SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Nah he’s sincere in his belief. Just wrong i guess idk.

Debatable skill level aside, there is more to life than being good at fighting games. Being good or bad doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

During S2 I called myself trash too. I blame Laura.

But then she got nerfed and I got gud.

I just need a place to vent sometimes. I get depressed too easily over stupid shit and trying to figure things out and fix my attitude leads to these kind of things a lot.

Feel I’m making some progress at least. Sorry if it’s been a bit much.


I’ve been bullying him into submission whenever he says some pitiful shit to me and he’s been acting semi normal when I beat his ass now

We just have to stop being nice to him and be as blunt as possible


What’s ryu’s best neutral/footsie/poke button? I’m thinking cr.mk because I can buffer into fb or hurricane kick, also I thought st.mp hit crouchers but it doesn’t, it’s ok though since a lot of times I tried using it in neutral I got an overhead instead.

Edit* Also who the hell is william??

William u a big cuck.

Thanks for the hitboxes tho, they’ve been helpful :kiss:

Not sure what you mean by that XP

Wish I could update the hitboxes for S4 but frame trapped stopped working for me at the moment :frowning:

Falke’s still pretty infuriating to fight, but I think I have a better handle on it. Thanks to the guys that told that heavy ruffian was good at shutting her down air wise. Been using it a lot more for anti airing.

Also more people need to use Falke’s battle outfit. Maybe I would like fighting her.


Volt tried going on a tirade about how bad SFV is so I asked him why



I’ll give Volt the benefit of the doubt and say he means underutilized in the games overall design. If that’s what he means then I agree.

EDIT: A bit too late now, nvm

Bonchan didn’t watch my video. Also I beat the no 102 bison, am I better than Bonchan?

On a serious note. Match up is fucked. I’ll take a bet Bonchan doesn’t run with Sagat this season. Need them 4.5 buffs.

4.5 won’t save you. Sagat will get a couple frame changes while Bison will get a DP and a walk speed buff to make him faster than Vega.


Sagat will be alright as soon as he gets a really stupid catch-all button for neutral

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Not going to lie, this is the first time I legit busted out fucking laughing from this thread jesus christ edit: and I’m over 100 post behind i hate this fucking forum

Not sure it’s that. It could be, but then I think you’d need to make st.mk about 7-8 frames which would be brilliant, but insane. Also capcops not Gona change a poke by 3 frames, they do 1 then pretend you got buffed.

Tiger Canon 2 bar. V skill down to 35 frames. St.lk down to 4 frame. Ex shot blows back full screen.

Bring it.

I’m so over Sagat online

The litmus test on whether or not it’s going to be a shit show is if he can get away with two st.MKs on block. If your character doesn’t have an answer, the match up is just garbage.

All I want for Ed right now is a version of his V-skill that you can cancel into that combos from his crmp/crmk

Make it unsafe on block and low damage but gets him in at +3 on a dash in on hit

Pretty please Capcom

EX Flicker.
In throw range.
+3 OB.

That’s it mang.