SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Don’t know why, but I fear that Capcom will add Resident Evil 2 character to sfv.

The dude with the cowboy hat who was going to be the sniper putting a bullet into his old kindergarten teacher.

Only played the demo of that game and thought the battle system was genuinely great.

Then at some point I read about the time limit and I immediately lost all interest. There are lots of ways to sabotage a JRPG but including a time limit is straight up murder. Breath of Fire V all over again (RIP that franchise).

To be fair, at this point in the game there are no hints that the characters are all connected. It’s just a straight assassination. Which I like, that’s the sort of things a mercenary might do.

So I was reading the article that EH put out about the future of Cross Play being spearheaded by NRS and some other devs and it’s got me wondering abut the future of the online portion of the “FGC”. I’m a full believer in Cross Play after having it for 3+ years with SFV. I know people criticize Capcom for shitting the bed with the netcode but I can’t hate 100% because despite that, they gave me a bigger pool of players to choose from. I wish it was prefect like everyone else but the fact that Capcom had the power to convince Sony to allow that with how competitive they are as a brand means allot to me. It means we can only get bigger from here. But this also makes me wonder about the future of console gaming as whole. I feel like with how timed exclusivity works with stuff like COD (map packs) that if the future of the FGC is in Cross Play then we may see more devs rewarding being loyal to a certain system with stuff like console exclusive alt costumes and maybe even going so far as to lock stages behind that. I just don’t believe in segregating this community anymore. It makes no sense with how small we are. But Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo/Steam gotta make money and playing nice for the sake of helping the FGC ain’t gonna really line their pockets with shekels. So if Cross Play is the future there’s def gonna be some leverage for these console makers.


Believe it or not, the time limit almost doesn’t matter.

The game is awful for basically everything else it does. Seriously, I the only good thing I can come up with for the game is the different outfits for the classes are fun to see.

So while I think the game is awful, don’t let the time limit specifically put you off. I know some people that like it well enough (but they are wrong, the game is shit)

The convo afterwards is great too.

Everybody in the game: “Why didn’t you tell us we all went to the same orphanage?”

Cowboy hat guy: “Because you guys didn’t say anything. Figure y’alls were haters or something.”


Another “to be fair”… this twist doesn’t actually affect anything in the game.

Which makes you wonder why they bothered.

It’s still going to impact me to a degree. Even if it doesn’t put any kind of stress on me I’d probably still need to rewind/reset at some point à la Majora’s Mask. And I really don’t want that in a game. I hated it in Pikmin, I hated it in BoF V, I hate it in everything. It’s a psychological thing, subconsciously I always feel like I can’t take as much time as I want to and by that point it’s basically just work (‘you have X hours to do this, now get on it’).

Ironically I love winning by timeout in a fighting game.

To clarify, you literally pause he clock… and it basically never runs the rest of the game.

It is governed by a theoretically limited resource… but… I literally had to spend time waiting for the clock to unfreeze after clearing parts of the game so I could move on.

Like I said, the clock just doesn’t really matter.

Best FF titles : X, XII, IX

Underrated FF titles: VI, X-2, XIII-2(game had fucking S tier music)

Trash FF titles: VII, VIII, XIII-3

Flawed but good FF Titles: XV, XIII

Best FF Characters: Snow, Auron, Balthier, Zidane

…ok, that’s even weirder. As in, why bother at all.

Oh well, X, XII and Crystal Chronicles are coming to Switch this year, I doubt I’ll play XIII-3 when I have better options on a platform I prefer playing on.

so your opinion is invalid, nice.


Yeah… it’s a weird mechanic. It’s not like Majora where it’s integral… it’s just kinda there because someone blurted it out during a meeting.

All of the game is very slapdash, so you are missing almost nothing.

Its similar to VP1. There was a time limit in that game but you could do everything you wanted in any given chapter well before the time ran out. I would usually spend a lot of the remaining time just grinding XP.

@Akhos I actually rate FFXV kinda high. I respect the hell out of them for turning that game into anything at all decent after it’s development hell, and I really liked the callbacks to older games. Plus I liked what they did with the last third of it.

I’m probably too generous with that game but I think a lot of the PS2 and onward FF titles are uneven as fuck and FFXV did the right things to win me over in the end.

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FFXV is a very flawed game, but it got a lot of important things right, so I like it in spite of the problems.

Can we talk about best FF characters? That could be fun because even the crap games have some stuff.

naw it sucks, you have to sit and block way longer than anything in marvel until you get out. Marvel is weak compared to this BS. There ain’t no pushblock in DBFZ.

he ain’t got nothing to do with anything outside of tekken

FFXV story wasn’t fleshed out enough, game starts with you leaving a city you’re supposed to care about - should have replicated FFVII’s prologue with Noct in the city interacting with it, the gameworld feels very barren.

Combat is literally just a worse KH2 in every way possible.


Locke by a landslide

Call me a treasure hunter or I’ll rip your lungs out

To this day the only character I ever cosplayed as (dressed up as him for halloween when I was a kid).


Really? Locke is fine but I never felt he was one of the stronger characters from VI.

Best character in VI is easily Celes in my opinion.

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