SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

My son is wearing a Batman shirt and Robin socks…

The irony is not lost on me

What do you think of Falke in Season 4 given the changes to midrange play? I feel like she could potentially really flourish!

V sim ban? What’s it like dealing with x sim now?

Hahaha :slight_smile:

Falke VT2 dabes. I’ve robbed so many people with that because they have no idea what’s going on. It’s not actually good, but it’s nice for stealing games against people who don’t know Falke (most people).

On a completely unrelated note, I finally sucked it up and decided to lab a bunch against my most hated character in T7, and then played a bunch of games vs one of my personal tournament demons(who plays said character). By the end of it he was spamming obscenities and calling my character bullshit.
Progress, is what we call that. Delicious.


Street Fighter dad jokes?



I play her a lot as she is one of my but I don’t think I’m the best one to answer this since I’m not really good (only like super gold rank rn)

Her mid range game better than before, the best change she got as far as neutral gameplay goes was her cr.MP which got buffed in a lot of ways, charged shot being +2 on block is also great (even though its riskier since they increased the start up), and a couple more things here and there.

I do believe she has potential to maybe even show up in tournament play as she has ways of shutting down bs a little bit more than other characters do, and of course the infamiliarity aspect since not many people know how to deal with her. At best though if she is good I would still say she will remain niche.

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off topic but Brendan Fraser is finally saved!


I finished KH3 oh boy that’s everything I was holding onto from my childhood over. That game was real important to me.


Blocked by Fraud-Kira himself, I feel good.


When he told the Blanka discord he was working on some vids…

Thats not what most had in mind.

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Just dropping by to say that I now side with Evil Canadian/Roflcopter on MK Shilling.

Lawd Boon is the best thing to ever happen to Fighting Games.

He’s really a SF4 Rose player, backdashing at every chance. Whoever call him out for this fine OS got blocked, he’s too stupid to understand why people are calling him out so much lately. No one said nothing bad on him until he started acting like an egomaniac, backpedaling like Toretto every time his claims got debunked (83% of the time). His cryptic claims were just crumbs for the Kirasexuals nuthuggers. Just stick to costumes dude, no harm,no foul.


50k a month for ten years is 6 million dollars…damn homey

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To this day I still don’t get how they justify forcing someone to pay that much from a divorce. Could you imagine if that same thing applied after a simple break up? Nobody would be dating then lol.


Wtf, ignore post

Iike Eddie said - “you get half?!”

I’d love it to be an equal split, but I’ve got a mate who split up with his richer wife and she’s screwing him for half his shit, shit that wasnt even hers.

Tough time if you’re a bloke unfortunately.

Next time you want to get married just give some random woman who you like half your stuff, saves you a lot of time and hassle.

lol I hid a link of that Eddie Murphy bit as an easter egg in one of my SF match videos when a character did 50% damage.

Wait what?! She had the higher income and he still has to pay? How does that even fly?

I had a female teacher in high school who used to talk about how she was paying through the nose in a divorce, so I figured it was whoever made more getting the short end of the stick (barring any foul play during the relationship). But this throws a wrench into that idea.

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