SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Waiting for a newcomer who’s V-trigger is literally just an extended VT activation freeze

Move freely for a set period while the opponent can’t do anything


KI started all these trends.

Did it better too…

Man now that I think about it Ki really did pave the way, too bad people hate microsoft.

It had seasons, outfits, “installs” characters released monthly. Patch note streams and character previews… Even F2P where you played one character on rotation.

ton of outfits to collect and buy…


Isn’t that basically the new Mortal Kombat character?

It did a lot of it much better though and was really built around it (as you said).

Having a free VTC style cancel isn’t as big a deal in a game where damage isn’t gaurenteed.

KI3 is a super top tier fighting game. They may have pushed it a little to far toward the end but it’s still fantastic.

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Or a one bar VT that only acts as VTC.

That would be hilarious as I’m pretty sure it would be the best VT in the game.

I still think that The match should start with V triggers full and it should carry over to the subsequent rounds.

However I think with this change that VT gain should be nerfed again. (with taking damage giving much less meter)

This should allow for a more varied start and play styles to shine, for instance. Necalli do you just pop trigger and play with beast mode calli at the start, but start round 2 with no trigger carry over and normal, or do you use it more defensively as another defense option and go into round 2 with meter.

This really would give everyone either stronger offense from jump or defense. Popping gauge over all seems like it would be the best way to go out the gate, but with reduced V meter gain you have to be careful as getting beat up won’t get you starting round two with a ton of meter.

This would also make the choice between punishing a Invin reversal with a CC or just the damage multiplier more important. Right now the damage>>>gauge.

All V skills should gain meter in SOME way. some would have to be looked at, buffed and nerfed. But the goal should be to make characters want to use the V skills and provide options both defensively and offensively… along with play styles.


I just want to make you great again.

Giving everyone trigger out of the gate would just mean everyone uses it at the first possible moment.


Street Triggered V: All Triggers Edition

I mean you could but then you could get v reversal instantly.

As long as v gauge gains isn’t just get beat up get meter. I don’t think popping it asap is always the right answer. Just like blowing super round one isn’t always best case scenario.

You would have to basically remove the revenge part of the mechanic, and at that point it’s just a wacky super meter.

I dunno…

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TIL Urien can just flowchart blockstrings into safe shoulders.


Nope,st.HP and cr.HP are good now, but still not OP. EX Ressenha isn’t that great, when I was full on her I’ve lost sometimes against Cammy and Necalli dives clean.

Akuma? Birdie? Guile?

Birdie and laura’s cmd grab also doesnt lead to oki.

I get why people are frustrated. We didnt get much for 4 1/2 months now. Just radio silence. Even the supposed big yearly s4 patch was nothing more than a mid season tweak. And nobody outside of online warriors seem to be hyped about kage.

Since you mentioned Kage. Anyone else feel that a lot of people have kinda “Wesker’d” him?

By that I mean, everyone saw all the things the character had and for a little bit thought he was super good. But when he didn’t turn out as good as they thought he went straight to F tier? When in fact the character was still good.

Again, I’m not an authority on this game, but I just can’t see Kage in Ed tier.

Alex Valle still thinks Kage is good, for whatever that’s worth.

Well, that was nice. Got a lobby up and got bopped pretty bad. Learned a bunch of stuff though.

I had forgotten that setting up blockstrings and using a really fast forward moving special right afterwards is a pretty common and effective pattern in this game. I didn’t expect Urien blocked s.HP to tackle to legit beat my normals a bunch of times either.
Also, nobody ever blocked after a blocked VT2-flip. EVER. Only buttons. Free wins.

Also, AAing Cammy VT1 divekicks is the best thing ever. Get fucked.

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It’s worth a lot IMO. He was on Rashid way ahead of anyone else.


are you online right now? CFN is stronzolo