SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Gachikun looks high in that picture. But I think he always looks like that.

Also @Twinblades don’t think I missed you ducking me yesterday due to “work”. You’ll catch these magma hands onea these days!

If a normal is +3 on block, and the opponent has a 3 frame jab, and I have a 3 frame jab who wins? Do we trade?

Edit** I meant yo say if I’m plus 3 but threw out a 6 frame sorry.


However if they had a 3 frame medium (hypothetically) they would win due to the priority system.


Sorry I misread. If you are +3, then your next jab will beat any light normal period, as there is no frame gap. That is, in fact a blockstrings.

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You win. The opponent’s jab won’t come out till 6f because you are +3ob.
In fact, he won’t even be able to press it and have it come out because he will be in block stun and your 3f will hit him on block.


Thanks, although what I meant to say is that if I’m plus 3 and throw out a 6f normal then I’d win if it’s his jab vs my medium right?

Yes. Because both attacks would hit on the same frame and mediums beat jabs.

A lot of pressure in SFV relies on the priority system to work.

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i-i-i-i don’t know what you mean…

sips Capri-Sun


Congratulations Marvel vs Capcom Infinite you’re no longer the worst looking fighting game of current gen


Avatar is definitely in the top 3 fighting games I constantly fantasize about. I would be the best Zaheer NA

I couldn’t resist :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:


He still has a day.

Give him a break, you can’t honestly expect someone with insider information to be right more than about 16% of the time.


Anyone playing tonight

I can play for a bit.

Jumping on now, will send an invite in a sec

I’m ready


(Long live Street Fighter 5!)

Oh yeah @FlyingVe next time you land a sthp CC with Abi, just do dash forward crhp xx abi punch

Works from any range and nets you more damage. Or I think bhp xx bhp if you want oki

Yeah, I figured that out yesterday… but I forgot mid CC and botched everything… then I defaulted to bad habits.

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I know that feeling all too well :frowning:

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Most of the cast have mix ups on hit (cody, alex, bison, karin, fang, balrog, ken, to name a few) . And on block it’s also widespread but for some of it will be corner specific.