SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

we really need the dislike button back :thinking:

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Naw dislike button is bitch made. I know you a tekken boi so you probably salivate at the idea of Gorge Constanza and the Hunchback of Noterdame being season 3 guests but you can keep that shit out of SF.


If it weren’t for guest characters I wouldn’t be on SRK today.

And you wouldn’t want that now would you?

You’d better give them the respect they deserve!

Good for you.

I played SC2 because I played the demo at a store and really liked Nightmare. I didn’t even know who Link was before that because I didn’t own a Nintendo system with Zelda games on it.

you know that there are more than one crossover comics for the turtles going in with batman and other dc guys? you really must have hated these comics too. it depends on which guest char but the turtles are for sure not out of place in ij2. akuma in tekken7 on the other hand…i agree there with you ;p

No guest characters please.
This is street fighter.


Obviously doesn’t since, afaik, guests are always super popular.

Also guests do not take up slots for OG’s that is the fakest argument ever. If a dev wants an OG character in the game they’ll be there. Until you get to the end of a games life cycle there isn’t some dart board or office deathmatch that means you only get one or the other. And lastly you don’t even like NRS so you’re opinion on it there doesn’t even matter.

Hate all you want but its cool and popular. Yall thanking Capcom as if their last couple fighters didn’t sell poorly. Hold dat

Edit: For example if you played SC4 and didn’t think Vader was dope as fuck idek either you don’t like Star Wars (understandable) or something.

I’m not going to change how I feel because of what other people like. If you want to play Street Follower V: Group Think Edition that’s on you fam. You do you and I’ll do me.


That’s it?

So ‘soon’ means over a month at Capcom HQ I guess.

Keep guest characters out of SF. The only way I’d budge on that would be an EX layer character or SNK. Even still, there’s so many great choices from the SF universe there’s really no need.

Then again a cross over fighting game would be even better.


You will take your Heihachi in SFV and you will like it

That’s why we indulge in Dream Matches. So we can keep that shit outside and away from Street Fighter.


well, at the end capcom cant even get the xmen in their game so…no need to worry about guest chars. :bee:

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Nah im just coming at yall for hating on what a lot of other people like and acting like you’re superior or better for it. Nobody is hating on SF for not having guests but other games are “trash” for it doing it? Without even having a good reason? Lol please stop

I will say that there is a point where it becomes too much. Like Injustice 2 with I think Sub, Raiden, and all the Turtles is drawling. I prefer one, two max.

Also sorry Daemos i have no idea what dream matches are.


Turtles, Rash, Geese, Alien, Geralt, etc were amazing. Figures Capcucks hate guest characters. :joy:

CvS, MvC, SvC, TvC, CFJ/E, SFxT, etc.


Only if he wears dipers and has blonde hair.

Fun Facts: Karin and Strider are shared IPs with Capcom. In order to do anything with either, they have to get permission from the rights holders and work some stuff out. Both are popular characters so it creates a bit of friction getting them anywhere.

While they are cool, guest characters inevitably lead to situations like the above. The additional issue is that if they rerelease the game (more likely to happen with an SF entry than with any other game), you then have to renegotiate things with the IP holders.

Even worse, look at what happened with MvC Origins and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure on PS3. Capcom lost the rights to both and had to stop selling the games digitally. That’s a super shitty situation. You can make good money selling game shares of MvC2 now on PS3.

All in all, the less IP issues we can attach to a game, the better.


There is difference between hating and expressing your opinion. I don’t like guest characters. I think they are stupid waste of character slots. You want to have a bunch a guest characters, make a crossover fighter. That is what the genre was created for in the first place. If people don’t like hearing my opinion they have option of ignoring it.


Lets break this down.

To stupid casuals that don’t give a shit about anything besides the wooooow factor of seeing some outlandish shit that doesn’t really enhance the core of the game. I want characters from the franchise not fucking guests. Do you know how mad people were seeing all those guest in Injustass yet they kept sidelining characters like Static Shock.

Okay lets do this.

  1. They do. People were mad as fuck that Noctis was announced and then they took like half a year to release the twink while being mums the word about any other character. You basically had Harada acting like an old man yelling at the clouds because everyone was creaming about real Gigas and tree girl. Hell Aris and Markman both have mentioned that they didn’t give a shit about Noctis and thought his existence was whack as fuck.

  2. Dev: Hey guys new game just dropped got 25 characters despite the last game having 30 prease undahstandoh.

Fans: But what about Lei Quan Chi Chong where is he!?!?!

Dev: Stop asking me for shit but here is Mario!!!

Mario was on the dev table first despite Lei Chong being an OG and this shit happens all the fucking time, Now niggas gotta wait for bing bing wahoo to come out before they can get their main.

It’s cool and popular with mouth breathers.


I like some parts of SW. Vader in SC4 would have been a whatever to me because I already like SC. If I was a casual then I wouldn’t care but casuals are cancer and they cant into art consistency so fuck em.