SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

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Gross, ew hairy.

Just Frames are one of the toppest tier trash mechanics to grace fighting games. @ me if yiu want, wont change what I said any less true.

TGS pools just started:

Damn Fujimura almost got sent to losers immediately and by a Gief player to boot.

Yea, very close match between Fujimura and Kichipa-mu.

Good to see that he is sticking with Gief.

soul calibur announced open beta for next weekend (fri sat sun)

they have now pulled that announcement from their twitter


I think hive mind proclaimed top tiers like Ibuki (players) get mind fucked when they lose to lower tiers…the way Punk brushed off his Ibuki last tournament prob burnt his soul alil bit :^)

I don’t even think he did anything in that set

They found some more!

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Always sad to see an ibuki player lose. Shoulda pressed HK + HP more.


Alex Vs Ed in an actual tournament.

Never thought I’d see that.


da fuck? All that drama about barely winning only to get boned later by the same Gief player? For shame.

On another topic. Momochi’s picking Kolin against Ken. Guess he wrote “I won’t try to outyolo the yolos” enough times on the board after the match against ChrisT.

Gief IMO is still Ibukis worst match even if it’'s pretty winnable. Some Ibuki players also complain about Abigail, but he can’t threaten grabs or armor through her buttons like Gief can. It’s a little easier for Ibuki to disrespect Gail neutral and make him block all day. Ibuki just doesn’t have the buttons Cammy does vs Gief which is why that was always tough when Gief was strong.

He can just flex her v skill fireball so can’t use that too much vs Gief (her main crutch vs characters that out button her like Claw and Chun). Gief still good for slowing Ibuki down. He at least has one job

Fujimura should just whip back out his Nash vs Gief. Gief has died on the character select screen since S1 any way. Not worth playing a character he can actually fight.

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Apparently at the venue, it’s damn hard to even get the Japanese players to say indiltrations name. Pretty crazy.

Everytime I see a white guy I don’t know on stream I go “oh this guy is bout to get whooped”.

UNLESS it’s a white guy with shades. White guy with shades = trains hard and ready to win. The sunblockers are srs bzns


Played some Chun-Li yesterday to see if buying Morrichun would be a good idea or not. Haven’t played her since the 3.5 patch so that’s half a year or something. Kept missing every SBK combo and my IAL usually just turned into random jumping medium kicks. However, I still managed to somehow win more than 50% of my matches which is good enough for me to invest in some Darkstalkers cleavage next week.

After playing a lot of Falke it’s ridiculous how hard it is for Chun to simply anti-air though. On the plus side she has more combo potential and a cancellable low.

Australian Birdie with shades. How can you not cheer for him.

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That was shades of Koji T.Hawk. Go all in until you win. The bananigans worked everytime

You’re talking about the Japanese, who are known for being super polite and all. It doesn’t surprise me at all that they don’t want to talk about a controversial topic.

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