo was a wash. G may not have the greatest defence options but he has destructive offense, and that all you need to win in this game.

All it takes is cr.lp > cr.lp > ex smash to get party started.

But It will, mark my word Jin.

If Capcom is gonna nerf her VT in any way, it will probably have to do with scaling or something. They knew damned well by 3.5 that its a VERY powerful VT and they kept it that way, and the same for Abigial’s VT1.

Another KOF in the works ?

So soon ? I mean sure, the last one was not a success but i wasn’t expecting another so soon.

Feel like the new kof might just be a big overhaul of 14 in the unreal engine with some new characters

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The overall V-System will be revised, I think the initial idea of a power-up goes a bit too far with some characters, having a bad VT it’s like declaring dead a character from the start. I’m a bit worried about the X-Kira leaks, the addition at the V-System could make everything even worse.

That’s why hearing players ideas was a bad move from Capcom, because of his heterogeneity the V-System is almost impossible to balance.

Nemo has next to no defence from what I’ve experienced, which is why he probably hate’s grapplers so much.

I’ve played blokes like him before, they just bank on their offence overwhelming whatever you have to offer. Tokido is much more well rounded, although his character does also allow him to be well rounded.

When you play the pace of the match high like that lots of fuck ups can happen, the both of them must have dropped at least two run of the mill combo’s each, maybe more.


Nemo and defense in the same sentence? Smh. Not in sf5.

Nemo’s usual adjustment if he loses, is to be more offensive.

If he jumped 10 times last round he will jump 20 times in the next one, or he will simply dash more.


Pretty much. At top level his c.HP is used way more specifically than people go on about. All of the random OP uses of it pretty much go away at that level for very specific uses that maximize the opponent’s tendencies or catch them trying to mash on both wake ups. While the majority of the time most of his other buttons are used instead.

That wouldn’t work too well. G is probably the new absolute worst character defensively to go along with Vega. Vega you could even argue one step up due to OD back walk and a 3 frame. Which ties him with G’s 4 frame but having a super to check people since he doesn’t have to rely on EX much. Either way only being able to rely on 4 frame, backdash, v reversal (which potentially ends your comeback potential) or super is not a good look vs Mika.

I mainly see G like Cody. Good, but basically in the long run a lesser Urien. They have more braindead AAs and more extreme offense arguably with trigger involved, but at the expense of the defensive comfort that Urien has with an auto correcting charge based EX DP that allows him to extend block strings due to fear of it. Plus regular headbutts that work as throw beaters in some situations.

G is going to be screwed if Mika gets momentum at all vs him. If G chooses to V Reversal one of her many block to EX grab set ups he could be throwing away his comeback potential before he gets it. If he chooses to hold on to it he has to hope that he makes an unpractical amount of defensive reads vs her command grabs and buttons that can all lead to stun/death if he doesn’t guess right nearly all the time. Might as well just use Urien really. If you V Reversal with Urien you still have EX headbutts ready to make her think about her offense. If you blow V Reversal with G you may not get trigger until you’re dead as you’ll either get thrown out of your v reversal or just have to keep blocking and taking command grabs until the round is over.

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Nemo would be a perfect subject to use Makoto, full throttle offense, hate for grapplers. Ain’t gonna happen, at least Urien has a reversal.

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Makes sense to me. This is the series that used to have a game release literally every year. It was only when they went from yearly sequels to numerical sequels that there was a longer gap inbetween sequels. Which KOF 13 came out like a year after KOF12 due to the backlash of the gameplay and the sprites looking visually blown out. KOF14 is like the next KOF 12 where the meh overall reception of the game before and during launch kinda forces the issue of remedying it with a quick sequel.

Plus Makoto is going to be reserved for Haitani any way. Nobody is going to out Makoto Haitani unless Shiroitachi or Misse get back in.

Nice thing Makoto has going for her also is that since Capcom is finally giving some room for karas to work off specials again, that is pretty opportune for when Makoto comes back.

