SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

MvC2 helped tournaments stay afloat for near 10 years.

MvC3 got dropped like a hot potato after 5 years.

Hell you could tell in the commentary of that, slowly but surely, Yipes was remembering how ass this game is. The whole thing plays like a meme version of 2 without the good parts.


I think MVC3 would’ve ended up much better off if it had gotten the patch that was planned. Supposedly it had tons of changes, but they couldn’t push it through because the license expired. That was what Yipes said.

Pert, what’s your take on DBFZ? I don’t think I ever heard what you thought about it.


MvC3 badly needed that patch. I think the game was really good, but the sort of degeneracy it devolves into wasn’t very interesting. I think a few tweaks could have easily fixed a lot of it though.


I think MvC3 needed to get rid of the whole “get hit once and your character is dead” thing for it to be enjoyable for me… I’ve never liked that aspect of the game.

Its the main reason why, despite its many shortcomings, I prefer to play MvCI a lot more (personally I would still wanna trim the bnb combos down to MvC2 levels, where they were relatively short and didnt kill on first hit, with the exception of infinites of course).

Edit: never heard of this supposed balance patch MvC3 never got, what was it rumored to change in the game?


It was going to nerf a lot of the top-tiers, buff weaker characters, and reduce the damage to X-Factor.

I remember when a lot of players were talking about it back when MVC3 was active, but a lot of people assumed it was a rumor. After MVCI was announced, Yipes had elaborated on it.

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You wouldn’t even need a lot of nerfs (some obviously). I think you could have done a lot by weakening Xfactor (again), reducing meter gain, and deleting TAC (because it’s a garbage/awful mechanic that has lead to nothing but problems).


I wanted to like it but 90% of the cast is literally on the same gameplan. The ones that aren’t all suck dicks. So be on the gameplan or go suck dicks really. I don’t even know what get nerfs or why it matters.

“We buffed this guy so you can try and throw a non-beam projectile and get blown up any ways for your trouble.”

If you ignore all of the saiyans (minus Broly), the game is way cooler. Beerus, Yamcha, Hit, Fat Buu are all neat characters. After that there’s a bunch that just did the same thing as some other characters just not as good. android 18 had crazy mix ups, a command grab and apparently she was ass for a long time because other people were better at doing her gameplan because a lot of people have the same gameplan.

So basically the game is ass. Sure high level play is cool to watch, but I can watch anything high level and get hype because its the finals of a competition. But you can only watch somebody block a low for 10 seconds and keep an eye for the one overhead special or square dash before you wanna blow your brains.



Kolin eats Falke for breakfast. I love it when Falkes in fucking upper diamond try to hit me at some high jump in angle with that shit stick. Sure bro I totally can’t V-Skill from like half screen away hehehheee

Sakura is way better, but she still has too many problem matchups. Cody/gief/Falke getting buffed the way they did is terrible for her and akuma/birdie/rashid still exist. She does better against guile and menat so it’s not all bad.

I just want to say I like DBFZ and think it’s the second best fighting game this gen behind Killer Instinct.

So yeah.


Falke with down-charge PP and back-charge fireball sounds like a thing Capcom could do.

The last time we talked about this Vesuvius brought up that dumb ass video of the Anakaris infinte.

But but but MvC2 iS a ToD GaMe!

MvC2 is a “certain hits under certain conditions will kill you” game. When you look at high level footage, you’re gonna notice really fast how much time people spend playing midscreen and trying to get the one relevant hit. A lot of the God 4 can’t really kill you off of any one single hit. The closest is Storm but she needs to have 2 bars and Sentinel as her DHC partner (this happens a lot but if you snapback a character, you fuck up the order of their team and ability to do it). Cable can do it if you spend 3-4 bars for it. Between snapbacks and safe DHCs, Cable doing it consistently to 3 characters in a row isn’t really going to happen (and when you look at match footage, it basically doesn’t).

What’s funny is that the one true ToD character, Iron Man, is slowly gaining some favor, but he still has a lot of drawbacks to him. You can’t really play him on point because he isn’t great navigating screen. He doesn’t have a safe DHC, or as good a tridash as Storm or Magneto. He can convert from really crazy places though. So even though it can factor in, the true ToD character of the game doesn’t have enough.

Then you also have the assists. MvC2 is full of great fucking assists. MvC3 is full of doo doo assists that were combo extensions 95% of the time. Not only that, but the assists that helped you anti air didn’t really come back. That’s why Zero gets to fly around like an idiot for 30 seconds. They made beam assists better but overall they don’t really help you do a gameplan outside of Doom rockets (which was also a combo extender).

So yeah, MvC3 is the meme version of MvC2 in every way. Because of that its kind of scrubbier for it too. If you have Zero or Wolverine on deck, you just hit some normals at random, something good will accidentally happen because its virtually impossible not to combo some shit in that game. You want to deal really crazy damage? Don’t worry, almost all characters are going to do 70% by themselves.

That one random hit comboing into stuff is why I fell off from skullgirls. Some dude hits me with a j.lk in the air and gets a full combo into an 8 way mix up. Aight. if I wanted to deal with that shit I could just go back to MvC3 and die faster.

You know how rare perfects were in MvC2? I’ve seen all of 3, maybe 4 in the 18 years of that game. You know how shitty MvC3 is? I’ve gotten one on it.

MvC3 can go kick rocks. Shitty fucking game.




I finally have an idea of how my posts look when I rail against FFVII. Keep fighting the good fight man.

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Is it time for Final Fantasy Tier Lists?

I’m good at those…



Dont care what anyone says UMVC3 was a fun game that emphasized movement and screen control so you wouldnt get touched to death.


I love FF7.

It isnt great but the gamw is this amazing memory for me. Nothing will ever compare to seeing the opening sequence from it and watching gaming transition into 3D. It was literally playing the future.

Probably my favorite FF and all due to personal reasons. Discussing FFs is silly. Only thing we can say conclusively is that 8 is ass. If your favorite is 8, then your probably a chick who loves convoluted romance bullshit. Literally every broad in my school who liked FF thought 8 was the best. FF8 = FF Lifetime


I like FF8 a lot, but fully understand why people don’t. I like it because its the sort of game that lets you really optimize a run through of the game. It’s one of the few FF games I like almost purely for the gameplay. The story is a mess, but it still has some good bits.


The minmaxing in 8 is crazy. I have a savd file of it waiting to be finished but I lost my 4th disc.

Oh well.