SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

FF8 was my starting FF and I enjoyed it. FFXIII-2 was my favorite out of the 13 series.
Not really one I played that I didn’t enjoy. I played 6 to 15 except for the MMO ones as I avoid MMOs in general.


I agree so much. XIII-2 has some baggage from the first game, and a larger than average portion of nonsense, but the characters are really solid, and that carries so much of the game.

Also, I still like the ending, and try to pretend XIII-3 didn’t happen.

As I’ve said in the past. If they had launch XIII-2 instead of XIII-1, I don’t think there would have been anywhere near the uproar.

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An entire school class randomly bands together again as adults, no one missing and no one extra, and the one person who notices thinks that’s perfectly normal.


Cruise missles , flying schools, timetraveling wizards, hidden future cities, and moon monsters kinda puts things in perspective.


My favorite part about Final Fantasy is that black characters are always top tier fathers.

Barret and Sazh are GOAT.


Sahz is the best thing in XIII, but the writers didn’t have the balls to commit to a character arc.

He is the only character in the game who’s not just a paper thin anime trope.

Hope is alright too, but that’s still a big step down.

7 was definitely a game that was better in its time. The graphics obviously didn’t age well but, in their day they were stunning, and really set the bar for visual storytelling.

For my money, 6 and Tactics are still the best.

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I forgot about the Tactics games, and vagrant story.

…updating list again…

Tactics is really great, and the advance games are fun too.

I feel vagrant story is a good game, but is a tad overrated due to its originality and visuals.

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Hope was one of the reasons I hated FFXIII. Sazh was a surprise, I expected him to be terrible but he was one of the games true bright spots.

I get you. If you can get past the “whiny anime kid” trope that hope is wrapped up in, his arc is okay. Hell he actually has a real arc which is more than I can say for most of the cast.

I think his issue is with sf having 2D hitboxes as opposite to 3D. The problem with 3D hitboxes is, though it gives you a more convincing impact, it’ll affect the animations negatively cause everytime they want to balance the range of a poke. (aka adjust its hitbox) they’d also have to tinker the animation. 3D hitboxes are cancer. It’s the reason why nrs games can never look good in motion.

Perfectly normal romance trope. Just as legit as big bad is your long lost dad.

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Final Fantasy XV is the only one I like so I’m sitting this one out

As a son, I can’t imagine letting my mom go off to fight because I was too much of a bitch to grab the rifle I was offered. Then I had to put up with his passive aggressive hatred of Snow. He’d talk shit about Snow to Vanille and have nothing to say to Snow. To top it off he tried to shoot him in the back. Yes Snow was annoying but Hope…if you look up bitch in the dictionary, you see a picture of his face.

Which character is the one that remembers? It’s been too long.
I don’t remember who remembers. :confounded:

Is he? Where are your MK11 videos though?

If you were 12 though?

I guess I shrugged off the parts with snow, because everything he was involved in was made worse by his presence. It’s possible that they were going for a “thinks he’s a hero, but is a fuck up”, but I feel the game tries to sell it the other way.

Again, I don’t think hope is great by any stretch, just okay. And the fact that I think he’s the second best character says a lot.

Irving, because he didn’t use GF until he met the party in galbadia.

This is also when they explain GF Causes memory loss.

The other twist is that as kids, they all also found like, random GFs on the beach to junction…

Also Cid was their “dad” the whole time and did/said nothing.

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Same. Most of the cast is a blur at this point.

I remember liking the flashback characters better than the main cast.