SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

not really too fussed about placing, just want it to feel fulfilling and fun. PS4 plays like shit, so just won’t bother til it’s better than it is.

Don’t really wanna buy another copy just to acclimate to shit standards that they set

Who said this.

Also side note, this is your (yes you) fault.

Combofiend of course.


not really a problem in a single player environment tbh, just a shortcut so you don’t have to grind souls at the endgame to get access to all the dank combos


Welcome to my world.

get a PC your quality of life will skyrocket

I play at tournaments offline also, I don’t want to get mad when that happens after playing decent on PC, that’s the point. That’s why I hope Capcom will fix this shit once and for all, PC players and PS4 players aren’t playing the same game.

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Commit… hahahaha

I love the Falke mirror. The most boring player wins and you can’t play more boring than me. Once you love the Falke mirror you have truly learned to be the better lame pew pew person


I want Juri’s fuha to go full screen.

That makes a lot of sense.
I did a lot of them against Dray when learning Falke, but this was my first ranked mirror. Felt a bit weird, but I managed to play lamer than the other Falke.
I still need to play more boring and lame with her, though. I feel I am still being a bit too aggressive.

Whats funny about fighting games being about commitment is how bad commiting is.

Hell some of the most beloved fighting games have a really small amount of it.


Bro I’ve been saying this since ‘15.

“Commitment” is the dumbest shit to ever happen to fighting games. And tbh, it’s not really in ANY sport. Like pretty much all sports are won by the people that are best at not committing, yet still getting shit done.

Everyone likes a mike Tyson all in dude that punches with his entire body weight on every swing, or a babe Ruth that doesn’t know how to try and get a base hit, but the msg consistent people and the guys and girls that are champions, are the ones that commit the least.

Making the other person commit is your job, not the job of the game.

And the top tier in sf5 break this commitment rule. Rashid, akuma, Cammy, menat, Karin, guile etc etc etc all have low commitment gamesplans that they can hide behind.

That’s not a bad thing. The bad thing is that the low tier is hamstringed by this stupid ass commitment philosophy.

Sf5 is one of the worst (good) FG ever made because of that philosophy. Like who in the fuck thought it was a good idea to put in low hitting 1 hit confirms (which are the embodiment of low commitment, high reward) into a game about high commitment and low execution?

Shit would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

The ps4 online life is rough tings… :disappointed_relieved:

bubububut console is the meta :^)

srsly im ticked off for you guys too

If I got a gaming PC I sure as hell wouldn’t spend my time playing SFV.

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I enjoy the PC version better, but I found the PS4 more stable for the online environment. Saying that I haven’t played the PS4 for over a year and I won’t be going back.

This games generally a bees dick from being unplayable on any system.

The graph of a human evolving would have SF1 as the ape , then SF2 as the taller ape, then SF3 as the man Shape, then SF4 as an upright man then SF5 as a fucking sea slug crawling out of the ocean.

De- Evolution.

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Perfectly put, I couldn’t agree more with this description.

Falke is a boring character for boring people, and I’m extremely boring. Just to make an example, I like to watch Cammy mirrors!

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jesus christ