SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

At top level it’s one of the more whiff punishable CC buttons. Same reason why Ken’s and Karin’s s.HK’s are theoretically good, but you dont see them abusing them until they get a VTC to start on an offense. It’s more liability at top play which is why you’ll see entire matches of Akuma player not using that button. They know their opponent’s reactions and can get the job done with buttons that are safer to whiff and cancel into similar damage.

His c.MP is already plus 3, goes into good stuff on hit and harder to whiff punish so c.HP is pretty redundant tool wise. There are no CPT Akumas that whore c.HP until they win. Just doesn’t happen. Pretty much CFN thing at this point. s.MK and c.MP just do more for less liability at top level.

Whereas stuff like Rashid’s c.HP is pretty safe to whiff punishes and jump ins in comparison (although it can be done if he somehow gets that predictable against the right character/player).

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Young Zeku is extremely dangerous up close even for Guile and focusing on throwing booms leaves him open to Hozantos and run slide. I’ve seen many Guiles losing control of the neutral when they were to focused on the ground, Phenom with Necalli comes to mind.

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They don’t have to mostly because in neutral Akuma has better buttons, cr.hp is way more useful in the corner. Karin st.HK is almost unpunishable 'cuz she retreats very far during recovery, now it’s less powerful due to VTC nerf. Akuma can use st.hp/mk or cr.mp midscreen without risks but again, having a +oB CC button is always nice to have.

As a Akuma player myself I rarely use cr. HP in neutral. I actually use st. HP more because it’s faster, has better reach, and I can buffer into target combo just hoping to catch something when I’m not in range. In the mirror match I don’t notice many Akuma players spamming that button either in neutral.

Funny thing is that I will spam it sometimes, but only when I’m angry. This normally happens when I get hit by several CC in neutral. then I’m like “Oh, really? Fine I’ll do it to, high level SF baby”.


2 time Evo finalist: 1 cr.hp every 8 seconds.

Bums that dont place on SRK: “Dont use that button it isnt good”.

Think I know who to listen to. :thinking:



I need to get into this Sailor Moon S thing. It is too much fun!

Sailor Neptune had the sauce

Speaking of Akuma, Kolin mod + High Level Kolin vs Akuma

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SFV in its pure form… The amount of CC in this match is wild. :rofl:

I enjoy watching the back n forth but it would be mad stressful playing it.


Too cute…


Top 16 on Never Give Up 2018, Chile CPT event.
Don’t sleep on LATAM!

Fiona costume looks good


This is why Cammy deserves buffs.

That’s nothing when I pick Necalli I hit st.HK 3 times every 7 seconds.


Ill whore it out till someone teaches me not to. Also, you can’t wiff punish what someone doesn’t wiff. If my opponent starts to wiff punish me, at that point I’m happy because I’ve got all kinds of counterplay for that. I can use jabs to slow them down, I can walk into their range better since I know they are waiting for stuff, I can jump (especially crossup) better since I know they are fixated on the ground.

It’s not something some silly ass wiff punish is going to stop me from doing… it didn’t stop me from pressing buttons in the oldschool,I don’t see why it would in the new school.

This is so wrong… Necalli’s st. HK is negative on block!!

Buff please.

Chris T just stole 150 CPT points from LATAM! MEANIE!

I would have agreed with this before arcade cab arcade edition pretty much 100 percent.

With an actual cab that the strongest player base in the world will now be playing on regularly, I think change is finally possible. There were people that complained about the lag on twitter before, but there was no real push one way or the other because in end, everyone knows that if they want to enter a tournament and be competitive (forget even making money) they have to play the PS4 version of the game. There’s no offline PC scene for SFV ATM. Doesn’t exist (maybe China is near the only exception from what we’ve seen). People KNOW the PC version plays better but nobody actively plays it competitively offline. It’s just the version people play online vs people who play the actual offline competitive version of the game.

Taito cab AE will change the climate as there will inevitably be a large sum of the top player base regularly playing the PC/STEAM version of the game. This will generally force the issue a lot more as there will be people regularly playing a different version of the game offline everyday. A number of them will be players that have placed high/top spots at CPT or Evo for multiple years. Not to mention likely want to push doing their own tournaments or at minimum arcade cab exhibitions outside of what’s CPT.

If the arcade cab takes off and revitalizes the offline scene in Japan/Asia past eSports sessions, the CPT organizers and staff are going to have a wall to deal with and will have to make the right move. ATM that recent Chinese tournament was the only notable exception for PC/Steam SFV CPT events AFAIK, but that might change if this changes the climate enough. Either people seeing PC/Steam being more viable for CPT or Capcom finally fixes PS4 delay.

SFV is the first Capcom game in a long time where players/organizers are opting to play on the inferior version of the game. Something that needed a push to change things and arcade cab release (for either allowing Steam CPT events/fixing PS4 lag) might be it.


If you think that’s bad, wait until LA Regional Finals. With Premier points on the line that anyone can win, I think you guys shouldn’t be surprised when a bunch of top foreign players come over to try and steal them away.