SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Urien cheats though. He looks better than most of the cast with no clothes on.

Banana hammock

If you actually think the lack of USF4 tournaments is because people stopped playing it in favor of SF5 then just lol.

SF4 is not present anymore because Capcom wanted it to be gone to make room for SF5,it has nothing to do with how many people are attending it.

By the way, discussion turned into something else and I give you now a big existential question,
What is the Sonic 06 of fighting games?
Only major publishers, no dumb stuff like fight if gods and we going all time because in the current generation, say SFV is the worst game we currently have (not judging, just making a hypothesis for sake of explanation), it’s still a pretty goddamn good game.

My pick is Capcom fighting evolutions/Jam

stronzolo I would agree if it was about time constraints that they choose the other art style because it was less time consuming to implement than what @DoctrineDark posted recently.

Agree with Dante the model, but comparing it with Jedah being more cartoony in visual and Ultron being robotic in visual should have a consideration because they easily avoid…

the phenomenal known as the uncanny valley.

This is why the art-direction and art style is important and why a closer to realism isn’t always appropriate direction.

Makes me wonder what the cultural difference is between the US and other countries that seem to have plenty of long-standing tournaments for games that are either dead here or barely even known in the first place.

The only stateside tournament for old games I can think of is team spooky events like 2old2furious and there other ones. Could just be that arcade scene is dead and the us is much larger than Japan.

Do you mean like, horrid but kinda special to watch because of how unabashedly incompetent it is?

So bad it’s good?

Or worst with mainstream appeal?

I feel this is a bit revisionist. You still see competition for MK9, MKX, Melee, MvC2, and MvC3 just to make a few.

Different games than the east to be sure, but the same phenomenon.

Hell, the Melee community basically trumps all the others worldwide by a gargantuan margin.


They defined it as kusoge. I Googled kusoge.

I had not played Sonic 06 but I know it by reputation as gthe definition of shit

Sonic 06 is a special breed of shit.

It’s more “the room” than “suicide squad”.

It really is charming due to the confidence with which It makes decisions. Most of the game isn’t a fuck up because they made a mistake, but because they honestly thought it was a good idea.

Arcade probably doesn’t hurt at all. Anything that gets people together for a common hobby is going to have a lot longer legs than something disparate.

The main thing I’ve seen that keeps any game going regardless of size or popularity is the community. If you have a dedicated group of people that enjoy a game and play it regularly (however often that ends up being) it can’t die.

In my experience communities tend to maintain a lot longer when you are actually meeting the people in person. My group of friends has been meeting up around 1/week for something like 15 years at this point to play various miniature, card, and board games. Regardless of how much we’ve liked the individual games we have been playing at the time, we keep doing it because its a great way to hang out.

Translate that to any local FG scene and I can easily see why you could have some shit like Akatsuki Blitzkampf (or whatever it is called) still a-chugging along. So long as people get together to play it, it can never die.

Online is way the hell better than not playing at all and it is cool to bring together people from so far across the globe but online is easy to flake on.


You speak the truth.

This is also a big part of why Melee is still so big. Casuals still get together to play Melee after all these years.

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You can’t really compare the smash scene to anything else. Those guys have all of 3 viable games that they could play. One of them got dropped like a bag of shit (brawl) and now sm4sh is about to get unceremoniously dunked by Ultimate too.

So for Smash you really have a scene of 5 games with only 2 being taken seriously. If all of the FGC were 2 games, you guys wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Edit: Wasn’t meant at you Illwill. But for your answer on Japan. They have two things going for them: 1) Japanese people play what they like, 2) Arcades help create community centers so they can keep doing it. Mentioned previously but a combination of those two things will keep any game around.

Also calling games dead just because they moved on to a smaller community is kind of dumbshit. Similar to how FGC is a dumbshit term.


I didn’t even think about that but I don’t have a thing for blonds. I wish SFV had more hair colors for the cast but Japan loves white people so what can even do about it lol

I’ll give you melee for sure but other than that I don’t see those games putting up decent numbers and they aren’t all that old either. I see acho or Mikado doing multiple tournaments at least once a month for games that are old af like at least 20 years old. But it was good to see that mvc2 event yipes and them did recently. My statement might have been a bit exaggerated but still.

Stop being a Super Diamond hell loser and start winning so you can troll them back.


I mean, here’s a link to some recent tournament results.

Look at all the old/dead games.

These communities get smaller sure, but many of these games just haven’t been replaced yet. You will never see a smash 4 tournament now that ultimate is out, because ultimate really is just a better smash 4. But Melee has not yet been replicated. (To focus on the smash example).

Most of the people who played SFIV gave me shit for playing 3S and ST over SFIV during the SFIV days. Now that SFV isn’t the main game anymore, those dudes mostly dropped fighters altogether. Then you have guys like Veggey who don’t want to participate in anything but his main game because he hates playing when rusty (he still bodies everyone at SFIV lol).

Also UNIST is a good game. Lots of cool ideas and a really diverse cast. My only complaint is no community and too long combos. Everything else is sweet.

and yet the SFV version of Ryu and chun looks much better than its MvsC counterpart despite both having a more realistic artstyle than their previous iterations


There are still SF2,3 and even Alpha tournaments.
SFIV would still be alive if it’s community would be as active as it’s actively writing everywere SFV sucks, long life SFIV.

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That’s actually surprisingly accurate when I think about it. A lot of newcomers in MvCI look great (particularly Jedah, Carol, X, Sigma, Monster Huntress) but almost every character coming back from MvC3 looks awful.

It’s almost like the models were made by two different teams. One was tasked to adapt what they had for the new game (and failed) while the other was building models from scratch (and succeeded).

Really sad what happened to that game. I wasn’t too big into MvC3 but it was and still is gorgeous to look at.