SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

might work on gilty but otherwise…

“Scene girl” psychology is pretty much the same in every subculture.

If you’re interested in getting laid though, all you really need is to have your shit together and be able to hold a conversation. Justin doesn’t seem to have any real problems there.


I still remember when Chris G said FGC girls that couldn’t do a DP were in his inbox trying to fuck him…

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I’ve dealt with stuff myself, so if I’ve dealt with it myself it’s definitely a thing. For every girl that says they get creeped out or offended by a bunch of men at events, there’s another that doesn’t give any fuck shit. When I used to stream for KI it didn’t take too long before one girl already let me know that she wanted to fuck me and definitely sent me pics and other things quite regularly. I don’t really put myself out there when I play and never really said anything other than typical friendly stuff to her and had no idea what she looked like until she showed me basically.

That was just playing on streams and only having enough success to top 8 a couple of the east coast majors. If I was more out there who knows.

I wasn’t going to marry her or anything nor was offended by it, but it’s definitely a thing and not every girl in FGC is SJW/metoo/white knight pure. There’s definitely 2 sides and they both are regularly at events.

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Yall are full of shit i swear

No fine ass girl is interested in yall because your Ryu is clean af at the tournaments


Lol if you haven’t heard of pro hoes in the FGC, you just aren’t talking to the right people.

Shit, M:TG has pro hoes.

Life is crazy out there, fam.


But Ryu doesn’t shower. He can’t be clean af no matter what. :stuck_out_tongue:

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If like any girl they’ll be interested in you before that stuff and will just like the gamer stuff as icing on the cake. It’s an environment where a bunch of guys are at and for one girl that thinks it’s intimidating, it’s a ground for another girl to deal with a bunch of guys that probably are too nerdy/busy to sweep up “regular” girls.

Lmao. Naw but groupies is a thing. I’ve seen em locally. I just don’t believe a dude doing the hover hand or making duck lip selfies can pull it off.

I guess im wrong tho. Baby came out Asian.

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Which is why crossplay was absolutely essential.

It is simply too small a new title, in what is still a niche genre on PC. Without crossplay, anyone who put any weight at all on being able to play online would have completely ignored the PC port, as it was easy to expect online to be a dead zone. Which only made it even more of a dead zone.

Our local scene had a random broad that would just stop at our casuals to hang out. Didn’t play, was jut trying to kick it.

Shit is baffling.

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I was waiting for the baby pic to be like me myself and irene


Well it’s time to believe it. You don’t really need to do that much to get girls to come at you in the FGC in 2019. Even if you keep your hands tied and say nothing raunchy or offensive and wear glasses and aren’t the stud at the club, a girl can and will come up to you.

Is it going to be the hottest/dream girl that comes up to you? Probably not. Probably gotta do a bit more work for those, but it’s definitely a thing.

Magic got hoes?

Lmao. I gotta see this shit

But that’s what im saying tho if she’s giving you the look its because your attractive or you have game. Your foot is already in the door. You need more than c.mk xx fireball to get to ffirst base.

Listening to yall Daigo prolly got hoes beating down his door.

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Japanese girl culture is different, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he had US social media shit and had better english that girls would be DMing for free. At minimum there are likely girls that got the hots for him and love seeing him win.

Even Golf has thots, ask Tiger Woods.


Bruh, DotA2 got hoes. They cute as fuck too. I watched the end of The International last year (Dota2 Evo except the winners make bread). The team that won played in a big ass arena, walked out like the biggest nerd shit to leave an anime convention, and didnt acknowledge all the cute girls trying to get their attention on the way to the limosine.

The damn reporter noticed them. But these 7 dudes just walked out like drones.

Hell Smash has pro hoes. Armada got GOT by a broad that was trading nudes for Amiibos.

I shit you not.


I don’t mind the type of girls y’all are talking about but these Twitch hoes got to go. They be on twitch showing their tits and feet and getting 5,000 dollars this shit is insane. I’m about to start streaming and showcase my nipples and knee caps.

DJ the real pure one.