SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

I ain’t hating on her. I realized what type of “game” she was running way back in the day. Basically to make a long story short, a female like her CANT get alpha males in normal society to have a relationship with her. All that would happen is she gets tossed around.

BUT, in the fgc? Now she can not only get the alphas, she can actually have them chasing her. She can get free playtime and training sessions with top players.

It’s a win win for her and the top players.
Hell, at an arcade or whatever I’d def hit that. She’s probably top 10% looks wise for arcade females… or at least would have been around the sf4 era.

We got suicide girls and cosplayers and stuff nowadays because more chicks are seeing that video game alphas are a new way of getting alpha attention.

They are one of the lowest level of alpha out there… but for desperate females? It’s work withable.

Lol she knows no female is stepping up to you.

Your broad trying not to crush your ego.

She couldn’t. Im very full of myself.

Yall niggas right tho. Hover hand is the new hot shit. Beaming invisible panty drop waves right into her nethers.

January 31 huh.

So i can stop playing SFV soon.

…leaving so soon :frowning:

Nah, why you trying to put your hands on females?

I’m leaving evidence of a damn thing anywhere. If I don’t know you, you can stand next to me.

Hoverhand is some gay shit.

That’s how you know your wife was trying to trap dudes. Hover hand is parrying bullshit away. Thots can hold that.

Funny thing about messing shit up with women… there are about 4 billion others out there. Messing something uo with 1 or 100 doesn’t kill your chances of getting laid. You walk out the door and you are a new man and there are new girls to hit on.

The past is irrelevant. If you got a glance from a cute chick a half hour ago, but didn’t make a move, that glance means nothing now. You approach and you will look unconfident like it took you a half hour to muster up some courage.

I’ve done all kinds of dumbass shit that is literally the equivalent of drying up the pussy, but it doesn’t matter because… on to the next.


These conversations are why I come here. God bless

But real talk i get so much more attention now that i can only window shop. Hate that shit

why do you even care? just dont play it.
its not like with sf where people hope to get 6 faster…

What’s this hover hand, only hand I know is rapid hand when I’m at work for 8 days.


I don’t play SF anymore either (well maybe some ST on Fightcade).

But DBFZ deserves neither the price nor the attention it gets…
oh well stick DB onto the name of a game and everyone loves it by default.
Even if it’s complete garbage.

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How about we enjoy what we like and let others do the same


Yeah I’m watching some of DBFZ and this shit is mostly awful for me. Can’t do it. Teams are essentially doing most of the same thing still. There’s no Sentinel, Strange, Morrigan, Dorm or Chris that deviates from the Wolverine/Wesker rushdown going on. Just different types of those teams and still nothing really interesting about the neutral assists especially now that Vegeta blasts are watered down further.

The snapback tech people are scared of isn’t really even being used that much either. Only thing that’ll get me hype is some more Piccolo fake 300 percent lockdown and haven’t seen it yet.


Pretty sure the only thing Cipher does is say dumb shit.


Videl’s face, Jiren, it’s like I am watching anime. ArcSys is too great. Capcom, when are you going to reconsider your life choices?


well, you are in the sfv thread. that shouldnt surprise you.
the franchise name behind a produkt is a important faktor
outside of that its kinda unique in its approach so eh…i am not a big fan too but i dont hate on it or want it to die.

I come from the harassment era i guess. Used to have to talk to bitches. Read the vibe. See where the limit was. See how she responds to contact. She still leaning into the convo and laughing hard as hell at all your corny ass jokes like you dave chappell?

Shits all different now. Idk im prolly lost if i ever have to get back in the game.

Don’t accuse me of doing your job.

DBFZ pisses me off for getting attention that it does not deserve.
It’s basically ASWs worst game and gets the most attention.
What is unfair.

Also this Thread is literally shit-posts 101

No, I’m not allowed to enjoy what I like, so you’re not allowed either, welcome to the internet son!

Why do yall respond to him. He posts like he wakes up with new cuts on his wrists everyday. Prolly has like 5 acronyms next to his name on his short bus pass


It really sucks for the people waiting through top 8 only for a leak to drop so unceremoniously. Jiren looks sick as I’d imagined tho.