SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Didn’t think you meant the low 'cause that ain’t catching anything airborne

he can catch empty jumps with low.

I watched it also.

It’s ok but I kinda dislike what they did with Paragus,I was hoping for more character development.

At least Broly got better, he grew as a character.

Well I’m already getting divorced so I guess there is no harm in really leaning into fighting games for awhile what is the worst that could hap



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Yeah agree MVCi is a good example but MVCi was in a unfortunate situation to consider with DBFZ that made the visual expectation higher that time. If MVCi was delayed it might have been in a more better situation that it had been. As for people praising it’s gameplay.

Undeniably the game is a hidden gem in terms of gameplay unlike capcom fighting jam, but it ain’t a gameplay revolution in FGC. IMHO. It had it had a bit flaw like the infinity surge that it had to be tweak out later (im okay with the surge) , the infinity storm and tag system were great.

If I wanted to get in touch with capcom, how would I do that? I’d actually like to write them something.


Are all gems of games that capcom fumbled, but that also the fgc let the “casual” crowd heavily influence them.

TvC (nintendo only)
SfxTekken (DLC on disc and gem issue)
Mvci (Quality control issue)

All 3 of those games just so happen to be great, new ideas and mechanics and takes.

TVC was successful on it’s own regardless on it’s own thats why it got ported in the west and still have a following lately.

I believe if I would look into SFXT the only problem was the gem selection isn’t optimize to few choices than multiple combination but those so called problems are the same thing that NRS do with their customization option that only a few find faulty. It’s not that bad.

Casual are casual, they will follow the trend if it had content, characters and visual. Yet gameplay is what brings the talk of the FGC. FGC and popular media are the trend. So even with content, characters and visual it would just end along with the pile of Bamco anime arena games.

What Capcom need is to have a game with a decent presentable gameplay like they usually do then the rest follows. Eliminate the noise like poor request and demand without detail and substance.

So they would separate the needs and wants that are priority with curiosity and what if request which are nuisance and waste of development resources.

As much as I like SFxT, that game had some serious issues before v2013. Not all of that was because Capcom shot itself in the foot with non gameplay issues either.

It’s still an ugly looking and sounding game and the combos last way too long for my taste, but it’s a lot better now. But most people had jumped ship at the time the game got good.

Possibly sagats whack as jump ins. Im pretty sure I was getting tagged by the low, not the high - in the air. Maybe I’ll watch those replays.

Didn’t matter, bodied him anyway, cause G fuckin sucks! Long live the King.

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ugly? strongly disagree.

I loved it before and after, the problem with sfxtk was too many people thought they were good from the jump. A game were time ran out was amazing to me, also they fact that eventually people started to optimize combo’s and time out were becoming less and less of a thing.

Everything about the game was uncharted territory and it sucks it got killed dead more by casual hate than because the game was bad.

I want to play a top tier just because they are top tier and win…It’s really hard for me to play a character I don’t care about or have some kind of attachment to. Play style or other.

^Me every time I try to read Bison’s knee press

netcode on pc sucks too, and i mean really. not the sfv way…

Damage was never the issue with SFxT. Optimizing damage a bit more wouldn’t have fixed the time issue.

As a personal example, I played a Hugo team which had 700-800 damage conversions off pretty much any hit and timeouts were still a factor.

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I still maintain my opinion that if MvCI had been just an all Capcom roster fighter, the Marvel/Disney meddling wouldn’t have been there to bring the game down to meme status and essentially kill it on arrival. Make the gameplay the same, and things that the game got ragged on like the graphics wouldn’t be there.

Man I fucking miss playing Monster Hunter in that game, best newcomer in a dead game :frowning:


There were definitely characters in sfxt that could end rounds in seconds and others that could keep you out all round. That’s why the game was so good. Any playstyle could work in that game

SFxT died just one more good patch away from greatness.

Needed the option to turn off displaying opponent’s customer colors, that’s for sure.

Also could have done with shifting more damage from combos to command grabs for the grappler characters.

I was mostly thinking about rolling being so powerful and hard to beat, most of the Tekken characters being kinda wack, throws being trash and recoverable health being hard to get rid off. I think a bunch of characters had safe DP tag cancels too, but don’t quote me on that. I never minded the timeouts, though the length of the juggles were too long for my taste and super animations were drawn out AF.
All the serious issues got fixed in v2013. A couple of the solutions were really elegant as well (in particular. Throws removing rec. health and punishing rolls was a really smart move). But people were turned off too long before th patch solved those issues, unfortunately.

I still think the game looks really ugly and that the sound design (and the soundtrack) is plain bad, but that stuff is personal preference of course.

I wanted to make a President > King joke but doesn’t feel right under this administration. Fuck Trump.

I’ll fall back on the much more sophisticated:

G roolz Sagat droolz