SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

JFT also has diff timings dependent on normal used for the cancel

He’s right in saying she’s one of the hardest motion command characters.


If anything that just means it’ll be some other bs character we’ll be dealing with.

Only thing I’m hoping for roster wise in SF6 is for preference being given to characters not in the last two games.

Chun Li and Karin are both easily 2 of the most execution heavy characters in the game. No one on this forum or let alone anyone who plays her in general can do everything they can do executionally in a match 100 percent of the time. That’s including all spacing based combos, trade combos, counter hit/hit confirms and the specific charge/IALL/stomp stuff Chun has. They both have stuff that’s very droppable in competitive play.

J.Wong is literally anti execution. He’s said that he prefers not doing execution even if it’s basic because you’ll never drop something that requires no execution as opposed to something that requires execution inevitably having some rate of failure. He would purposely do low damage, 4 hit uncombos in S1 of KI just because it was easier with only one break point after the combo was over and people wouldn’t remember to break them. When the game removed the uncombo stuff in S2 that and a couple other things basically made him leave the game.

He comes from old east coast era SF where the idea is not to make a big deal of flashy stuff and just play cold and calculated to win a match. Do only what you need to win and do it often. Block, poke, confirm until you win.

That’s also why Menat put him back in the game because even though she is hidden behind a lot of flashy lab monster stuff, her buttons allow her to be one of the few characters that can just button you down and take whole matches off near zero execution button pressing/life lead sitting. What most of his SF tournament winnings have been based on. He played SFIV Rufus for a while to play to the crowd more, but he still instilled slow ground game into Rufus when he could.


What’s the “umeshoryu”?

SFV needs more characters like Menat (minus the anime VT).

Doing a shoryken or invincible type move at an unorthodox time/situation where normally one expect it and have it hit.

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Wong embracing the Sako tech :smiley:

Watch from second 00:28 to the end of the round.


A random Shoryuken that would be called a scrub tactic except when Daigo does it :smirk:


I’ve seen MOV drop cr.mk xx super with Chun in 3S.

“100%” is unrealistic for fighting games.


The -2 mixup isn’t “real” but Daigo out there throwing DPs like they’re dollars at a strip club.



We in there

I can’t tell the characters apart.

What’s happening?


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Seriously the coolest characters in this game are none of the saiyans. All these wolf howls too.

Really wish I liked this game.


I’m always rooting for whoever has Yamcha on his team. I just love that bastard.


That Shen Ron trophy is fucking CLEAN. Capcom needs to step up the Capcom Cup into something just as hype.

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Im a goddam pussy magnet.

But anyways I’ve seen this dude doing the hover hand in photos with women. He makes dumb girl faces when he takes selfies. He wears hoodies and jackets because he feels awkward about his man boobs.

Women like confidence. If i had to pick virgins out of a random photo he’d definitely be on my list. But hey if he got laid there’s hope for a lot of people.

Wong is a fucking savage. Wtf you talking about? I don’t know what type of game he runs but but you aren’t the Marvel God in MvC2 without confidence.

That man bodied an entire country at that game. Continental US had to hold that.

He made grown ass men shake. Wtf you talking about “confidence”?

Confidence in a game aint confidence with a woman. You niggas better stop acting like videogames gets you pussy.


Motherfucker I got actively hit on for months by a hot ass broad playing MvC2 in college. Only reason I didn’t hit was because I had 0 game.

so maybe don’t play bitch ass SF5 and women will give a shit about you. Your ass out there hating while looking like one of the background gremlin characters in Gremlin 2.
