SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

I mean that’d be nice too but I’m thinking of something to complement his neutral game that would make him more fun for me not a SFV EX dumb move XP

Yeah well Capcom decided he should have sub-par neutral and neutered his lame game.
He’ll never have a 5f mp or faster cr.mk, backdash will stay like this, fireball will stay garbage, Psycho Rising will always be slow.

Ed will never be good, so might as well embrace the SFV-ness if there’s any saving this char and give him the buffs on that front.

It’s -2 so that’s everyone.

It’s his main poke.

It’s a big button, and it compliments his other big buttons that cover a lot of scenarios pretty safely.
People underestimate big buttons with space control in this game.

Ed needs crmp +3 back and his vskill oki back

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Nah, his fireball is fine for what it is. Psycho Rising isn’t a DP but it’s still a good anti-air (I’d rather it get air invincibility faster than the speed increased). He doesn’t need a 5 frame normal or a faster crmk, although increasing the range on crmk back to what it was originally while making Psycho Upper and Psycho Flicker move forward a bit more when cancelled from it would be nice. His backdash should be buffed again though I agree there.

Really I think where a lot of his stuff is, all he would need to significantly improve is a way to capitalize off of how he plays neutral. Right now he can fight in the neutral okay but he gets no reward from it, not damage OR oki, unless you somehow get your opponent to run into a slow V-skill or Psycho Knuckle which is unlikely. Give him something that lets him get in off of a good whiff punish and suddenly his neutral matters a significant amount more.

Wouldn’t make him top tier but would make him a lot more solid imo.

I’d take that too

Nobody uses uncharged v-skill.
They didn’t when he had oki, they won’t ever.
Unless recovery be mad fast

yeah but now we know who are real and who are fake frauds

real folk still here

fake frauds on discord

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I definitely feel more upper body invul on Rising is needed.
Really can’t handle testing a bad connection and throwing PR out the window because it’ll get stuffed.

Shorter cr.mk definitely hurts his pressure, even his fake pressure into fireball (as a bait or extended pressure when they’re blocking), but I’d rather take the guaranteed combo if that’s capcom’s trade-off.

He really just needs an option to be close at a more reliable rate, EX Flicker which pulls them in at max range would really be a great option versus spammers and lamers alike.
Fuck the overhead, just lemme get in with this dude.

Big buttons are good, but if Sagat didn’t have st.mk he’d probably be one of the worst characters in the game.

you can use it to whiffu punish certain things in MUs for free from any range

Just had three different ragequits in seven games. What is even the point of ragequitting? I mean you don’t get points, you may get matched with other quitters(not really sure about that), and most important of all: you still lost!

Nah, I’d do this.

1 extra tiger cannon activation in VT1, keep it 3 bars cause let’s be realistic, if it’s made 2 bars he’s never going to pick VT2.

St.lp hits crouchers at all ranges.

St.hk hits crouchers, change second hit to -5/-6 or something.

Shave off 1f extra from cr.mk.

Think Vs biggest mistake with it’s V system was to create differing bar VTs, because it creates a huge disparity between what is and isn’t acceptable as a 3-bar.

If you have everyone at 2 bars, you can really grasp what kind of power level is acceptable cause everyone is playing by the same rules. But the diff between some 2 and 3 is so apparent it ain’t even funny. Akuma VT2, Kolin VT2, Mika VT1, Cody VT2, Ibuki VT2 - all “3 bars” in terms of their power level but for some arbitrary reason the devs decided that they were 2 bars, but something like Sag VT1, or Ken VT1, or Nash VT2. Even though their power level is pretty similar to what some of the 2 bars offer, they get slapped with 3 bars.

It’s a pretty unfair system because there seems to be no defining factor as to what makes a 2 bar VT or a 3 bar VT cost the amount they do.

You are doing fine man. You’ve grown a lot since you first got here.

Well @Daemos is in charge of the balance patch…

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This and rog match up feel absolutely terrible to me… more so the bison match up

Not sure how Bison keeps getting buffed. The character is absolutely nutty. He’s going to be complained about like S3 Cammy.

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Still have yet to play Persona 5. I gotta change that.

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It’s pretty solid, but as you can see from my playtime it’s really really long. I had to take breaks during my play through. Took me many months to beat it.

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