SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Also, to remind everyone, SF alpha 3 never caught on in the West, people stuck with 2.

I remember way back on Gaf when one of the guys who leaked MVCI’s existence said the game “started out as a different Vs game before being changed to MVC”. I could totally believe that was the case before they overhauled everything.


Nope and its not bandwagoning if I’ve been talking this shit for years.

But point taken. No need to drag real world politics into the fight game forum.

The only presidents that matter here are the ones that punch fireballs and do sick wheel kicks. :fire: :tophat: :fire:


And he sucks too.

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Goddammit man I backed you on Booster and you stab me in the back



G is low tier joke was too easy… :slight_smile:


It is factually accurate though.

C’mon 4.5 buffs!

I cannot find an image of booster kissing mario (from the game)

I have failed…

That’s part of it but there’s also a big rift in the culture. If you came up during the “Dark Ages” then you were in it because you loved your games. Not to say SF5 kids don’t love it, but DJ is going to watch 3S because that’s his shit, I’ll watch MvC2 and ST because that’s just my shit. The shift to this weird pseudo eSporty model had changed certain things in the FGC. The idea that you don’t just drop the game you love entirely because a new one came out seems to be one of those that hasn’t been transmitted properly.

One of the local guys loves SF4. Pretty sure if I called him up and I was like “Hey yo, came over to play some 5.” He’d be okay with it. If I called him to play 4 for a couple of hours though, he’d def be here.

Definitely a big cultural change.

Not really. I am starting to think UNIST might be a flawless game. The discords came up with character specific stuff and pretty much everyone opened their statement with “it’s subjective”
I still like GG more as a game despite its flaws, but yeah I’d be playing either of them 100% if I could find matches on PC on a regular basis.

fuck drumpf

UNIST looks soooo fucking boring!!!

Hyde and Wags are like the only characters I kinda think look decent/ It’s like the DOA of anime games.


It’s always subjective.

I would argue that since characters really are the game for fighting games, character specific stuff counts.

How many times in this thread have you read about how Bison and Akuma cause problems for the game.

Maybe UNIST is really good though. That’s kinda where I stand on KI3. It’s not completely without faults… but it’s close.

For what it’s worth I was making a joke not a statement.

Also, you could totally flip it around.

Urien’s Entire shtick is about building walls… and he’s pretty effective.


Oh I know. And even if G was/is terrible he is also the most I’ve enjoyed the game in awhile so hell if I care. :grin:

Urien is totally a fascist. And a fashionist.

On UNIST: it is pretty goddamn great. My favorite game that I do not play very much because I don’t know many people that play. Its definitely not perfect - the character balance is pretty good as far as I understand but still has disparity and the pacing is gonna drive the Twins of the world away - but it sure is fun and gives you a good bit to chew on.

I don’t get this “it’s all Disney’s fault for enforcing their horrible artstyle if MvsC:I turned out horrible” shit, Jedah and Sigma looks 10 times better than any other character in the roster, marvel heroes included, it’s not the artstyle (not only that at least) it’s just that Capcom didn’t put enough resources into the game development, if every character had looked as good as Jedah there would have been way less complaints.

Jedah looked good because that art style and preferred visual for him may have been a fit for his design. It’s not just money or some sort of resources like technical limitation because of a hardware or software.

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Some things like the aforementioned graphics of Kof and MvCi not being up to snuff are pretty damn close to objectivity.
The ones I got were “Enkidu mid screen throw” and “I’d like more characters”

Dude what is it with you and blonde characters?
There are 4 blonde characters in the game and you picked 50% of them.

Every game has some disparity, but Enkidu is the worst chat in the game and it got into top 8 at Evo.

Yeah. Even looking at the concept art posted above, to me it looks like that was the style they were going for… they just didn’t do a good job.

I think the whole game was probably a low budget, low time production… and it showed aesthetically.

Jedah looks good because they couldn’t recicle assets from previous games to make him, same for Ultron. Dante doesn’t look bad because of the artstyle, he looks bad because his model sucks