SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

Poor Guile, there was nothing he could do against that big meanie Zeku.
Hope he gets a command grab and a 3 frame normal in Season 4, he really needs it.

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Guile isnā€™t a bad MU, told yā€™all. Young Zeku owns him, once heā€™s inā€¦ggs

Zeku won something?

People trolling themselves.

Zeku nerfs for S4 incoming.

ā€˜Zeku can no longer transform into Young version. To make up for this, we increased damage on all his uppercut kicks by 5.ā€™


Just watched Serpentarus vs Daigo.

Quick thoughts on the gameplay: :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Daigo was used to RozeRoze Zeku who is well known in Japan to use almost exclusively Old form. Shit happen when someone else shows you how dirty Young can be.

Nah, Daigo just didnā€™t know to walk forward and hit normals all over his face. Couldā€™ve been doing back fierce to shit all over him too. A lot of that was Daigo not knowing wtf and getting jumped on than anything else.

You can definitely tell that Daigo didnā€™t know wtf was going on.

My favorite moment of this weekend:


Quick question.

Using the stun bar to hit confirm:

(1) Who does it? (And Iā€™m looking for personal answers here, ā€œI doā€ as opposed to ā€œIā€™ve heard that Momochi does itā€)

(2) How long have you been doing it?

(3) How consistent are your hit confirms when using this technique?

Thanks in advance for anyone who bothers to respond!

Too late Capcom :^)


DevilJin: ā€œAkumaā€™s cr.hp is a noob button. Good akuma players have stopped using it.ā€

Tokido at TGS against Oil King: Hits the button 3 times in 24 seconds.


Akumaā€™s crHP, also known as the ā€œhey, stop trying to play footsies in SFVā€ button.


Guile normals are super annoying to deal with, but YZ st.lk stops them all. In that match I think Daigo was worried about the Hozantos, he couldnā€™t stay crouch throwing booms. Give our man Serpentaurus his props.

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I donā€™t, Iā€™ve tried to use the health bar for it during Season 1, but Iā€™m ok with the hit visual cue in SFV. The health bar gives a more impactful visual of the hit, but itā€™s ok even watching the stun bar. For who needs more efficiency with hitconfirms looking at the bars can help.

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Donā€™t think watching stun bar for hit confirms would be consistent when thereā€™s build up and it barely moves. Health bar is way better.

Funny I had moment playing sfv where I realized 9/10 times I watch health bar for hit confirms. It was weird cause I canā€™t think of another fighting game where I do that nor could I remember when I started doing it in sfv.

Thatā€™s actually quite a long time in comparison to say, how often Rog throws s.HK, Rashid throws c.HP or Kolin throws s.HP. Buttons that are much more important to their game than Akumaā€™s c.HP is to his game and only has cons for abusing it compared to his other tools. Ibuki players throw s.HK even way more.

Thereā€™s just way too much match footage of top Akumas rarely opting to use the button because you can basically win without it. Tokido probably uses the least of anyone really. Thereā€™s only cons to abusing that button in comparison to say Rashidā€™s c.HP which is much more central to his high level (and lower level) gameplan. Rashid without c.HP is no longer Rashid whereas Akuma is better not abusing his c.HP.

God damn, this mod reminds me so much of Ivy from Soulcalibur, which means its fantastic.

Curse you master race.

So Iā€™ve watched the EGX GF. As happy as I am for Angrybird and all, he got away with a ton of jump-ins and against Guile of all characters.

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I guess you missed this one then:


Iā€™ve seen that button used mostly on meaty situations, but in general I donā€™t see how a +3 oB CC button can have cons. Itā€™s like the cherry on top instead, since everybody focused on the more useful ones in neutral cr.HP can surprise the opponent. Definitely Akuma doesnā€™t need even this.