SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Ima step in here and say that confidence does not = alpha male or whatever.

You can be timid in real life or an introvert ( cause lets face it I’d say introvert is the monopoly on gamers), but you can be a beast monster in game.

I mean lets not pretend Tokido , Bonchan or Daigo are Alpha males, they are quite the opposite. What they do posses though is a drive to be the best at their chosen field and a belief that they can do it.

Williams problem is clearly he doesnt believe he can do things - Yoda quote and all that.


Same area but not quite.

No, you uppity bitch, nobody here is being a piece of shit. But you have a massive problem which displays a 3rd issue you have with this post.

From the female point of view, confidence is sexy even if you fake it.
Being funny and actually a decent person also gets you laid.
For an example, I am hard pressed to find a woman that wouldn’t do Danny DeVitto, but he is happily married…

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No but you’re implying that wanting everyone to get along and stop bashing other games is somehow a bad thing

I’m not talking about anything other than a pattern of behavior you exhibit.

Damn son, that’s tough. I think everyone had issues with aggressive chicks early in the game. Maybe I would be a dad already if I would have the actual mentality/confidence back then, but who cares. Past experiences led to what we are right now, I’ve enjoyed what I got when I was ready for it.

Something definitely changed in the FGC, but still I have to find a girl into it who worth enough my attention. Maybe I would enjoy a bomb head from that Canadian chick who co-host the last Capcom Cup, but that’s it. At the end it’s like the high school days, top guys will get top girls, the difference in the FGC is there’s no too many of the latter still. Happy for JWong, but I doubt his girl is a swimsuit model or something, so I’m not impressed.


Mad respect for you there.
Knowing that you aren’t ready and rejecting the advances of an aggressive gal takes will power.
You did good.

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Okay so

I respond to someone in a decent manner

I misunderstand what someone else is saying and respond snarkily

And continue to do that a third time

Which ends up meaning…what exactly?

Oddly specific

No, not everyone. sigh Really enjoying the stories though.

Exactly. People act like getting laid by normals and getting laid by models is somehow the same thing. Sorry but if you scored with some arcade rat and I fucked an instagram model… these aren’t the same things.

I’m reminded of “players” back in high school that would brag about how many chicks they had. Come to find out they were actually telling the truth… but they were literally banging the ugliest broads you’d ever seen.

It’s like someone on here bragging opabout their 100 game win streak, at rookie…

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Pertho has his bit, but let me say mine.

It’s not about being mean or an asshole. It’s about be assertive and having confidence. In this case, its not backing down from the little dick energy (aka estrogen) secreted by inbreds like Cipher (no friends, manchild, probably on a watch list) when they don’t stay in their lane.

For a SFV example, you woke up with EX.DP and ate a CC combo into another KD. On wake up o you:
A. Block
B. Tech
C. DP again

The answer? It doesn’t matter. But BDE is having 100% confidence in the option you pick regardless of the outcome.

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Yeah but sexual confidence and confidence in your ability are not the same thing. Is that what we are talking about?

Id say there’s probably a better corolation between how good you are at sport and how good you are at fighting games, because both usually require similar ability’s ( outside of fitness).

Situational awareness
Calmness on the ball
Confidence in your ability

Its quite freaky actually as I said Problem X would win EVO before EVO because of Form alone. Form in FG is a big indicator of current strength.

While sexual confidence gets you laid more, having confidence in your ability can get you laid as well.
The amount of women who would fall for that is lower, but the quality ought to be higher.

Unless the guy can’t even express his confidence in his ability outside of the game.
In that case, well, he isn’t even faking confidence.

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Confidence in general is a good quality to have regardless.


Not really a fan of the analogy, but anyway

I get the confidence thing, and that hasn’t been a problem as of late as I’ve been improving my overall attitude, and practicing more consistently. I just don’t see how responding to someone bashing games with “people can like what they like” is somehow indicative of “this is why you’re struggling to improve.”

I just don’t like being an asshole when I respond to people (usually).

I need a shit ton of confidence to make a girl not regret her life choices after seeing me naked.

This conversation is boring. Does anyone want to beat me up for a bit?

Did you get @itzpookiie 's permission to post pics of him with his bae?

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I’m around if you want to go for a bit longer

Unless you wanna wait and see if someone else is playing today