SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

im ready whenever.

Imma try some things.

by that i mean, i’m on now, you can invite me whenever.

Just for the record for people wondering about J.Wong’s catch

Say she’s cute. She’s definitely low profile compared to some of the other FGC girls. Doesn’t have selfies of herself all over her twitter and isn’t necessarily around J.Wong 24/7 (didn’t see her around him even when I was at Canada Cup) so I’ve never really seen her until now. That’s cool. Apparently she does artwork.


She’s pretty.


I can’t remember anything in SFV so I can’t rank up. It’s too hard.



Have zero interest in DBFz, just saw the final results. Glad that Fox didn’t win.


GGs @FlyingVe. Would stay on longer but got work in the morning

Offense is improving, but need to get better at whiff buffering stlk, or lights in general. Try holding the button(s) down after the buffer, negative edge might just be screwing you over

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Real talk, just by looking at Dogura I thought he was on his way to become a transgender long ago. Boy did I have that wrong.

I prefer calling it Psychic DP, than the ume thing…

A great example was Jyobin in SF4

The best thing about that Dogura photo, was that his wife retweeted it with her face pasted on those two girls.


That’s what high level robo ky play does for ya

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Ok now that the dbf first world tour finals event is over I have to ask a couple of questions regarding some posters here that have me confused. Viewers on twitch;
Tekken7 2018 world finals = 55K peak
Dbfighters world finals = 80K peak
Sfv capcup 2018 = 126K peak

So going by this data, that means that sfv had more viewers in their respective finals event than both tekken 7 and dbfighters. Even when it’s sfv’s third year, of course sfv’s first year and second had more viewers than sfv’s third, that’s expected. But my confusion comes from this then, if it’s still the most viewed and popular fighter, even after its THIRD year, then why are some people here calling for sf6? I’ve heard that over and over, and I can’t help but think that capcom says, “we have more viewers than any other fighter, why would we drop sfv now?” Obviously they’ve never said that that I can verify but I mean it’s obvious. Why don’t people say “hey dbfighters and tekken have less viewers than a 3 year old sfv we better get tekken 8 and dbfighters 2 soon man”? Are people in denial? Just don’t like sfv? Don’t watch any events? I’m confused. Also I’m in no way calling anyone out, I’m just interested in knowing why some people think sf6 should come out when it still beats out all others in viewers and entrants? Thanks.

SFV is a viewers game, which is why it’s got better numbers than the other imo.
And people are calling for SF6 because it’s close to 2020, next Gen is coming and SFV is stale as fuck to play


It’s a combination of a lot of things and you mentioned some of them. The game suffered from bad press when it came out and still does to this day, a lot of that is self inflicted. Aside from that the game has a lot of haters and others that are just down on the game and they’re pretty vocal about it.


Well said common interest and similar goals works well with opposite sex, along with humor, hygiene and likeness with life style. Nowadays geek and nerd girls transformed into gamer girls.

I was also amaze knowing that there are legit gamer girls, not because they are trendy but they enjoy it with there siblings or they idealize those characters. Some do even draw
a lot Capcom girls even they weren’t good in that game when they were young and submit it to magazine to be featured rather than Sailormoon or whatever magical girl, So they are legit gamer girls but not good at games yet likes games and a fan of video game characters.

Some weren’t even beautiful and boyish in their youth or not that social they spend time more with their brother to play games, but do aged beautifully.

Then there are girls that were just recently introduce and experience in video games after trying to find a hobby or a form of entertainment as they grow up. They are still gamer girls if they enjoy video games.

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Actual players and esports audience aren’t the same thing


Yeah I’m definitely ready for SF6.

I don’t really watch any events besides EVO and Capcup. I would watch more but none of the characters I’m interested in are seen enough for me to watch. The only players I care to watch right now are Bonchan and Daigo.

Gameplay wise there is a lot of 5 shit I’m tired of. Won’t get specific because its all been said a million times. SF6 won’t be perfect but I suspect it’ll be made in a knee jerk reaction way like 5 was to 4, and if that’s the case I’ll like it way more.

But more importantly I want to see what lessons Capcom learned from SFV and how it’ll affect SF6. Can they recover the casual audience, improve the netplay, etc.


Next gen is no real guarantee that SF6 is coming. SFIV was still being played and ported onto next gen for at least another year or so. Anyone expecting next gen to suddenly bring SF6 could very well be surprised. Especially with arcade cabs for V just getting into order.

SF just has the most history of iconic players, largest player base and has been the original competitive fighter amongst most regions. It doesn’t matter how good or bad it is in sales or what, it is the iconic fighting game that people will play and watch the most.

The most popular game always gets shit regardless so whichever game is big is always going to get shit. LoL and Call of Duty also get a lot of shit despite what numbers they bring. That’s just the order of things for people to always want something more or different from the big game.

For anyone wanting a SF6 I say make sure you see what you’re getting before really hoping for it. SFV worked out for me because as I saw it it already had a lot of things I liked that SFIV didn’t have. Wasn’t a blind faith thing. Blindly waiting for 2+ years hoping SF6 gives you what you want may or may not work out and may have you back to scrambling around for other games you won’t play that much any way.


I know I want sf6, otherwise I wont ever play sf again and that’s depressing. Well maybe some sfxt.

On that note, I need sfxt on ps4

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