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I really want makoto and rose…

I feel like G was makoto Prep for the masses lol.

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Possible. Although I’d say about now is the breaking point for whether they change the bars or timer for Abi and Menat VT1.

Like Ibuki and Laura are perfect examples. Their V Triggers were already stupid in S1, bled into S2 without much a hitch or change to them and then S3 they finally got chopped up. Ibuki lost most of what made hers good due to change to her trigger and the game. Laura lost the cheapest thing about her S3 trigger in 3.5 and the change to 3 bars was already a crushing blow as it was.

Abi and Menat are in the same boat where they got released late into a season and I feel Capcom didn’t really see enough of where they were headed before AE to make a real change to them. People weren’t hard complaining about these characters until after AE hit. Especially with Abigail where no one really sounded off tons of alarms until a character people felt already was strong got shot into the moon full of buffs. Plus Capcom doesn’t generally due huge changes to the gameplay mid season. Like if they wanted to nerf Urien’s s.HP hit box that wouldn’t change until S4.

CPT forces them to be tight handed until the new season, so S4 will show whether they really see their 2 bar triggers as too much or just let it rock. With the rumors of how crazy they plan to change the V System for arcade cab edition, who knows WTF is going on really.

Why does almost every character in this game make me want to type down that I hate fighting them?

Here’s hoping for some good SCVI netcode. SCV had the best netcode I’ve ever experienced so I hope they took that as a reference point and not the not-so-great Tekken 7 code. I desperately need some new fighting game because this SFV gives me nausea.

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They could be, but I think too often when people are trying to teach newer player they remove the human element way too much. I know when I was coming up I would get the old “Don’t jump, ever!” and “[Insert move] is scrubby, don’t use it, people will figure it out,” and I thought that was horseshit because they DID work, but like anything, they just needed to be tactfully inserted into your game. Jumping is good, and no human is a robot who will AA every time. In fact, if that happens, then you know you are probably telegraphing your jumps a little too much.

We’ve seen this happen a million times even within SFV. “Don’t do dolphin dive, it won’t work after month 1,” “Bison’s dash is totally reactable and won’t work at high level,” “Mika’s dropkick will get hit on reaction,” etc. etc.

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Stupid to wait for new fighting games when stuff is already out. Sango Guardian been on Steam for a hot minute.

Shinkuu Hashin Sho


Most of the issues I’ve seen is just players speaking in hyperbole all the time. “Never jump” is the same as “VT1 is shit”: zero nuance. VT2 may in fact be the right tool for the job in 95% of a character’s MUs, but those 2 problem MUs for VT1 means it is very clearly not shit, and is arguably more valuable because it’s such a highly targeted solution. It’s preventing 2 bad MUs from being 2 viability-destroying MUs that buffing VT2 to the moon & back still wouldn’t help.

Similar with complaints about not letting some characters have their flaws. Take Birdie’s “unpunishable” -5 oB special with high pushback oB, which causes some players to complain that their 3f can’t punish “so nerf Birdie’s move dammit.” But a 3f attack doesn’t guarantee the ability to punish everything under the sun, nor should it. Birdie shuts down hard several close-ranged-footsie characters, who just happen to have a fast-but-not-3f medium as one of their major perks. Birdie’s move is specifically designed to be punished by those chars, but not punishable by the 3f CQC monsters who have little issue bullying him once in, which is something a close-ranged-footsie char can never do. Yet the CQC player thinks Birdie’s move is unfair; they’re not allowing their own character to have the flaw.

I don’t follow this Jibbo guy, but some youtubers etc. just try to spread knowledge merely to inject some nuance into discussion.


One of the reasons I don’t mind Ibuki vs Birdie is that she is one of the few close ranged characters with a legit meterless punish for bullhead. Falke only has super, but super is good enough considering she has pretty good tools vs most of the other stuff he likes to throw around.

Karin has it tough because she has no 5 frame special/normal with range so she has to hold it for the most part.