SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

yes it can, you just cancel into hp.headbutt or hk.tackle…

Serious question, do we really need a comeback mechanic? Honestly we’ve had 3 seasons and counting of complaints about VT balance. Most of the games I play have very little in the term of comeback mechanics and they don’t seem to suffer from it and honestly get way less complaints than SFV did.
GG comeback mechanic is guts I guess, it works the same for everyone (yeah som have better guts than other, but whocares) and it doesn’t really screw up any member of the cast. I don’t think BB has any comeback mechanic at all. UNIST has IWEXS, if we wanna consider it a comeback mechanic, and even there, all of them have the same properties and the same starting animation. Finally KoF has getting extra meter and longer Max mode duration for later characters, hardly game breaking.
Methinks fuck big comeback mechanics in 1vs1 fighters, do something simple and universal.

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I said “full” combo.

Going directly into special isn’t a full combo. You would need a dash. A full combo generally denotes a jump attack or substitute for a jump attack, into a ground attack into a cancel.

The sub for the jump attack is the CC, but there is no middle damage button, so it isn’t a full combo… I’d rather got for the upclose damage and pressure, but hey, it’s there if you need to do it. It’s an option. Most inconsistencies have other less powerful more consistent options as well.

difference between an inconsistency and something not working entirely but go figure

My wishlist for SFV:

  • No dashes, better walkspeed
  • better hitbox-hurtbox ratio, especially on jump ins
  • no “I spend a bar and suddenly I’m eating your face” moves a la ex zonk knucke, ex psycho blast etc.
  • I’m not against comeback mechanics but having to fill the v gauge to play the fully fleshed out version of your character is just boring
  • better buttons plox

I’ll get murdered for saying this but I wish Sf6 plays like kof xiii. I love that game so much. Lol.


you might wanna be more specific on that one, I don’t think anyone would be cool with drive combos in a FT2 round format.

A Combo of SFIV and SFV sounds like the worst idea in SF history.
Together with releasing a new SF game with non of the old guard and expecting it not to fail.

Also, is this just a list of your shortcomings?
Sounds like you just want everything handed out to you without having to, I don’t know, practice or actually play good.

First of all fuck this forum format.

Second of all BB does have a comeback mechanic, it’s just not as obvious and roundrobbery.
BBs Comeback mechanic is basically Overdrive, though it can be used in multiple ways, since it buffs the Drive of the character.

Guts in GG is more of a result of “we don’t want to give every character different health, so we give them different Guts scaling.”
Blitz can be used as comeback mechanic, but it’s risky as heck. Otherwise… you have Burst?

Burst prevents comebacks as much as it facilitates them (perhaps more than it facilitates them, in fact). Same with guts-scaling.

Guts is more a result of every char having the same health.
Would be weird of Pot dies in the same speed as lets say Ky.
I prefere different health pools.

GG has actualy Gold Burst, what is positive on block and gives a good chunk of meter.
But yeah, bursting also prevents the comeback.

Well thats better balanced than VTs at least.

Guts is effectively the same as a differing health pool, not really a difference.

Arguing balance of one strong mechanic over another is stupid, both are intended to be prime focuses in the game. Burst is essential, VT system is essential.

Every character in Xrd has the same health, but different defense ratings (Potemkin takes 96% damage from moves, Chipp takes 130%). Guts is an additional mechanic on top of that, which kicks in at different points for different characters.

But yeah, it’s essentially a health bar difference.

Gold bursts can facilitate comebacks. They’re a huge gamble though.

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I thought the damage scaling WAS guts? And they have A/B/C ratings or some shit

Nah, they’re separate mechanics. Different characters get different damage reductions at different points, on top of the base defense rating. It also affects how easy it is to combo into instant kills on those characters. It’s pretty complicated.

Since when is Burst a prime focus?
Every mechanic has drawbacks, what drawbacks has VT?
Oh well you need to get hit to get it.
Then you get to be a full character for 10 seconds and can go full unga.

GG has full characters with universal tools on top of them everyone has acces to.


You have Guts scaling and defence modfier.
Like I said I prefere different healthpools.
You also have different weight types that influence your combos on top of different hurtboxes for everyone.
GG is high on drugs, when it comes to character specific stuff.

the result is fun tho, seeing Slayer killing Chipp in 2 combos is hilarious


I said it’s essential, and it shapes a gigantic portion of the game by keeping offensive options in check because they’re overbearing.

Game mechanics incorporated into FGs shape how they’re designed, VTs were meant to be this strong, Burst is meant to be as vital as it is. Arguing balance of things intended to be very strong is retarded.

Burst can also be used to go on the offence, it’s not just there to break out of it.
It also needs quiet some time to get back up.
And there is no Active Flow in GG I’m aware off.

There are other mechanics for defence.
Just Defence, Faultless Defence, Blitz to some degree just to name a few.
But everything you do has a downside.
Just Defence makes a move 3 frames more negative, allowing to break out of pressure or punish otherwise safe things. But it needs timing and can be a huge gamble.
Faultless Defence removes chip damage and increases the pushback, but it costs meter and meter is valuable.
Blitz is an obvious move, but it can give you a full Combo if it hits. It also costs a bit of meter and “steals” some Burst meter from the opponent.
It’s great for Stuncombos though, since it prevents bursting out of them.

I’ve made my decision, I like to play full characters, instead of waterd down versions, that need a comeback mechanic to be full characters.
Also Anime is just more fun and I actually get working defensiv mechanics.

cool, we got that the last 100 times you said it, I don’t think many care my dude.