SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

You care enough to keep replying.

I know it’s not SF so it’s trash, you made this clear often enough.

Anyway Burst and the mechanics it implies are not comeback mechanics, VTs are meant as comeback mechanics and some characters are incomplete without them.
Also yeah my b I forgot OD lasts longer the lower your health is.
My point stands, if anything Froztey is corroborating it. Fuck designing 1vs1 fighters around comeback mechanics.

Every fighter has comeback mechanics, have done for quite some time. And that’s not even close to what I was talking about but it’s your speciality to not understand English.

Also, if you’ve been playing the game for 3 years and dislike the systems in place from the getgo - you’re retarded. At least Cipher had enough of a brain to just not play something he didn’t like.

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The only enjoyable part about playing against Chipp is exploding him


Well let’s go through my actual “shortcomings shall we and see how well frosty scores with calling that list out as “my shortcomings” since lemmings like you seem to only to be able to parrot the words of people greater than yourself.

So 1-10 have literally nothing to do with any of my “shortcomings”

Wow, batting 1000 so far right?

11… is something that is a personal weakness of mine,… I’m not good at stopping dashes on reaction… however stopping dashes via superior play… is not a weakness of mine. I’m fine with strong dashes. But weaker dashes are something that everyone pretty much has asked for, and I agree that the game may well be better if the dashes were toned down.

  1. This is LITERALLY the only thing one can claim as a weakness of mine. Yet I’m being told that this entire list is based on my shortcomings… Projection much?

  2. Is a personal gripe of mine, but I can split the screen and corner people, it’s annoying, it shouldn’t be in the game… but it is. Game will imo be better with smaller stages and more emphasis on making decisions and walking forward rather than giving up space so one can gain an unreactable forward moving special “mixup”

I wouldn’t call this a weakness of mine, but a preference for a style of play that is more dynamic.

14,15,16 have zero to do with my shortcomings. So out of 16 suggestions there are 1-1/2 MAYBE 2-1/2 (and that’s a fucking stretch) that have anything to do with my “shortcomings”

Like I said frosty only sees his side of the coin. He saw 2 suggestions and said the entire list was based on shortcomings because he really has no actual argument.

Seems like you jumped on the no argument train as well.


6… I can confirm 2x lights so…not a weakness, I just don’t see the reason for only 2x light confirms across 97% of the cast. Imo the way sf5 handles light cancels is perfect. You get a light ender most of the time that does little damage and has a bad KD. That’s not every character but it’s probably something that should be made a bit more universal. It’s win win. You get more for a heavier confirm.

8… that’s not a shortcoming of mine. I can use safe moves just fine.

A cute girl to cool everyone down.

and a good song to chill to.


Wonder if he’ll ever realise I don’t read his posts

no yeah I misunderstood you saying that

I am fed up with your shtick of being a fucking prick.
you can honestly go fuck yourself, I am tired of arguing with you, you fucking child.
Grow up, then try to have a decent discussion with someone. Jesus Christ.


oops nevermind

SF6 is definitely going to have a comeback mechanic so debating whether we need them or not is irrelevant. The only thing that really matters is power level.

VT started off fun and reasonable. Most of the original 16 had pretty tame VT’s from what I recall outside of a couple outlers like Mika. Then you look at the S1 characters and we got Guile loops, Balrog full stage corner carry, Aegis, and Ibuki’s bomb. Having a 3 bar went from “you get a strong end game buff” to “go steal the round”.

I’ve said it multiple times and nobody wants to hear it, but the best comeback system I’ve seen is Injustice 2. You get more meter for getting hit, which gets you more meter specials for offense and access to defensive options like flipping out of a juggle combo. For bigger swings you get faster access to your super and a better return from clashing. Basically the loser is given more options to keep them in the fight over the course of the match instead of one large boost at low health. More importantly, there is rarely a time when a character can rob you to point that the other player won’t benefit from the system as well


Most importantly, it just the super meter retooled a little bit. It’s not a completely separate mechanic that doesn’t interact with the rest of the game.


I was watching some of the replays from last night. What is Ed’s frames after throw+dash? I’m pretty sure it plus, but How much? Is throw>dash>throw a real mixup with Ed?

This is SFV, so I’m gonna guess it’s +2?

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You can see the frames in game in training mode. Pick ed, throw, look at the frame counter after you dash.

I was about to write a serious reply, then I rememberd that I can have a better argumentation with a wall.

That you think Focus Attack was a good mechanic is prove enough that you have shit taste.

You’re supposed to trigger Frost not the other way around.

We know he’s an arrogant prick since he reached Diamond, he thinks he’s an expert since then.
Well he’s an expert in dropping characters at least.

I know, but I won’t be able to do that for a few days.

I’ll test it after I finish my morning shit

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Thank you.

Looks like he is -1 after a dash.

+15 KD - 16f dash ig

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SF6? I’d like to see a good art style.

Comeback mechanic should be something you get in round 2, like idk getting 2 free EX bars, and/or increasing your EX gauge maximum by one

Alpha series had a 3 character Dramatic Battle mode. I’d like an online version of that so I can co-op with my lesser skilled friend against an online opponent higher ranked than either of us.

I liked SF3 hop attacks, which pair well with strong cr.MKs

I like dashes if they’re 20+ frames. Not a big fan of old school 80kph "walk"s.

Not a fan of universal mechanics usually, because they always favor some archtypes. Like why can’t Gief’s main method of gaining EX meter be by blocking a move in neutral?


Without going into to specifics, for the next street fighter game. Before they start development, I want them to take all of the SF4 code and throw it in the trash.

This isn’t out of hatred for SF4, but we have had 3 games in a row now (SF4, SFxT, and SFV) which are all twists on that rule set. I don’t want SF6 to feel like SF4 again.

Annoyingly, the first reveal for SFV looked more different, but I think they had trouble getting it to balance/flow right and just defaulted to SF4 stuff.


SF6 is overrated. Live in the now and soon.

SSF5 is the future of the FGC. Ain’t nothing like the real thing!