SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Off topic, but I really like Nash and boot up the game just to use him.

Take your post about MvC3 and replace it with FFVII and you’d get a small inkling of my thoughts on the game. Most overrated game of all time and my least favorite game in the series until the shit show known as FFXIII released.

I’m interested in this rant. I didn’t care for 7 at all, stopped playing completely after a few hours.

Anyone play 8? It had this really cool romance thing going on and the characters looked like people too.

I usually stop at the end of disc 3. For all intents and purposes, the game ends with the assault on lunatic pandora.

Everything after that is straight up nonsense (and is also just a single dungeon).

My FF tier list (because I want to):

Mario RPG (it’s literally final fantasy mario).

Lost odyssey (I’m counting it)

FF: Tactics

FFIV - after years
World of Final Fantasy
Dissidia 012
Crystal Chronicles
FF: Tactics A
FF: Tactics A-2
Vagrant Story


Mystic quest

I haven’t played XII or XVI so I omitted those.


FF8 was my entry game in the FF series before I cycles to the other prior FF games. I like it because of the more casual surroundings, card games and summons. Yet that’s the young me later in life I think FF9 is better in the PSX FF titles.

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I was my first one too. I got suckered in by the intro cinematic.

I still will defend FF8 though, as mentioned above, for reasons other than the plot. In short, FF8 succeeds where some of the better FF games come up short.


My first Final Fantasy was Mystic Quest on the Snes.

The first Final Fantasy I really took seriously was VIII. Got the guide and all on release. That’s my fav of the series.


If I can count mario RPG as a final fantasy game, that was my first.

Actually, I’m adding it to my list. “Final Fantasy: M”

My first FF was … the first FF. Red Mage guy was awesome and cool because sword or spell he always had an answer.

I like my SF chars the same way: jack of all trades and master of none.

FF3 (6) still the best though.

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This slander will not stand.


If it makes you feel any better, mystic quest is like the sonic 06 of final fantasy games. It’s so awful it sometime has charm.

But it’s still awful.

(Note: I can do sonic tier lists too, but the F tier will be a lot bigger)

Funny enough, I don’t have as much experience with the FF series as I thought. I liked Mystic Quest, but that probably stems from it being fun to me as a kid. Phantasy Star was my preferred RPG back then.

I’ve always wanted to play a phantasy star game, but never have.

FF is one of my favorite series, so I’m almost honor bound to try whatever they do with it. I’m that way about a few other series too such as Sonic and Mega Man.

I could list Nintendo games too, but they are of all consistently high quality that there’s nothing really to discuss. You wind up ranking tiers of excellence.

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FF8 really was the worst though. In a series with a very high bar set for nonsense, 8 just pisses all over any respect for the player.

Hi, this whole party of random strangers was actually all a single kindergarten class at one point, and somehow everyone just completely forgot about it, except the one person who remembered everything but didn’t think it was worth mentioning.

And that is not even the dumbest part… :slight_smile:


I’m at work and posting from my phone. So really can’t give FFVII both barrels right now.


FF 13-2 is probably the most underrated final fantasy game ever.

So many people didn’t play it because they hated ff13.

The soundtrack is ff13 and 13-2 ranks up there with ff7 and ff10’s soundtrack.

If you like Aerith’s Theme and To Zanarkand, you’ll enjoy the ff 13 and ff13-2 sound tracks.


What’s weird about that? I visited my hometown after 10 years and can’t remember 90% of my high school class.

I would’ve played the crap out of phantasy star. The intro to 3 left quite an impression on me.

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For me it goes FFIV - FFVI - jumbled mess of the rest of them with FFXII being kind of high on the list for some reason.

I’m a big enough FF dork that if I hear the right rendition of Prologue and I’m in the right mood it legit brings a tear to my eye.

I have an odd affection for FFXIII-3 because it is the closet I ever got to a 360 era Valkyrie Profile. I fucking hate XIII in general though.

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The little I’ve played of FFXIII-2 is far more enjoyable than the first game.

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