SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

Even if this turns out to be false, Infiltration’s rep is forever stained. Quite a shame.

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Actually the article wasn’t click bait. It was pretty reserved. Didn’t say much other than he was not competing at TGS while Panda Global investigated domestic violence allegations. They could have went full TMZ but they didn’t.


If Eventhubs wanted to cannibalize Infiltration’s situation they would have published at least 10 articles by now. They waited a bunch before even acknowledging something was happening.


People were accusing them for not saying anything and for moving infil from the 1st to 2nd place on their player list (cannot believe there are people following that).
Kotaku posted the article too.

I was at Eurogamer and they have an article about too. This is the most coverage that I’ve seen for the FGC in a while…

Thats because it’s bad. Oh and it’s esports drama stuff.

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No publicity is bad publicity in the long rin. Every sport is marred by scandal, think of this is a rite of passage.

Everyone is gonna watch our community though to see how we react. Hopefully we will do the right thing.

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Their site is where the majority of our playerbase gets news FG related (sadly), for this reason I would waited for sentences more than rumors even if 80% of the FGC already knows everything related to this matter. No reason to care anymore, everybody knows now.

Just got the new Cammy costume.

The joy is real <3

Now i need one for my girl Juri. Capcom pls.

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You sire is a man of poor taste in women.

Its sir.

Only uneducated Yankees say sir. Sire is the proper spelling.

If this

And this

Is considered poor taste, then i’m quite happy where i am. Don’t worry, i’ll live.


Where’s this art from?


Could say that a little louder…I didn’t quite catch that.

There. Loud enough for you?
Cammy and Juri have cooties. But at least they aren’t Menat and Laura.

@Bea_Iank good news! Astaroth has one of that old bore Rock’s special throws !

Coem join the dark side :wink:

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Not like this! Not Rock moves! :sob:
We need manly, hairy Rock not evil and ugly and unworthy Astaroth!

Okay, I think it’s time for you to take a nap.