SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

I stand corrected. I thought there was an issue over Capcom developing their own 3D fighter without them. My mistake.

Capcom did EX3 (Which is an SF game with Super hype tag nonsense) and Arika did a couple of Fighting Layer games IIRC. Trying to find this hype ass combo video for it.

Edit: EX3 was also done by Arika. Was under the impression it hadn’t.

What are your special ideas for SRK?

at least it’s not an ed av :3

What has Ed ever done to you to deserve such ire :frowning:

You didn’t even make a sprite for him you jerk

nah I don’t hate Ed

I just like messing wit ur head


Maybe he couldn’t get his sprite right. His quest for perfection made him angry. He began to resent Ed and now lashes out at him. Nah…I should stick to writing my crappy short stories haha

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The main problem in UNIST is getting games

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Fuck i need to lab the Kolin match up.

I was holding way too much illegitimate bullshit just now.

You don’t know the Smash community. Or the Gamecube’s emulation status. People have been playing Melee online for years. Project M as well.

The latter of which says more about the Smash community. The efforts spent modding Melee were massive. Most games top out at texture mods or maybe model swaps. The Smash community worked at trying to figure everything out, which included the ability to edit move sets, create new stages with new functionality, create new items, expand the roster, everything. Playable on a real Gamecube as well, through the use of Gameshark codes that caused the game to load new files from an SD card.

(I participated a bit in those early days of Gamecube game modding, fooling around with Melee and Resident Evil 4 and probably a few others.)

Short term one is doing something with titles. The basic idea for now is that we get a set of players to have a combination of forum members who can either be challenged on one day of the week on a streamed event, or people can hit up during the week and challenge them to a 2/3 set for an icon. I’m limited to the emojis on my phone as far as title stuff goes.

So for example, I can do the first one of this and take a random weekday to just play for 2-3 hours so forum members can challenge me. If you beat me, you get a :angry: on your title to say you beat me. If DevilJin wants in, you guys can get the :japanese_goblin: or something else he likes (the unga mask though).

I’d like to stream these because it makes it a community thing. So at the moment I’m waiting for one of the guys to come back from vacation to see if he is willing to help out.

So it’d be something like, start the week with a new thread interviewing the designated player you guys up for challenges at the moment (Keits used to little random interviews of SRK members, That was a bomb idea so bringing it back in a little bit more indepth way would e great), reveal whichever icon you can get on your title by beating said player and then have fun.

Think It’d be a neat idea to give people title icons based on having done something. If you’ve played on stream, I can add a movie camera, put a pseudo bounty on common streamers to where if you beat them you get the icon. Say if you beat Smug on stream, you can get either the :earth_americas: or :boxing_glove: depending on which of his characters you beat. Etc, etc, etc.

In forum tournaments for bragging right titles would be fun too. Hopefully I can get some volunteers on it. Only prob is that the Lounge user base is a bit wide as far as geographical locations go. Which makes things tricky as far as people actually playing for the icons. But start out small, then work things up. We have some europe only people that hopefully I can convince to volunteer. Australians could get to play Highland for a :tiger: on their title. Silly fun stuff that adds flair to the community here.


Yea I was thinking, do any of you guys stream on twitch? Have like an “srk level up” or something.

K9999 is a product of the Eolith era, and is a playable character in the two Eolith KOF games, 2001 and 2002. When SNK released 2002 UM, they replaced K9999 with Nameless, a legally new character with a new story, new appearance, and new voice actor.

You also have undersold just how blatant a copy K9999 was. His other moves are also copied from Akira, as his spoken dialogue, and Eolith even hired Tetsuo’s voice actor to voice K9999. (Side note: Kyo’s voice actor was the voice actor for Kaneda.)


Motherfucker there’s a vid showing a bunch of the stuff from Akira they used for the character? How the tits did I undersell anything?



The only guest character I would be okay with from SNK is Dan!

Capcom had a huge library of fighters in their SF and Final Fight universe that deserve to be transformed into playable characters with special moves inspired from other IP. Less complicated issues to deal with but with more fan service.


You know they could and should do that, but for some reason a lot of fans are hell bent on the same characters being in every game.

See Kage and his popularity.

@FlyingVe GGs!

Let the record show you beat me like a drum in most of those sets. :slight_smile:

I did better when I chilled out a bit. I really need to work on my AAs and continue to build the right muscle memory with G. Some of it came through when I needed it but most of the time it didn’t.

Sets were a lot of fun. I’m up for more whenever. Just have an old man bedtime during the week.

How was the connection on your end?

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It was fine for me. You can always @ me whenever.

If it makes you feel any better afterwards I did some ranked matches and lost to the worlds scrubbiest Vega, and a Laura that was doing… things? I honestly couldn’t tell what the heck was happening.

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Not everyone is going to watch the video, while your text only mentioned the similarity with one super.

The anime version of that super also happens to be the still shot for the video. If you don’t notice that the video’s length is too long for such a simple comparison, it would be easy to assume the video is only comparing that one move.