SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Blanka VT stuff is hard to rate. Lean more towards gimmicky but it’s still a solid trigger.

I don’t know how to rate Urien. Biased cause I play and lab him a lot along with Mika. His trigger shit can be real or gimmicky.

Karin takes a lot of commitment, Blanka is mad solid in S4, bison is busted and rashid doesn’t have losing matchups.

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So if Rashid has no losing matchups (assuming a bit of hyperbole here), would he not be the best character in the game?

I need some help dealing with Laura. I understand that she is dangerous when she’s in, but what are the holes in her offense? What do I need to look for to getting out?

Every Laura I’ve played runs a flowchart when they get in and I have no idea how to get out so I get rolled.

Not specifically talking about Rashid when I say this, but you can go 5-5 with everyone and still be the definition of mid tier. You can even say that having a slight advantage over everyone isn’t as strong as having a mix of great and terrible matchups, provided that you’re great against all the most common characters.

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For starters point blank cancels into her meterless fireball are minus. It can be spaced to be plus with a blockstring but you’ll know when that happens because the fb will hit you at a delay. Pretty sure c.mk xx fireball is fake too and can be 3f jabbed.

I don’t think she gets oki off a command grab either.

Outside if the corner if she does EX.FB, s.mk xx f.VS it crosses up midscreen. Other buttons put her in front.

Idk who you are using but punish poorly spaced raw fireballs. For example Vega can sweep them on reaction.

Blocked button xx f.VS is minus.


I pretty much like all the newcomers except Rashid and necalli. It’ll be interesting to see which ones make it into the next game. I don’t know why I don’t like necalli he’s just meh, Rashid on the the other hand I find to be corny as fuck. Jumping yelling woohoo and shit and the outfit ain’t doing no favors.

You don’t happen to know what the frames are on the command grab? As in how + is she?

This is going to be another one of the where it feels + in game but it’s really not. I want to math out some options. (I would do it myself but I’m not at home).

I play her I can’t remember the exact + amount but I know she gets lp elbow off of command grab. Edit and Hk .

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Rashid would be the best character if akuma, bison, birdie, ibuki, Karin and Mika didn’t exist. I put them all on the same level. While he may not have losing matchups that doesn’t necessarily make him better. His even matchups will boil down to outplaying your opponent.

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Rashid is still better than Birdie, Bison, Karin and Mika.

He was made dumb on purpose so you can’t unstupefy him.

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Laura is kinda trash. I don’t know her oki frames but I generally mash jab or neutral jump and it works out. Also sweep charged fireballs and interrupt her strings when she tries to end with fireball. Keep AAs solid and I let that bitch know I’m not afraid to ex dp too. Makes them calm the fuck down.

Just tested it. She is +13 with the KD. She is too far to enforce a mixup and is -4 after a dash. She gets L.Elbow like Illwill said and s.hk, but there is no reason to not block as far as I can tell.

Watch out for the command grab>EX.command grab “loop”. It’s not real at all and you can probably react to the yellow flash if you are paying attention, but I know from experience on both ends that people can and will get hit by this if they are sleeping.

Edit: Be careful about trying to mash out of cancels into her fb. It’s -5 up close but will CH jabs if canceled from a medium punch. Also if you force a trade with a jab she may be able to combo you. Like i have juri set to reversal 3f on block and every now and then it trades at max range cancels, but Laura is +8 so she gets taken for a ride lol

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Michael Jackson G

EDIT : i failed, should had called him Michael Gackson


Thanks for all the knowledge, I have some things to look out for. It sounds like I was letting the Laura players get away with some very fake pressure or just generally panicking badly.

My other plan is to OS Jiren and play dragonball instead (21 may have a sliding knockdown!!!).

I’d go Rashid on block.

I’d go Balrog on hit.

I’d go Ibuki for mix ups.

Blanks trigger is only good if you get hit or he puts you in the corner. Outside that I mean take a couple grabs, let the timer bleed.

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Yeah Laura of those charactes with “infinite” pressure if you don’t know what you are dealing with. But she is also very momentum based so while that means she can get away with some fake stuff it also means she doesn’t do well when on the ropes.

She can only dash up after medium elbow into either finisher, in that case she is plus. After command grab s. HK and light elbow are meaty and she gets meaty forward hard punch off throws and heavy elbow. Bear in mind that her s. MP has 5 active frames so if you don’t quick rise even a baboon can time that by eye.
Also literally off every KD except forward throw she’s plus enough to manually time either s.HP or c.HP.

Laura’s a v skill/vtrigger/turn stealing character.

Outside of those things she’s pretty trash and those things are trash once you know them. I still get rolled by every Laura I play because it’s literally months between matches that I play against her.

She can end you with one v trigger cancel into successful oki. That’s her strongest point, but it’s still not THAT strong considering her mediocre neutral, honest oki, and lack of reversals or medium medium confirms.


Some of those DBFZ patch changes… Idk man, they kind of nerfed fun and made everyone even more same-y in an already same-y game.

out of curiosity, can you enable specific persons to have a signatur and place things in it?