SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Patience! Capcom has an Ace up their sleeve this year! Nothing can stop them now!

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Cody is not bottom tier, they’re just dead wrong on that. Japan only have Poifuru I think, so it could be heavily due to lack of players to run that MU into.


Even if he’s not he’s next line up , on my list.

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Seems like my snitch was right about Capcom leaving the month of Jan and Feb to Resident Evil. We should get some SFV news after they make bank off of RE.

I’ll post my tier list when I get to my PC , but I went for a simpler stratagie. Since most Players/People associate tiers with tourney wins I made my list in 4 sections.

Top tier
Can win a major
Can win a major with a good draw
Can never win a major regardless of draw

I also had a slight sub section under “can win a major” which I was thinking of naming - only exceptional skill - can win a major.

In that category I only had two characters - Zeku and Urien. I might scrap that though and add them to can win.

Yeah, I don’t agree with their placement of him either. Just looking at the other characters he’s grouped with Vega, Ed. There’s just no way he’s that bad. I’d bump him up to the other group for sure.

Wherever Sak is, I’d put Cody. They’re pretty identical in competitiveness imo.

Did you just reply to your own post?

Also yeah. That’s about where he is. Sagat is also on this line.

I’d take Vega out of bottom tier too, I’d just have Ed on his own in there.

I think Cody is better than Sakura. But probably not by too much.

That’s nice sweetie

I had 9 characters on my “can never win a major” line. Ed and Vega were there.

safer way in, better frametraps, more good buttons plus he has some mix-ups and dirt with VT2.

This was my list. Only one I’m unsure of is zangief.


Sak buttons are better than Cody and her frame traps have more coverage on 3fs than his

Move Guile up one I think the nerfs aren’t that damning, rest is super accurate, maybe Ed going one lowee

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I think Guile, Zangief, and maybe Necalli up one.

I disagree, her s.MP is very short, her cr.MP is a decent bait but has too much pushback, c.MK is very good not that is faster and can be hit confirmed, but it is still kind of short. S.LK still godlike.
Cody has great MPs, s.LK is easier to wiff punish but is still a pretty good buffer tool, and he has Kolin’s c.MK now, and I think we can all agree on oh fucking annoying that is. s.MK is still pretty good and he has great a great crossup game.
Dunno how I feel abut their s.HKs they are pretty similar to make a big difference, but Cody’s overall faster on wiff at least.

Ed should be on a tier of his own for absolute suckage.

I can buy Guile. Not sure about Necalli. Doesn’t seem BS enough.

The thing with Ed , and this is why my list is structured like this, what does it matter if he’s more sucky than Nash or Vega. It sort of serves no purpose to seperate shit from shit, which isn’t the case at the other end, since Akuma is clearly better than Karin, but Karin is still good.

I mean I get he’s bad, just not sure he deserves his own line. Poor bloke.

How does Cody get all these buffs but still stay trash?

Why is Zeku so close to being as good as Birdie and Cammy?

Why are there so many damn blondes in this game? There are 12 blondes, but 14 if you include Birdie and Vega.

There are more blondes than shotos but shotos gotta get shat on. Blondes to Shotos overlap on Ken.
