SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

But Marvel characters are way more popular than Capcom characters at at time where the various super hero movies are the most popular in the world. New MvC should’ve been like printing money but somehow Capcom fucked it up.

People don’t like to hear this but visual presentation matters, and MvC:i looks fresh off the PS2. Roster also matters a lot in fighting games and Infinite’s was ass.

Edit: Even the sound design was garbage. Characters yelling REALITY STONE every time they used it was grating as fuck. I had to play the game on mute before I eventually took it back to gamestop.

SFxT was killed by Evo when they made it a 2v2 tournament.

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Eh… that’s all true but there were still some core issues. Many had to do with the SF4 DNA at the games heart.

Take rolls for example, yes you could kinda punish them, but a failure to do so resulted in you being cornered. SFVs tech system is basically a fixed version.

The bigges problems were things like:

  1. A shit ton of powerful reversal and defensive options. Many characters had safe DPs which lead to huge damage. And since this is still SF4 DNA there really are no blockstrings, and tons of moves featured random invulnerabilites, and tags allowed conversions off moves that weren’t really meant to convert (from what I’ve heard this was an issue in TTT2 also). So pressuring up close was a gamble which could blow you up as easily as the opponent. And if you succeeded, they could get out fairly easily.

  2. over done anti-fireball. With the exception of some truly ridiculous fireball from a few characters (alisa), long range zoning could be bypassed extremely easy by almost all the Tekken character either with specific moves or their very shallow jumps.

  3. perfect anti-airs. To combat the oversized jump-in hithoxes from the base game, instead of reducing jumpin hitboxes, Capcom have many anti-airs the crush property. On paper this is fine, but many times these moves were extraordinarily good at their job to the point where there was no real counterplay.

On their own none of These were bad, but it lead to a situation where the safest was to play the game was to sit tight and poke. And since all pokes auto hit confirmed, and many Tekken characters had huge advancing strings, this was a very effective strategy. Also, SF4 DNA so slow wall speeds and questionable dashes.

It was also a very slow strategy, which led to not just timeouts, but matches timing out before it felt like they had really been played out.

Also, the nerfed Asuka in the 2013 patch which makes me mad to this day.

I don’t know how to pin down the reason, but MvCi does look considerably better in person than it does over streams.

Edit- Not implying you don’t know that already, just saying there’s something odd in the lighting or something.

What? I bought and played the game myself. It looks like complete garbage.

Don’t make me link a picture of Chun

Yeah, sorry, didn’t intend to imply you didn’t know.

Just talking about how something is definitely being done differently in that game in the graphics dept. Many of the models and effects are by themselves fine. Chun notwithstanding.

Killer Instinct is the same way. Streams dont quite do it justice.


Exactly. KI3 is of an extremely high quality. But it can look repetetive and dry to the uninitiated.

And visually KI has some really cool stuff… but also some really junk stuff. For example, the rain on thunders stage is one of the best effects I’ve ever seen. But the character models are kinda weak.

Alternatively, games can look interesting but actually be very dry. My example for this is P4:A.

Even though I’m not a fan of MVCI’s artstyle, the game could’ve looked much better had they taken the time to touch it up. It’s crazy how good some of the characters like Ultron, Nova, Sigma, Jedah, Black Panther, Monster Hunter, and Venom look in comparison to the rest.

MVCI looks like Marvel’s mobile games.


On the other hand KoF XIV looks like a PS2 game as well and it is still going strong in asia

KOF 14 doesn’t look technically great. But it looks clean and it… looks like KOF.

I always felt MvCI often looked ugly, and when it wasn’t ugly, it still looked generic.


Yeah I bought the game at the time and was shocked at how much more polished Jedah looked compared to the majority of the vanilla roster, not only from a technical standpoint, even his animations and voice lines oozes personality.
We fucking need a new Darkstalker

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Sadly just like how Marvel Ultimate alliance 3 on the switch looks. Its obviously a style that Marvel wants.

Sucks cause i really liked the couch coop stuff of the past Ultimate alliance game and this one looks like its being set up to fail.


I love this forum.

A huge amount of people who regulary write essays how terrible SFV is and they keep playing it.
Thats good, daddy Capcom has you in his claws, there is no way out, swallow just every low quality piece of junk they throw at you, like a good dog.

On the other hand REmake2 is great. Great to see that the teams who’re actually competent can make good games.

Just couldn’t resist a bandwagoned trump slander post in these forums eh

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MVCI need a relaunch, like they did with SFVAE. Not by adding new modes but retaining them with the Xmen and slight adjustment with the gameplay mechanics… return of the assist mechanic would be neat. Visuals? just changed the UI.

Probably true because there were different art style included in the game’s gallery, Sadly people assume it to be because of the budget or always blame artist that follow and workaround the given instruction rather than those responsible with implementation the art style and art direction which could be Marvel.

lol its all capcom, Daddy capcom has you too.

You either swear off all of capcom or you support the entire monster, and thats the genius of capcom. For as much trash as they drop, remake and remaster. When they do something right or well its genre defining.

You show me fighting game i’ll show you problems with it.

Unless you are a Playing Nintendo games, you won’t get to flirt with perfection often, if ever.


This is true but I don’t think anyone would have questioned Capcom if they decided to go the all stars route instead of using the Marvel IP. Everyone and the grandpapy knew Marvel were being jerks about their characters and they had more control than ever because of the MCU status. Add on the fact that Capcoms fighting game division was still recovering from the backlash of SFV it would have made more sense to just make a ghetto Marvel. An all stars games would have basically been Capcom saying this.

Look guys we know we fucked up with SFV and we don’t want another UMVC3 situation so here is our compromise based on our abilities in the current era. We know it’s not Mahvel but hey look, Power Stone is back and we added more Darksalkers characters than just Morrigan and Chinese zombie with an anvil.

Would have sold a mil in month


I am not sure if you are saying KoF always looks worst than the competition (though probably not what you meant) or that despite looking bad XIV still has the style of the franchise…
I can kinda understand the meaning of the second, with the particle effects still being true to form and the way animations convey speed and power. But they fucked up how clothes animate, the definition of muscles is horrid and most importantly they just done wrong by some character iconic design. I will harp on this for eternity, why is Terry wearing a fucking button up shirt instead of his usual coat or at worst his garou look?
Vanessa all of a sudden is cosplay ing as a One piece character. She is a relatively new character and a change of look is not the end of the word, but what this this half and half shit? Also don’t understand the change of pants and shoes in Blue Mary, but at least they are not as dreadful… Still feels wrong.

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