SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Srk forums telling you to get a room with Frost.

That is indeed correct… but it pains me that it has been 2 months since she last got a costume!
I need a new one, so Capcom should fully forget about Ed buffs and focus solely on making new Falke costumes!

Having weak AAs directly weakens your ground control though, and vice versa. Those things aren’t mutually exclusive, they’re synergistic. If your AAs are poor, nobody’s gonna care if your ground game blows everyone out of the water.

I do agree that Karin’s AAs are more “difficult” than “bad” though. I even argued that back in S1 when I still played her (they even buffed s.HP and c.HP as AAs iirc?) I just really hate having situational AAs, especially in a game with choppy netcode and easy jump-in conversions. I get so mad when I miss an AA due to rollback teleports.

Karin’s a well-designed character overall though. The most fun vanilla character imo


So, Akuma discord thinks that Akuma - Gief is 6-4.
I must be trash if that is true.

Your “Dealing with M Bison” video was posted in Akuma - Dictator channel
Makes no sense, but I expected you to look more like Mel Gibson :slight_smile:


My main issue with Karin first and foremost is that she bypasses fireballs far too easily for her archetype. She is like Fei long in 4 if he had like 5 moves to get through fireballs and not just chicken wing.

But between Resenha, the V-skill and the EX command dash, she just gets through very easily. I personally would have taken the EX command dash out and kept the V-skill and Resenha since they are both more of a reads type moves but then again Biride does the same thing .

I really wonder how SF5 would have been if so many character didn’t have way too many things to disrespect plasma in it. I don’t mind CAs to go through or read type moves but easy reactions that beat everything, yeah, i don’t like that .

Funnily enough, most people I’ve talked to considers Karin relatively easy to zone (by the standards of this game ofc). That’s one of her few weaknesses apparently.

Also Fei had his stupid focus attack/focus dash on top of chicken wing and ultra 1, don’t forget those.

Bullshit “journalism”. Stirring the pot for clicks! Don’t fall for it. He knows he can get easy traffic by trashing SF and pitting it against MK.

Eventhubs are cancer.

The frame data changes (save for a few) were universal. Maybe it did however affect certain character’s ability to execute their playstyle.
Let’s look at alex s1 frame data changes ( off normals) and compare it to a relatively similar char like birdie.Two hard hitting brawlers that like to press buttons from range.

Both character’s st mk and cr mk button were increased by 1 frame, Alex’s cr mk though was increased by two frames.
Birdie’s cr hp startup was increased by 1 frame (anti air and whiff punish button primarily) where as Alex’s main neutral button cr mp also saw it increased by by 1 frame.
Birdie’s cr lk was increased by 1 frame, and alex jumping mp was increased by 1 frame.
For buffs on frame data normals, birdie received none, but Alex cr hp (main anti air) was reduced from 12 to 10 frame startup.
In season 2.5 alex got some changes reversed cr mk was reduced by 1 frame and st mk was returned to it’s s1 (1 frame reduced).

Glossing over the rest of the details Birdie got significant damage nerfs (on almost every special) and cr mp was normalised. But overall got major qol buffs that made the char stronger. Alex’s frame data on specials was hit hard and received little compensation.
In summary big body characters saw their mid range strengths reduced. Whilst their close range was untouched (unlike the shoto’s).

I can’t say it’s any one thing. He’s not complete ass in neutral, but he’s basically set up to eventually lose wars of attrition there because every button tends to be just a little bit slower than the opponents’ equivalent, and the buttons with any real reach hardly ever convert to much. This is compounded by a slow walk speed. The only time this really changes is when parry is available, because his parry is legit fantastic. But that’s not enough of his game time to make up the difference.

So if a character has neutral problems, they need big rewards when they get in. And yeah, Alex can sometimes roll you there. But even with the S4 changes, if you have enough life to survive a grab then crouch blocking will always give you a pathway to escape Alex pressure. So no real need to play a guessing game with Alex unless you are already in desperate shape.

Add to that a scarcity of his own defensive tools, which causes him to struggle to even reset to that unfavorable neutral, and now you’ve got a character with some legit issues.

Now, that’s not to say it’s all bad either. Talking about flaws makes it sound artificially gloomy. S4 Alex definitely has the tools to mug people regularly if he can catch them slipping. But it is super unlikly he’ll win anything real at a competitive level where he’s going to repeatedly run into knowledgeable and patient opponents.


Im not always on Xykes, but he said it well was everyone is not thinking the same way with Tekken and etc… Same does SNK, Namco and even NRS are going silent about MK11 for a long time and just revealed it when its almost 50%. DBFZ was a surprise also.

Unlike SFV when it just got Chun and Ryu, Same thing with SF4 with just Ryu and Ken which are barely 20% of it’s vanila retail product.

MK11 has it’s noise or any most recent new FG, but interms of longevity we’ll see.

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Doesn’t he have to ask @HighlandFireball 's permission first?

Mk11 releases in April. Its probably closer to 75% than 50.

Anyways NRS is an American company. They understand the impact of community managers and social media. Its the modern way of doing business. There’s good and bad that goes along with that but one really good thing is proper communication with the customer.

I think old school JP companies are still operating like its 1998 and we get all our gaming news at the big yearly shows or we get snippets from Nintendo Power or some shit. They really don’t have a grasp on gaming as a service.

We can get pissed and talk about how they are dropping the ball but i don’t think they are even aware going silent is a problem, and i don’t think they see any advantage to maintaining a certain level of interest. They’ll just wait till the week before content drops and update the blog.


Was anyone really expecting more season 4 info before February? That would be the normal timing for the next piece of season 4.


Ah…Relevant video


NRS reveal was a bomb, because it’s near half completion when preview in public. Yet they were silent for MK for longest time. Unlike SFV that did just show Ryu and Chun li demo before. It’s okay for Capcom being safe and delay for awhile and know it’s competitors content and dlc before jumping to a barebones reveal like they used to do.

That old Ryu and chun demo made me kinda mad in retrospect. It basically has nothing to do with the final game outside of the visuals.

There was a bunch of things in that demo that were really interesting and made you wonder how SFV was going to work… but then they reverted almost all of it so that it was very similar to how SF4 did things.

Aint this the truth. Worst click baits than Max with poor content. Surprised they havent made an article about Ono farting in an airplane yet.

Sako’s Kage is a pleasure to watch.


Alex problem is that his CG ends vortex instead of starting it.


Fair point. The more I think about, I just think they focusing on the Arcade version’s launch. That will give the game a huge shot in the arm in Japan. I wonder if they’ll repeat the SFIV AE screwup. I remember people hacking the arcade cab and accessing Oni and Evil Ryu.

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