SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

“I’m gonna do what I do best” LTG rage quits against brolylegs, and then accuses him of “stream sniping” him

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Yo, I really love the CFN. I’ve always been one of those guys who’s been eager to see how other countries would play certain characters. The go to platform for this was Youtube back in the SF4 era, but now we have access to an endless amount of footage via the CFN. I usually like to see if there’s a difference in their approach to certain match-ups along with their general playstyles.

So far I’ve been watching matches from South America, Europe, and Asia. Between this and my “random pick a character” lab sessions, it’s been quite enjoyable. I’m still learning.


There’s not really a mirror I can think of watching that’s good, maybe Akuma or Karin. There’s some marbles rolling around in the players heads at least.

Id say Ryu, but it’s garbage.

Any cool examples to share or is this just the teaser for your book? :slight_smile:

Falke has plasma though. Also she shoots people with a stick. Pew pew, you win!

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Prepare for a mind fuck. You have never seen a Gief mirror in SFV.

How has the better muscle spirit.

Gief, Abigail, Fang, Laura, Mika and bison are probably the most ass mirrors.

Edit: Cammy too.

There’s fang mirrors?

Never seen one, but just imagine if one happened.

Wouldn’t it just end in ties or TO’s?

Well they can’t both be #2



Ono just announced a 3v3 Street Fighter League called “Street Fighter League”. Sounds pretty exciting except that I think that this might be a Japan only thing. I think this is Capcom trying to grow the scene at home.

Pretty much I think this is a continuation of Rage League except with the Capcom branding. Besides that it’s going to be really hard do a world wide SF league unless more sponsors get involved.

EDIT: Damn it, just finally noticed that Twinblades beat me by mere seconds minute.

Top 8 Live

Fuudo vs Oil King currently

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Fuudo is a god. Kreygasm

Best part is he had to get Oil to press a button for that to work. Setupz.

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I wonder if trashbox plays on PC normally. Seems way off.

Edit: or Tokido is just bodying him.

Death by booty sandwich. If I have to die, that’s the way I want to go.


How consistent is st. Lp after dive kick for Akuma? Does height change outcome or does he get it no matter what?