SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Still fantastic, after all these years.

On the real, the ol’ heads like Dime and Pert be writing the best paragraphs.

Pert will drag a nigga with the quickness, but then when you politely ask his opinion on a certain game, he’ll give like 3-4 elaborate paragraphs on it. Dime…well, we all know a reply to why Heavy Punch is -3 on block is enough to get him started.


Blanka can be toad man.

What the literal fuck. Seriously are these guys making this shit because of epic memes or are they that brain damaged?

Also I’m gonna be on this weekend. I’m NA west coast/Oregon. I’ll play anyone here that wants to play me even if they’re bronze. Don’t let my LP fool you, I’m hot garbage and fall for the dumbest shit so come with your best gimmicks and stroke your ego for the weekend.

Also if you wanna play me just @ me here or hit me up on discord. I hate it when random people send me invites prease undahstandoh

hi friend im just an honest working man from oregon, id love the opportunity to play you, heard a lot about you from fellow online players


Did the blog come out already? I didn’t see it.

Please post it I’m really excited to hear about it!!!

Feel bad? I don’t even play Smash and i don’t pay them any mind. I just don’t foam at the mouth whenever they are brought up lol

I’m okay with Pertho being an old man about Smash but Smash is whack. It’s still fun though.

I’m gonna buy it on the I will never touch NRS games 4 slim.

That one has the red color so it fits the aesthetic of my room

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Smash tournament rules sound like the things little kids make up in the middle of a game when they’re losing.


no point in getting mad at the clown who is here to make jokes

But you are right people best be quiet on my ascension to godhood because the faithful are rewarded, and the dissenters, well…

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also: bash the smash

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Lag Fighter V?
I think I am too old for this shit or else I would show you who really is the worst at SFV between us! :angry:


Next you’ll be telling me I’m good at this game XP

That always sounds nice, but it’s never worked out that way for me. I’ll work on something for 5-10 years and never get anywhere and then I’ll stumble on something else I just happen to be good at and go places (which is basically what happened with my current job).

If anything, life has taught me that if you don’t have talent you won’t go anywhere. Probably why I harp on the idea of talent (and me having none) so much when it comes to fighters.

I’d be lost without Kolin st.HP thank god Ono heard my cries and made her more balanced around it. Feels so goooood throwing that button out and “confirming” into it hahahahah my skill grows ever stronger…

From the comment, he was considered as idling out because even though he was spamming an attack button, he hadn’t moved for so long. Basically, the same kind of thing people have been requesting SFV add, a check to catch people who just stick a rubber band on a confirm button and then let the game run for hours.

PS4 2018 wrap-up stats says I got 962 hours in SFV and 422 hours in DBFZ last year (1703 hours in fighting games). Mostly offline, but I’m glad I can track it in some form. Kinda wish I could just see on PS4 how many hours put in from the beginning like on steam (only did 20 hours of SFV on there apparently).

Better than me.

Here’s a fighting game story from a long time ago, and a game I was much better at.

I was playing BB (CS1 I think), sets online with Lord Knight, OmniScythe, and Lost Soul. At the time I played Ragna and Tager, but mostly Tager. Lost Soul also played Tager.

I got rolled pretty hard by Lord Knight playing litchi. I could not get in and run any mixups. I was working really hard to be safe and wait for an opening. And like I said I got rolled.

Afterwards I watched LostSoul, and while it wasn’t an easy match, he was beating LordKnight. I had to watch for a while to figure out what was going on. The really short version is he was playing “wrong.” There was really no way to win that matchup playing the right way, so… he didn’t. He wind up basically playing kinda nutty, and focusing more on beating LK then litchi.

After processing for a while, I tried a similar strategy and had some luck. That opened up my way of playing Tager, and I could always fall back on the by the book stuff if needed too. In fact, having multiple approaches strengthened each other.

The moral of the story isn’t, to play like a nut. Instead, it is: if something truly isn’t working… try something else.

Hard work always beats talent. I have hired and fired enough people to say that with conviction. However, it’s nice when you have both. No one is without talent, but oftentimes people don’t realize where their strengths truly are.

Note: I’ll try and be on again later tonight if you want to beat me up again for a moral boost.


How come you don’t wanna beat me up? You sound like a strong player I could learn from (/o__o)/

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I’ve played a grand total of 12 hours of SFV, and have never been that great at street fighter…

But I’m open to anyone who wants to roll me. As I’ve said before, I have like 4 years of catchup in this game. I will @ you this weekend when you said you were free.

Off topic: been playing lots of sea of thieves with friends. That game is kinda mediocre, but I like it for hard to explain reasons.

You’ll be able to catch up. The same dumb players are making the same dumb mistakes and not ranking up after 4 years any way