SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

Oil King doing wakeup EX mixer every time he has meter reminds me of gold old gold rank online play.

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Tokido has gone beyond super saiyan.

That was so stupid. Oil king killed himself.

That crap wasn’t even fun to watch. It was just beyond free. Well done Tokido.

Fuudo played so bad.
Nerf akuma please :slight_smile:

I can’t believe S1 tech still works with Mika looooooooooooooooool you know how many god damn Mikas do this shit online

I think I was one of the few that would deliberately space my shooting peaches to be “safe” and follow up with more bullshit…or shooting peach over fireballs for the mind fuck

IT’S FINALLY OFFICIAL after being deconfirmed earlier due to no agreement.

Arcade Edition FINALLY getting arcade cab. Taito reached agreement with Capcom.Now Japan and the few western places that still arcade cab can play . No more needing eSports stations just to play and will likely see a lot of aCho footage (who still regularly streams/records Ultra IV on Tube).

Tokido winning just in time to spread the game through the classic culture is great also. Loke tests throughout the year, officially releases 2019. First SF cab that lets pad warriors hook up pads. IV cab restricted use to stick/cab users, but now all that travel to an arcade or Tokyo can cab it up


They’re coming, don’t worry. The question is how he will get nerfed :blush:

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This doesn’t bode well for the future of western players in SFV.
Now Japan will be even more dominant at SFV. :stuck_out_tongue:


Dunno, sure thing SF6 gonna be FAR away from now, no reason to release an Arcade Port just to drop it out after 2 or 3 years. More than that I’m curious about which system will be in it, a PC I guess. The CPT will be always on PS4, so lowering the input lag to create an even field is imperative. Leaving everything like it is now will leads to a Frost situation where arcade players will be used to another game, happened before during SF4 days where EVOs were played on PS3, a complete mess.

USB ports for direct input play confirms being based off of Steam version. The original beta cabs that were released for limited use were basically just custom PCs with the steam game. SFIV cab was pretty much PC hardware also. Taito cabs IIRC being based off the Sega Lindbergh cabs used for games like VF5 and House of the Dead 4.

Arcade cab being based on PC hardware will at least force the agenda of getting people to push for the version with less lag. PC obviously runs better just by very obvious things like the PC version not having the training mode offline lag while doing fight requests and such. Can’t do fight request and play offline without freezes and frame dips on PS4.

Now that Sony no longer is a super official sponsor for the game, would be easier to force back the issue of possibly getting people to play PC version or at minimum getting a shot of better parity between PS4 and PC. Arcade only players will definitely stick their nose up about playing on shoddy PS4 version at events when they can play on better running steam cabs.

After about first or second year of SFIV at Evo they started running Evo and most IV tournaments on the better running Xbox 360. Marvel 3 also ran better on 360 so it was easy to force Capcom fighters to be played on 360 and PS3 pad players just had to come up with converters to plug into 360s at events. It was only when Ultra got the PS4 port that there were some initial lag issues with the game having about the same lag as PS4 V does now, but was fixed to come down to about 4.5/5 frames later.

Looking forward to seeing some old school arcade dudes show up. Wao still plays Ultra IV at aCho. Not sure if RF is still around, but he was another arcade only dude and was playing Xrd in early 2015 and such (haven’t seen anything of him recently).


SFV on PS4 need to be polished and the real arcade edition is the perfect chance to do it, better later than never. I can’t imagine organizers taking PC’s at events and the input lag issue has been a topic since beta. I mean, PS4 and PC players aren’t on the same field now, obviously the patters are playing on the superior peripheral, but the difference is too big right now, it’s time to fix this thing.

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Yeah it’s always been an issue, just needed something to happen for people to stop being drones about the issue. Arcade cab should help with that.

Wish there was more of an initial fight to push for PC at events, but with the strongest competitive base now having the ability to play on the superior running version of the game offline, definitely going to have more power to force hand. At minimum make the complaints a lot more regular to force something from Capcom.

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If this forces the input lag difference to be fixed, I won’t have to buy a PS4 to practise for offline events.
I am ALL for it.


how delusional do you guys are to believe that the ps4 version will now change due to a 2019 (lol) arcade release of sfv?!?

they have to patch it now and its gonna be the patch thats gonna have all the netcode changes

and vega buffs


is there even a difference in the base game?(outside of the variable input lag issue) sure you can tweak some ini files on pc to remove vsync and reduce the input lag which you cant do with the ingame menu but apparently thats not something capcom want you to do so why should they fix something based of a option which they didnt gave you in the first place?

what are the current ae input lag numbers with vsync on at the moment? pc/ps4

SF5:TAE (True Arcade Edition) is everything we’ve been waiting for! True Arcade = TRUE POWER!


PS4 without accounting for variable lag is the same 6.5 as most non arc sys games/bandai games like Injustice and KOF 14.

WydD did a test on PC for SFV and found the lag to be pretty similar to Xrd on PC. Test was done with V Sync on.

Said there is some variance if things like alt tab and such happen, but explained that can happen for any game on PC.

Video description of methodology.


interesting, he did not tested the ps4 version and as he said he has a different method then displaylag uses which changes the numbers and it shouldnt be compared. did he do a ps4/pro test at some point?

edit- first tweet : p found it.
so 6 vs 3-4 vsync on…huh…

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