SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Anyone playing tonight

They Just announced the Esports Japan/North American Street Fighter Leagues. Not to mention the arcade release. We aint seeing SF6 anytime soon. 2021 or 2022 if we lucky.


Naw SFV for life

The darkest timeline…


why would a SF league hinder a new release?

It will be dark since my shadow will loom over everyone after my Evo win in 2020. Even Ben will bow before me.

Thats what I said.

You’re not Mr anything. Children don’t get to be called Mr, and you’ve proven you’re nothing but a petulant fucking child.

Is this like that thing they have in KI? Shadow training or something? I think every fighting game should try and steal that concept, and improve upon it.

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What do people dislike with SFV that makes them want a non-existing SF6 anyway?

??? I mean you’re the one who threw a tantrum at me out of thin air you fucking sociopath

For me the only thing that really bugs me is safe (or plus on block) crush counter fishing with heavy buttons that lead to a dash up full combo.

Other than that the game is ok for me. Not amazing but fine.

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no depth
fishing for CC
stubby normals
non existent footsies
boring game

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What is DBFZ?

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Dodge Ball FrankerZ


You are so predictable.
Do you not understand how forums work? People can read and see what you have been doing. You’ve been poking at me to get a reaction since I have started posting again. Don’t think I called you petulant because it was my word of the day. You really wanna try and play the victim card? Bitch, please.
I have to deal with children all day for work and then again when I am at home, I don’t really feel like doing the same in the one place I come to relax and just talk about things I like. It’s the reason i left your discord. Come to think about it, I suppose you didn’t have the chance to be prick about it, but trying to take it now? move the fuck on dude.
Anyway, I simply decided to give you what you have so desperately been pining for, attention. Toss you a bone if you will.
Now don’t get me wrong, is not like I will not argue with you over whatever topic if you decide to act like a grown up, I’m not that petty (not sure if I can say the same about you, but then again you could grow up eventually), but if all you want is attention go get it in discord, from the few people that are left active in there ( I assume the exact ones that were there when I left, maybe with someone showing up less and less and no one new coming in ).


first and fourth are false but the rest I fuck with

oh he was so waiting for it. literally starts replying 5 seconds after I post.

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Sam sho could be the fighter old man Highland has been waiting for!


tfw I wasn’t even replying to him LMAO

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