SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Yeah, he’s the polar opposite of every other grappler. If you have the health, you can take the throw, and reset to neutral.

Peter and Byron hacks

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That would be fun.

I honesty would not be worried until we get through to the end of March and hear nothing. February is a weird month and these things aren’t perfectly like clockwork.

Keep in mind on CFN Capcom calls Kage “Season 4” which heavily implies that it’s a real season of some variety.

Also, I’m wondering if we get the usual .5 balance patch. The last two times they did this it was because they broke something. It doesn’t seem like there’s anything super egregious in season 4 that need the emergency patch.

That’s one fix.

The other way to go would be to go back the the frame data he had on buttons when he launched. Not the most hype option, but it would do work.

Failing all that, frame one armor on reversal EX Elbow just so he isn’t always falling so far behind when pressured.

Alex just isn’t a super well designed character for the standard SF game system.

I think he could have worked well in SFxT. He could convert off his bigger pokes, gimmicked with CADC, and most importantly, Oki was ass in that game, so that problem goes away.

Yeah it’s a solid patch, I wouldn’t expect anything major for a .5 patch. At most they may rollback a few nerfs.

Was that different at his release?

I’m still hoping for more VTC nerfs.

But I won’t beat the horse any longer. The poor beast can Rest In Peace.

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They seem to be scared of him becoming broken. If they want him to reset to neutral after Power Bomb fine, just make him a threat in neutral.

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I made that video so it wouldn’t really matter which character you picked. So it’ll still help some dudes with frame data and spacing issues.

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Anyone from up for some games against my shitty Falke later tonight? I wanna hit someone with my stick.


I might be around. I’ll try to look for ya.

Ever think they nerfed fight money because of the reception of ads?

Oh you think they look stupid and think the free (read: at most 12) money isn’t worth it? Why don’t we just get rid of any way to earn big money? That’ll show you.

No, this beast must be repeatedly beat till capcom actually does something about the busted nature of vtc cancels

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Nah, thats just what the game is about. A bunch of people like it. Those people can have it.

Could it hypothetically make for a better game? Yes. Would it detract from what makes thia offering unique? Pretty close to yes.

I don’t even really think they are busted. But they are strong enough to obsolete some more interesting options, and kinda make a lot of the characters samey in that respect. It also means you frequently pick a VT for the VTC and not what it actually does.

In short, I think the strong VTC makes the game more boring.

FM rewards got taken away at the same time as sponsored content as a compromise for the new way to earn, so it doesn’t fit the narrative implied.

They’re probably just dumb and forgot they removed it.

They should go full KI/Marvel and make VT activations 0 frame start up. Freeze overheads and punish them.

This is Capcom though so…
