SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

I got it on the cheap but haven’t really started. Keep starting on other games. Been playing a lot of AC Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia lately.

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Even if they made canon 2 bars, I think his v2 has so much utility that it’s never getting dropped.

The “will he won’t he” gaurd break scenario has won me so many matches it’s not funny.

One hit charge armour is powerful. It’s just not super fucked up like some of the triggers.

Sagats triggers are what triggers should be.

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…no wonder Battle Lounge isn’t poppin anymore

da fuck guess I’ll play rank

edit: Is there a way to view console peaks?

Ed became the New Juri of the forums

Rog is bribing Capcom to keep Ed low tier so he won’t lose any boxing title matches to him.

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Think about the VTC scenario for Sagat from VT1 and the corner pressure.

VT2 would be shelved forever

That’s also part of the reason why Falke does really well vs Sagat. If she has even one bar of meter his VT2 is mostly irrelevant vs her. I either block the fake charge for barely any damage or EX PP if it even looks like you’re bothering to full charge. If I have super and it’ll kill I’ll just super it. Like you have to catch her in the corner with almost no bar to make that trigger any threat to her.

The only thing that really overall makes his triggers any powerful is that he is a solid space control character so VT2 helps him round off win more/life lead scenarios. Same thing with Falke’s VT1. Not a game breaking trigger, but just compliments what she’s already good at while also giving her new things in neutral to control more space and get shots that can’t be absorbed/reflected.

No rushdown character would really want Sagat’s or Falke’s triggers. Way too honest.

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Bonchan probably gonna use Karin the most than Sagat, not because the latter is bad, but because Karin is just better. It’s hard to make a character with that archetype without making him broken, plus the eSports thing doesn’t allowed pro players to stick with a weak one full time like before.

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Live stream featuring pro players (Mago, Nemo, Daigo, Tokido) and others happening now:


I have a picture of Will cosplaying Ed.



Stream quality is very poor. Is it Type Arcade?

Let the stream run for a few seconds until it gets to normal quality.

Why they hell would you save that you creep X(

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I think it is. My phone won’t even load the stream so I guess I’ll wait for highlights. Maybe Type Arcade is getting close to release

It’s on the old forums I just needed to check post history.

Well then why would you search for it! No one wants to see my ugly mug on here again XP

Unrelated but funny how this popped up this morning for me

Vhozite was requesting for it lol.

Doesn’t mean you had to go through with it X(