SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming


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I don’t know how to feel about SamSho, I loved it when I was a child but it might be just nostalgia. My hopes are more in KoF XV, is a series they have been keeping up and they (nearly) always had good gameplay and the huge cast means you’ll always gonna find characters you like (even with the poor decisions they made in XIII I can see myself having troubles picking just 3).


every FG has depth and footsies, they just differ. Dash is a footsie tool in SFV, so it’s not non-existing, it’s just something a lotta people don’t like.

Volatile footsies is what I’d say it’s like, moreso than nonexistant


Samurai Showdown is really looking impressive. The art style reminds me of SF4 and the game looks just fun.


As of now I have no worries with the characters and aesthetics, I just hope we had a decent look in the gameplay mechanics.

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Characters and aesthetics are important to make a good 1st impression, I have stayed the fuck away from KoF XIV because of how ugly it is (and how fucked up some of the characters I always loved like Terry and Kyo are) and only got into it after over 2 years of owning the game because I got fed up with SF and this was the one game I could find people to play with on a consistent basis, I love how the game plays now that I tried it for real, but it took a long way, and it would have not happened if I could have played GG or UNIST on PC consistently.

Also Mahvel.

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You can’t mute/block people on discourse unfortunately. I been tried to block that nigga. Only thing you can do it mute notifications from them so you won’t know when they quote or DM you.

I can’t block him so i settle for making sure he knows he should’ve been swallowed.

Actually, I’m more game mechanics, content and characters even people would notice me mostly talking on visual yet my usual goal is consistency in design and complementary in previous design.

Game mechanics and retail content says if the title is worth anticipating. If those anime fans had those so called 3-episode rule, I find this as an equivalent. IMHO.

Mobile games mostly tease trailers with promising visual and environment exploration. Samsho mobile game trailer had a lot of those anyway. Some previous bandai arena anime fighters do also tease those amazing trailers but when the gameplay is revealed it’s a mostly a major let down.

I agree, but you do know those games are a letdown in the gameplay department because of people playing them.
I haven’t heard much in the way of complaints for MvC:I gameplay, if anything I have heard mostly praise, but nearly no one plays the game because “Chun-li’s face” and “where muh x-men at?” and all that crap.


Shadow Lab.

There isn’t enough information about SNK’s approach to tell how similar SamSho’s version is to KI’s, but it does sound like both are looking for the same end goal. That end goal not being an “unbeatable” AI, but rather an AI that produces gameplay similar to that of a human player.

From the published information, KI’s approach was basically for the Shadow AI to treat all your match replays as a giant recording, with the AI skipping around to whatever section it wanted to “replay” for its actions. The game would go through replays to mark “important” spots. When you played a match against a Shadow AI, the AI would look at the current state of the game, and would compare it against the set of “important” spots to find the “best” matches. To add some randomness, it wouldn’t automatically pick the “best” match, but would instead pick something in the vicinity. The AI would then just start “playing” the replay at that spot. When the current match diverged far enough from the “expected” match, the AI would again search for a new best match.

It some ways, this is pretty simple. But the scale is large. There is also simply figuring out how to program the game to find the “important” spots of matches; this was done by hand (not handled with AI learning) and is something that I don’t believe they ever publicly described in detail. There were various other details to consider, any of which could lead to failure if they weren’t satisfactorily figured out.

SNK could go a similar route, or they might try to get the behavior encoded directly into the AI network instead of having the AI just determine which spots of a recording to play. They could put a lot of weight on figuring out “optimal” strategies. They could take various shortcuts that could cause the whole thing to collapse. They could accidentally end up with a product that doesn’t handle game balance updates well. There are a lot of ways this could go wrong.


Wtf. Thats dumb. We just gotta hold it?

Cipher is a fullscreen slide vtrigger activation

I see what you did there you bastard!!!

SamSho will be THE fighters for us, old folks.
Slow with very good buttons and lots of poking.
I cannot wait for it.


uhhh…i can’t sleep…opened up sfv…perfected a Abi player with Kage…don’t even know wtf happened. Also we’re going to get some new SFV info later today.

Great player, great character and a great game.


SF5 , punished for good reads.

I noticed they deliberately made the hit box on Gs rush punch cancel into trigger hit you out the air if you read it.

Truly a game for the 80 IQs.


Just wanna say Dragon Ball Super: Broly is a classic movie hngggggggggg

Also I don’t mind Urien now since he’s clearly mid tier, fug the top tiers :^)


Funnily enough they tried to make the lv3 version bad at that. Hitbox doesn’t reach the end of his fist and it has a larger hurtbox with no disjoint (below is lv1 vs lv3)

Jump hurtboxes are just that bad


I was meaning the low. What’s that one look like?