SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

They can’t because the only premier event Latam has is the regional finals and only the top 8 from the region can enter it. :frowning:
The scene is that sad here.

Lots of issues behind why things are tough in LATAM.

Part of it is that you heathens are stuck playing bullshit ass KoF.

The massive other is how ridiculously expensive electronics are down south.

Clear your filthy mouth with soap! KOF is the greatest thing ever. Too bad we didn’t get a new one after XIII! :angry:


Dat Heroines doe

Maybe you forgot about this but every Regional Finals now has a Premier tournament the day before the actual Regional Finals. And that tournament is open to everybody. If you’re not from the region then you only get Premier points. If you’re from the region then you get Premier points and Regional points, but separately. Basically if you win 1st then you get 700 that only goes towards Global and 150 that only goes towards Regional.

Luffy won the open tournament and got 700 points. But he earned another 130 by getting 5th in the Regional Finals but he could have gotten 1400 if he had won both. So while the LA Regional Final still gets no money, there are a ton of points to be won and dudes that are on the outside or near the bottom of the top 30 will probably be coming for those points.

PS3 sf4 was inferior to Xbox. Shit was slow as fuck, even slower than the arcade version.


Yeah that’s footsies 101 before whiff punishing. A lot of people place whiff punishing as a big part of footsies, but I was taught that the most important thing is just to throw a button at a range where it can’t whiff. That’s what I was instilled with first before even considering whiff punishes. Plus played a lot of older games where you had to deal with buttons that could not be whiff punished with any reliability, so the main thing was just to place your buttons where they don’t whiff.

The thing is though if you play “don’t whiff c.HP” gameplan with Akuma’s c.HP then it effectively only becomes a move you use gain frame advantage from a distance and set up meaties. Which is a far cry from what people who complain about the button worry about. It then just becomes a tool in the tool box rather than the swinging of other CC buttons that is more of an actual issue (more so in S2).

That whole set Tokido only whipped out c.HP with any regularity in the first match and it was for pretty precise scenarios. The very first one he landed was a precise counter poke to a delayed button trap Oil King was going for. You can’t just accidentally use it the way Tokido used it there outside of getting super lucky. Pretty much every c.HP he did landed or crush countered and one of the few c.HP’s he did was a meaty. c.HP has 4 active frames so it’s one of Akuma’s go to buttons for covering wake ups. Which using it for a meaty is like the least scummy thing you can use that button for (considering he also has a trigger that sets up free meaties any way). In that first match all of the c.HP’s Tokido landed were pretty galaxy brain compared to CFN C.HP’s.

The funny thing is he’s playing against a character that has a generally more spammable c.HP and even Oil King isn’t throwing Rashid’s c.HP around much at later parts of the set. They get to a point where both of them are opting for buttons and play that is less risky than what whiffing their c.HP’s offer.

This set is pretty much the most precise you’ll see either of these characters use their c.HP’s. Being a 3S player where top characters are regularly whiffing their best buttons to build more meter, can be cancelled into supers that build very fast into high damage/dangerous setups and can parry the good buttons you are using into those same things (and have counter plays if you try to parry them), just not as much to complain about here.

Twitter is so weird. I find myself in disagreement with most of the tripe that’s posted there,make a sensible retort and then…nothing.

This is basically twitter -

“An alien just landed in my back garden”

"Where ? Any pictures? "

"Yeah I love aliens "

“Why , why would it do that”

… No response from OP.

…moves on to next tweet.


That’s part of why I just stick to forums. Discord sucks, but sucks less.


Like Automattock, he’s cool, he comes up with some ok stuff, but then he posts himself saying “they say sagat V1 sucks” - then uses it in the exact way you can already use V2.

So , is he just trying to impress scrubs? Or does he genuinely think what he just said.

Maybe I’ve miss read the whole platform, maybe it’s just about entertainment rather than any kind of meaningful back and forth.


Twitter is legitimately the most useless form of communication.

That’s why I only do troll tweets. There’s no point to the thing.


Lab monster players have that thing where they like to show off things that can be done with things that aren’t that great. Just to kinda push the issue that you “can” do something with said tool even if it’s not super pertinent to their overall gameplan. Like there’s people in the Falke discord who keep trying to come up with shit for VT2 and I just say “don’t bother it sucks pretty bad”. It’s just since they’re not really focusing on winning and labbing is an easier 1 player thing to focus on, gives them more to play with. VT1 outside of the new angles and shot conversions is a pretty standard trigger but because it is standard for a v trigger completely outclasses her VT2 on that alone.

I mean outside of asking Jibbo directly, you could probably hypothesize that he’s just throwing things out there to promote his brand. It’s easy to do and nothing really bad can come out of it if most of your base is already there to see what lemon juice you can squeeze out of a trigger that a top Sagat player will never use in 95 percent of their CPT matchups. I mean what he’s doing kinda throws false hope into people that want to use that trigger, but you just have to be a smart enough person to see the end of the tunnel for his VT1. Sagat has really honest heavies that only CC on standing buttons and angry charge very situational V Gauge build so, that alone limits use of the trigger before the other issues.

The only thing I like twitter legitimately for is just reaching out to a mass of people and going “hey im over here at this part of the tournament venue doing this shit”. Other than that, fuck it. I can always just watch popular youtube uploaders who just file up all of the FGC twitter drama so I can get the jist without needing to be a part of it or spend any time actually responding to it.


Guy who leaked Soulcalibur VI and other games says a new KOF is in the works


I feel like making a comedy video of “shit people post on twitter”

A dude yesterday was trying to sell that character tech was more important than match up knowledge.

I’m like …wut man?

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Yeah twitter is pretty much its own scrub quotes, except with more top players scrub quoting.

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The thing about Twitter is that unlike a forum, you have to be followed to have people see your dumb shit, so it’s a lot easier to be your own echo chamber, as well as mute or block people you find distasteful.

Jibbo is in a weird spot, because he clearly doesn’t think the game is very good and he has a very rigid mindset towards how he likes to figure things out, but it sounds very enlightened to people who might be new to this whole thing. And it works, he’s a huge brand now! I would say he’s a little more hit than miss most times, but I definitely agree about the Sagat VT1 thing.


That’s pretty much it. Your twitter audience is pretty much the same audience as your Youtube peanut gallery. Generally a bunch of fairweather players who have far less experience in tournaments than Jibbo who find it easy to just sheep follow things he says. Which with that platform people can follow and upvote each other into more prominent tweeters that back Jibbo or other people that do what he does.

There’s nothing absolutely terrible about what Jibbo is doing for himself, it just creates an environment of people who don’t think for themselves or like to hard counter arguments and it’s lame for me. Not to mention generally don’t play the game enough or at anything close to his level to have the insight to bother.

You also get a lot of fluff comments about your arguments where people will call you a fanboy of one or the other player that further derails things.


Lone dragon in the room trying to counter my counter point that I now countered. This should be fun. Trying to tell me tiger spike is punishable on block.

From the range that you use it I never seen a single person against me or against Bonchan punish that move.


I think it’s good that he pushes outside of the box thinking, because there’s definitely characters that can get written off for arbitrary reasons, but sometimes he’s just spinning the wheels. For his faults, I think he understands the game decently and you can see him do very well at his own locals, but I do think sometimes he just gets too caught up in being a contrarian.


Yeah in general that’s a lab monster thing and has always been since before twitter. Just with twitter allows more conversations and more random things to pick to say “hey you aren’t doing this yet, come see the potential” etc.

When the good parts of it works it’s good, but when you’re trying to get people to get a bit more juice out of shit triggers, not as good.