SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Monday is too short.

I perused a bit of the video and it was very rough to see the actual points where it was really stopping the game. This shit is most oppressive in the corner any way so midscreen snapbacks usually just led to scrambling and people escaping. I’m sure there is probably some good midscreen stuff, but I imagine in practice it’s tough to make as good as the corner hellzone stuff.

Even the corner hellzone stuff still people got out sometimes. Had to like really look to find footage of anyone dealing with true one player stuff. Piccolo’s neutral is fair enough that it’s fun to see him have his dominate Android 16 era for once. I think the fact that you have to block so much in DBFZ because of the mechanics exacerbates the issue more than the snapback hindrances themselves.

Least it gives me something that I actually liked watching in the game for once so I’ll take it.

Deal :handshake:

Now I want a Booster emote.

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Is that what you furry enabling DBEZ playinf spazzes tell yourselves.

Zero by himself has grimmier mix ups than the entirety of that game. PFFT.

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People only escape if the piccolo player fucks up. You can’t level 3, you can’t vanish, you can’t spark, you try you get comboed into the same shit anyways.

All I can tell ya is one of the biggest complaints about dbfz is you basically have to sit and block longer than any other fighting game anyways, and now with this exacerbating the problem 10 fold everyone hates it. Even most people using it want it gone.

Who do we need to contact to make this happen.

I don’t know why everyone wants Geno when booster is the real hotness.


increase assist cooldowns, improve pushblock, destroy the noncommital tagging, make zoning possible

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Season 2 of dbfz is coming. Changes are coming. DBFZ will be the one to take the rotten tag genre and make it HONEST.

Jiren is coming and he knows what’s up

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I never got to complete final fantasy 9.

I leveled up to level 71 and was nearing the last boss and my friend came to my house wanting to try the game.

He started a new game and saved over my save file. He didn’t even apologised. He kinda laughed.

Months later I started ff9 again. Got to level 60+. The same dude asked me to lend him my ps1 because he wanted to play ff9. I told him to be careful of my save file.

When I took my ps 1 back, my ff9 save file was gone.

I also lent him a few of my forgotten realms books. The drizzt do’urden trilogy books. And he said he lost it. No apology. Nothing. Just a shrug and a snicker.


The re-releases give you fast forward and max damage toggles which pretty much eliminates the slow parts of the game.

I wouldn’t use those features on your first playothrough, but they are a godsend on your 12th.

I could never fully get into IX. One of these days I’m gonna try to give it another try.

Random SFL thought-

Get rid of ban a character, add ban a V-trigger

he is good with harada, who is now the esport guy for the company too including dbfz stuff. i would give it a shoot. introduce yourself tell him what you do and if he might somehow help to get in touch. sometimes you have to take a longer path to reach your goal. i would give it a try. worst outcome will be that you get no reply…

getting rid of bans entirely.

They’re basically forcing players to have 2 mains, your strongest asset is always guaranteed to be banned out.

Play Daigo? Ban Guile.

Play Tokido? Ban Akuma.

There’s no versatility here, players have one character.

You’re not wrong, but if somebody wants to put bans in in some form at least V-trigger bans would force some underplayed stuff to get shown without screwing any character specialists.

I guess but certain VTs are literally make or break for matchups. Pick Guile into Gief and ban VT1, he’s lost.


I’m not sure I buy that. People learn the trigger with the character. That would kinda be like forcing a 3S yun not to use SA3. It really wouldn’t be what the character they play.

I realize that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but my point is the same.

Just don’t ban any shit.
You already can’t have a 3 Giefs team. Banning characters or triggers would only make it boring and annoying.

If I am watching it, I want to watch the Gief mains play Gief. It is pretty simple and straight forward.

I think it’s really exacerbated in cases with players who are known for being specialists.

Like if I’m watching Commander Jesse I want to see Dhalsim. I’m sure he can play other characters proficiently but it just seems like a lose-lose for player and spectator if he gets target banned.

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To some extent, but better than having a whole character banned.

Plus, honestly- most players can play both triggers once they have at least a few months in on their main.

Itabashi gonna be forced onto whatever matchup is worse, Abi or Gief. They’ll just ban out the one that does better every time.

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