SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

I think its supposed to be higher income=pays, but the system is biased towards women so it doesn’t always work that way. I think women usually get custody of children too

I wonder if they realize the Shaggy meme came from FourChon. Probably not, it’s too late anyway to pull back.

From the inside: part of what you do when you work out a divorce is sort out standards of living. How much are you used to spending a month, stuff like that. That includes everything, not just the core necessities.

So if you’re in a relationship and you make more than your partner and have for a long time, they are going to have some legal ammo for applying for alimony because they have become accustomed to a certain standard of living.

However you can also get fucked by over-extending yourself if you say didn’t necessarily earn as much but still found ways to keep up that kind of lifestyle, because your SO may be able to use that as a standard of living basis.

Also lawyers and such still factor in so even if math is technically on your side if you have a Vega tier lawyer and your SO has a Rashid tier lawyer you are getting spinning mixer’d with alimony.

I am grateful I got married in a state where the policy is 50/50 split. Will hopefully make it less painful to sort out.


Yeah the standard of living thing is totally bs. Like i don’t even understand why it exists. I assume it was to take care of stay at home kitchen wives back in the day if the man left but why does it apply to two working adults?

Just don’t marry. You can live happily with another person without having some bureaucratic paperwork confirming you’re a couple.


It always gets into some theory-fighter BS where they argue if they weren’t busy taking care of the home for X amount of years then they could’ve earned more (and are now entitled to a portion of what you earn) or the person earning the higher income was due to the contributions of the stay-at-home spouse etc.

Entitled is my least favorite word in the world because 9 times out of 10 it comes off as BS to me.

Metal revolution is really catching my attention. Wish I could get in the beta.

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You can but I think most women want a ring on it

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The “paperwork” also acts as legal protection for the parties involved.

These situations aren’t that simple because… they just aren’t.

This shit is a bummer. I wish there was more SFV news to talk about.

Sorry, any news. Other than the odd costume.

How are the new DBFZ chars? I like that Kano can be a pirate now.

Just lost a match because my tv shut off in the last 10 seconds :sob: this always happens when im playing on PS4 on any game the the screen just shuts off out of nowhere

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Going by the discussion it seems like the paperwork usually only manages to protect one party.

I get that it’s usually the ‘right’ party, but it’s hardly ideal.

At the other house the couch would generate so much static during the winter that sometimes when I would shift it would shock me and short out my stick for a second. Always got pissed when I would be standing there uselessly for a few seconds while waiting for the stick to reconnect.

Very interesting. They are a lot more exotic than many of the DBZ characters. They both have very defined strengths and very defined weaknesses so it’s tough to say how good either is.

Gun to my head I think Jiren is better because he has a top tier assis, and there aren’t that many characters with great assists.

The patch changes are more interesting. It’s difficult to say how everything will play out in the end, but the guard cancel change is very strong, the game shifted from unstoppable offense to unstoppable defense. There is definitely tech to shut it down, but at the moment playing around the guard cancel is hard.

That said, you do feel the loss of meter when you guard cancel a lot.

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I can only speak for Norway, but there’s a lot of very useful legal protections and rights that are only offered to legal spouses though. I’m getting married now specifically because of a couple of those protections and rights are really, really useful.

That, and it saves me a crapload of money right now. Whenever I tell Americans that I’m marrying to save money, their heads usually explode.



I remember wiping on Kel’thuzad boss when he was down to like 5% hp. I was healing my raid and my game minimized so flash can tell me it needs an update.

It was enough for the raid’s tank to die.

I didn’t even say it was always the right party, but all of that paperwork exists precisely because it is frequently better than no legal protection.

In my field I have really come to appreciate that many regulation/laws exists because there was a problem in the past with not having it.

An example from my work (again, I am a CPA). Several years ago the US was going to switch from GAAP (American standards) to IFRS (international, but mostly European standards). On the surface, this made sense, IFRS is simpler, and it would allow more worldwide comparability. However, as people review the switch it became apparent that IFRS standards… just aren’t very good. This isn’t because Europe is dumb or anything that shallow, but because IFRS is new. The US standards have been around for a lot longer, and as a result have been adapted to deal with situations that have come up over that time period. The IFRS standards haven’t been around long enough to have really evolved, so by comparison they were less good. As this became more apparent, the switch was canceled.

Moral of the story, most things are the way they are for a reason. This doesn’t mean the reason is good, or that things couldn’t be better, but you shouldn’t disregard the “why”.

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To add one more point, the change to air throw (causing slide out) definitely opens up team compositions a bit, and is a HUGE buff to many of the weaker characters. Broly and 21 in particular are significantly better.

I think it would be the same for pretty much every nationality, if it weren’t for the shitty food and climate I would probably try to get a job in Scandinavia

Most of his so called 90% costume leak for 2019 are dumb anyway, Same with most of his stage leaks and extra battle. His followers would believe it anyway even he would get 3 out 20. Since they would declare it as a “streak” haha.

Some apologist said xkira claimed to leaked Evil Ryu because because he mention evil Ryu before, but it was different, what he claimed was Evil Ryu as a Vtrigger 2 not as a character.

If he failed and missed a character like Soki, Satsuki and etc, Apologist will say Capcom change the design and name last minute because he already leaked it. So fraud-kira was never wrong lol.


They claim Kage was a last minute edit of Evil Ryu, without realizing the whole gameplan isn’t very close to Evil Ryu design. It’s just only show how ignorant he is same those who believe that has no idea how much time it requires to test and design gameplay, other than editing 3D model and changing name. Nowadays he lets his followers create imaginary excuses for him to make them look the dumb ones instead of him taking responsibility.

You know when they start up with this line “xkira was never wrong” it’s like your talking to cults fanatics. Yeah was never wrong then take it as grain of salt it’s just delayed.




Why is everyone into Shaggy anyway? All I see in the net lately was Shaggy…
What if Ed boon trolls them with WB mascot anyway…

That use ACME stuff and reality warping holes like Janemba in DBZ and Makai in KOF. Then cannot be used Finish Him
