SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

Oh, Neclord ,how you doing man ?

Haven’t see you since forever , actually ever since i quit the discord channel.

All good ?

It seems to be manifesting mostly in her wardrobe as time goes on. Which is fun.

I do appreciate how character wise she is pretty chill all the time.

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Not too surprising.


I’m fine thanks. Sylvanas called. :wink:

Why did you quit Discord?

I’m not talking about being banned from stuff, I’m talking about public appearance and acceptance, Noel is still shunned lowkey. He’s a shell of what he was and there wasn’t clear cut “proof” like there pretty much is of this.

And like you said he had the Justin friends protection buff and still caught heat…there are others that probably wont be mentioning or even getting close to this infli topic with a 10 foot pole less the light get shined on them.

I do wonder what people are going to do if he still wants to compete?

Sponsors can drop him and what not, but its not really anyones place to ban him from events if he still wants to compete.

That’s a slippery moral grown, yes beating up or choking out your girl is clearly wrong. But they’re are plenty of people who have done plenty of VERY shady or illegal things in there past that just so happen aren’t public and people game and play next to them all the time.

You really can’t start being like “You are banned” because of abuse on your wife, or husband, or child… especially if it hasn’t ever been an issue at a venue. At that point its because a “bannable” by my opinion type thing.

I just prefer the forums.

I also answered the call of Sylvanas !

Here is my character with her companion.


Sponsors aren’t going to want to be involved with a known criminal while things are fresh in everyone’s mind specifically in a big name like Infiltration’s case if things get that bad he is a fucking huge name in the FGC. He won’t be able to compete without making others around him uncomfortable and causing controversy on stream.

Sponsors and other players are less likely to know ShinxAkumax420 beat his wife thus less responsibility to address it assuming ShinxAkumax420 behaves at events.

Sponsors do more than sponsor players they sponsor events and broadcasts; Nobody has some born right to be able to compete at an event.

I don’t really understand why people are having a problem coming to terms with that here.


Would be uncalled for to ban someone for a crime for which justice has already been served, particularly as fighting game events are totally unrelated to this. If he was a pedophile and his job was to play a clown at children’s birthdays then yeah, probably, but this is apples and oranges. If he even wants to compete after all of this. I certainly would keep quiet from now on if I was him.

Can’t ban infil from tournaments without banning everyone who has a criminal record basically. Otherwise its just bandwagoning.


The powers to be are fine with bandwagoning.

Until they get sued for it. Which Infil would actually have the right to do if they denied him entry based on these allegations, even if true.

Eventhubs just posted a story about Infiltration. His goose is cooked now barring some sort of miracle.

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Somewhere in all of this…Street Fighter V is to blame


When I stopped playing I was relaxed and happy.

Then I started again and everything is unfun and stressful.



Well damn

It isn’t posting for some reason, but for those that don’t feel like clicking, Mena said Infil lost 11k followers.

He’s toasted now, EH should have waited for confirmations of all of that InfilGate, but their will of posting clickbaits news was stronger.

They didn’t post much just the tweets from GP and not much else. They are also trying to avoid stepping in mud puddles like some have already.

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Yeah, they’re not doing anything wrong there, just informing that he won’t be at TGS for that and that reason. Which I think they’re doing every time whenever a big name drops from a tournament. It just happens that this time the reasons are a bit unusual.