SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

I guess that would work, but really only in a “lesser of two evils” kinda way.

Bans just don’t work in fighting games as they currently exist.

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Yes, no way I’d just sit on the sidelines. Maybe I was raised differently. I remember when cousin got shot defending his mom from a mugger at 14. Glad he wasn’t bitch like Hope.

Did you eventually murder him at least?


Good for him/you.

I honestly couldn’t tell you how I would react in that situation. I’ve been around a lot of guns (I friends do competitive shooting and I often participate for fun), but I’ve never really had to point a gun at someone or have one pointed at me.

@Phantom_Miria want to play an SG Juri?

No whiff punishes or AAs allowed. Only guard breaks.

Jiren confirmed Abigail-player?

Trying out a lot of the cast is making me really appreciate Sakura st. Lk. Some characters can’t punish shit like G’s wheel kick at all. Lmao

I wish there was a quick list of all the negative - 4 and 5 moves in the game.

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Oh so make it Marvel then.

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Defensive systems are borked in that game where everyone is CE/SFV Bipson so not happening, but at least it’ll get a tiny bit better. Maybe. I mean maybe they’ll remove the 3 good assists left and then you’ll get the 3v3 no assist honesty you really deserve.

Oh and which characters you planning on playing in Neutral Kombat 11 barring they hit launch? I think I’m down with Skarlet and whoever looks cheap unless Rain or Kabal get in. Actually I’m not sure I wanna play NK11 Kabal because he’ll probably be honest and balanced and not the same without OD run.

I made a Bison ragequit with Juri, my proudest moment :partying_face:


At the moment scarlet looks the most interesting to me. But… mileena… ermac… I want.

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As for the SFV League rules, well people know what happens when they deal with non CPT eSports stuff so you take what you get into with that. eSports/TV people like drama that Joe Everyman can see visibly so hey.

It’ll be fun to watch so I’m down.

I feel like a lot more people have subs now than they are given credit. A few dont, but those players are rare. Momochi plays 4, Bonchan 3, Smug has 2, Punk has 2, Du has 3 solid ones, etc.

The number of people on one character seems to be way smaller than ever.

Of people shown gameplay wise: Geras for sure. Kabal is already 100% a lock tune in on the stream on the 30th to see him. As for characters I can basically confirm but haven’t seen gameplay for yet, I would say Kano. Kano is a neutral god in MKX(cutthroat variation anyway) and I could see a lot of it carrying over with long range knife attack strings into combo, jump checks with kano ball and more.

Also until stated otherwise, Kabal is always the strongest character in the game. He da best (along with smoke)in UMK3, he da best by a mile in mk9.

Ehh trust me when I say after you reach out to so many people for so long on so many avenues and you get shut down over and over and over, you take the hint. Silence is a reply. I just straight up ain’t famous enough for em because that truly is what matters.

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”
-Jean luc Picard

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SF is just too matchup driven to only play one character unless you got a character with broken solid matchups like Rashid. Not enough people talk about how he basically doesn’t have an actual bad or likely even slightly unfavorable matchup. He has the neutral and movement so he doesn’t lose out to Chun Li like other balanced characters like Necalli.

Like you might as well just ban any Rashid player from playing Rashid because well he’s for sure now top 3 and there’s no character you can influence on that character to really counter him.

As for other players playing multiple characters, I’m looking forward to what Daigo does if he’s in it. He’s been just running through characters online and everyone is getting attached to whichever character he plays. Should be fun.

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You took your shot and didnt work out. Dont look at your current state as a way to speak ill of these guys. They cant really go out of their way for every dude trying to make FG content their career (and it is likely that a lot of people hit them up too).

Just focus on building your channel and look at your numbers as your bargaining chip. You increase them so you can use it to open up doors. What you should definitely be including in your emails is that your content regularly makes it on Eventhubs and SRK front page.

It isnt because either site is the greatest, but because other people that deal with FG media find your stuff good enough to promote.

hey I’d like to work on some early stuff foe XYZ game. Im regularly featured on these sites here, here and here, this is the type of videos I make here, here and here. I’d like access so I can make these certain videos this way and because you get double coverage on your prosuct through my 50k kn youtube and the subsequent eventhubs article.

Its a work in progress, famalam.


Blame it on Max until Harada accepts you.


im gonna

but yeah its obvious enough at least on the namco side they got working relationships with the people they already have and are not interested in anyone new. They regularly bring in 2 guys who only play DBZ phone games on YT to promote DBFZ dlc and have below even mashing level play because they got the big numbers.

I will continue to grow and eventually I CANNOT BE IGNORED.